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Why does adding CPU cores make programs run faster?

Intel currently offers a 5.5GHz CPU, which represents the number of instructions the CPU can execute over time. If a CPU has more than one core, it can execute more than one process at a time. However,...
Julius Hamilton's user avatar
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How is hyper threading more efficient? [duplicate]

I read a lot about Hyper threading and how it works. One thing I still can't 'digest' is how is it more efficient than not using hyper threading at all? Hyper-Threading is where two threads are able ...
Stefan Jankovic's user avatar
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How does cores/logical cores handle the threads [duplicate]

I have this whining question on my head, which stuck me for days. Correct me if I'm wrong: My aspect on computer architecture and organisation is that, In early day computers, there was a single ...
Neminda Prabhashwara's user avatar
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Is there a significant issue to allocating all available cores to one VM if that is the only major task running?

I have a one-off task that requires me to use a VM to fix a build bug a software project using SCons (Python). The testing cycle is fairly short, resulting in frequent rebuilds. I'm using a 4-core ...
