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OpenVPN not working using UDP

I'm running OpenVPN on OpenWrt behind my ISP-provided NAT/gateway. I added a rule to forward TCP/UDP port number 1194 to my VPN server on the NAT. Everything works for TCP, but UDP does not seem to ...
jnasworld223's user avatar
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Networking: NAT two interfaces together on Windows

I have the following setup: Openvpn client (Linux) (Openvpn IP Openvpn client (Windows) (Openvpn IP Openvpn server (Linux) (Openvpn IP Now, both clients ...
twit's user avatar
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what is the most stable and fastest tunnel for a VPN? [closed]

i live in Iran and is all u guys know our goverment is limiting the access to the internet and they are really getting serious about this. so what the situation is right now : first of all we cant ...
Alibz's user avatar
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Routing Traffic from OpenVPN Server -> Local Network -> OpenVPN Client

So I have a PFsense box running on my home network. I set up PIA as the a VPN client using this tutorial found here as well as a helpdesk article from PIA themselves. After getting that all setup I ...
Alex Lowe's user avatar
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openvpn server does not route traffic from clients to private network

UPDATE: it should have been instead of now it works ORIGINAL QUESTION: i have multiple hosts running in private network one of them is my openvpn-server and ...
Yevgeniy M.'s user avatar
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How to forward openvpn/wireguard to another wirdguard interface without modifying global route table?

I have one wireguard interface wg_vpn, but I don't want it to be global, so I add the line "Table = off" to the wg_vpn.conf to prevent wg-quick to modify the route table. I also have an ...
jackyyy's user avatar
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ASUS Router VPN Client not masking IPs

I am currently trying to set up 2 routers in my home network, one of which is connected to a VPN to mask the IP of any device in its subnet as seen below: The VPN is definitely set up correctly, as ...
Mavial's user avatar
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OpenVPN server to access all server via IP Private from local

I have 22 servers, where all servers have IP Private I installed OpenVPN on ubuntu server, I want to access all server via IP Private from my local laptop. On the ...
Junos's user avatar
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Applying NAT only when routing to gateway

I have an OpenVPN server running behind a cable modem/router. I'm unable to add routes to this gateway. Connections to the server are good. I've attempted to setup internet routing through the VPN ...
mbozrc's user avatar
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OPENVPN server windows 10 NAT and firewall setup

I have problem with ping and File and Printer Sharing.The only way is disable firewall in the server. This is my configuration of the openvpn server: port 1194 proto udp dev tun dev-node VPNserver ...
DarkPhoinix's user avatar
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Harpin NAT rules do not work for OpenVPN server on USG

I'm trying to reach my OpenVPN server deployed into an USG. The USG has a WAN with IP address This was is named in the router eth2. Running sudo tcpdump -ni eth2 dst host ...
Mazzy's user avatar
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Trying to get OpenVPN to work on a internal network (Not NAT on server)

Not sure how well I can describe my issue, so sorry if something doesn't come across as correct I have a OpenVPN server hosted at home, I have it setup and connecting fine from my phone where it gets ...
Thomas PomTom Steel's user avatar
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OpenVPN redirect-gateway no Internet access

i know this is asked like hundred times before, but i'm using as a VPN server a windows 10 machine. so the problem is that i dont have Internet access when i include the push "redirect-gateway" on ...
Sollekram dakap's user avatar
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DMZ (Portforwarding) in OpenVPN

I am running an self-hosted openvpn server with few clients. I want to expose 1 client to the external network, how can I do that? I see similar option in paid admin panel, but I'm using the free ...
Sadi's user avatar
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OpenVPN over ssh tunnel

I'm trying to connect to my home network using OpenVPN. My router is behind the ISP's router so I'm having a double NAT problem (IP address on WAN port of my router is 10.x.x.x). ISP cannot provide me ...
hurlenko's user avatar
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How do I remotely connect to my home router over a VPN, if there's another router with the same local IP in the local network?

I'm running an OpenVPN server on a raspberry pi ( at home. I'm at a friend's house and his router has the same local ip as my router at home ( I want to access my home router....
AFusco's user avatar
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Openvpn issue with reconnection and multiple clients in the same NAT

I have a Openvpn server inside my home network allowing access from outside. The setup is working but I still have two problems with it. First when I loose VPN connection an try to reconnect ...
AGrzes's user avatar
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Cannot connect to OpenVPN within double NAT network

I recently setup a PFSense router behind my existing DDWRT (with Wifi) router. I'm trying to learn the ropes of PFSense so this double NAT situation is necessary. I setup an OpenVPN server on the ...
AeglosGreenleaf's user avatar
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OpenVPN gateway without NAT

I'm trying to setup a transparent VPN gateway to a remote network, on the remote network there is an OpenVPN server and on the local network an OpenVPN client acting as gateway. The diagram shows the ...
hchinchilla's user avatar
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OpenVPN on local network

I have installed OpenVPN on a Raspberry PI (server: and on my Ubuntu laptop (client: Both machines are connected to the same wireless network and have their addresses ...
Jono's user avatar
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Routing and OpenVPN

Need help configuring the route to internal LAN. I need to access my internal network when connected to my OpenVPN Router. I can access Internal LAN1, which is directly connected to OpenVPN Router ...
AdamK's user avatar
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How to access SOHO when provider gives private IP address on 4G/LTE network Modem

I have a new connection that has been working for 6 months at my SOHO. This connection is on 4G LTE at about 45M/12M. Before that I had a DSL with a fixed IP running at about 10M/1M but I want to stop ...
Meloman's user avatar
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Run servers behind double-nat or firewall using OpenVPN

I have the following: A laptop behind double-NAT or Firewall A Cloud Server with full access to the outside world (AWS/Azure etc.) that I can install an OpenVPN Server on On my laptop I run various ...
Molten Ice's user avatar
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How to remote access IP cam through VPN by iPhone

iPhone <--[pfSense]OpenVPN--> IP Cam Remote network: (iPhone) pfSense OpenVPN server: Local network: IP Cam: What i want: a) Block all outgoing ...
frankyfranky's user avatar
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VPN server behind a NAT without port forwarding

I installed the SoftEther VPN server on a raspberry pi which is connected via LAN behind a NAT/Firewall. The client should be an Android as well as an iOS device and should access the server from the ...
testVPN's user avatar
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IPTables -- Forwarding to Attached Client but keep source IP

Here's my scenario: I have a VPS that has two IP addresses and is running OpenVPN (IP Address of OpenVPN server: I want to forward all received traffic on ONE address to VPN-client (10.1....
Trecius Veil's user avatar
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Create Private Network based on TOR

I have a home server with deployed OpenStack and few cool services that I use, everything is inside my home network. I wanted to use this service outside the home network. I started with hamachi and ...
Mazeryt's user avatar
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disable NAT in openvpn

I'm having a similar problem to this: OpenVPN without NAT Seems it wasn't answered yet. Description of my situation: I have an openvpn server on network A which another admin installed before he ...
Hans's user avatar
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What are the security risks of connecting to a VPN?

Does connecting to a shared-IP VPN expose local ports to other users of the same VPN server? Does a VPN tunnel neutralize the protection offered by a NAT router? Are local ports reachable from a ...
alexei's user avatar
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OpenVPN sans port forwarding on unfriendly networks

I have a problem. I'm about to move onto campus right in the middle of the semester. For a student, I have a complicated network setup where all of my systems are reliant on NAS and all of them VPN ...
Wolvenmoon's user avatar
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Multiple network interfaces with the same local IP address

I run several VPN connections that give me different external IP addresses. But these VPN servers often give me the same local IP address. So I can end up with the following configuration: eth0 [...
alexpirine's user avatar
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OpenVPN connect to server not accessible from internet

My ISP sucks at IPv4, so they are NAT'ting one public IPv4 to multiple customers (they call that DSLite). The problem is: I can't open ports for incoming connections. My public IP can't even be pinged ...
NoMad's user avatar
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Pinging an external server through OpenVPN tunnel doesn’t work

I have an OpenVPN server and a client, and I want to use this tunnel to access not only but the whole internet. So far, pinging the server from the client through the tun0 interface works, ...
qdii's user avatar
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peer to peer software vpn solutions?

Looking for a software based way to create a vpn for sales guys that will automatically reconnect if dropped (setup pptp dialin for moment but doesnt autoreconnect). I'm aware of Hamachi which is ...
DuPie's user avatar
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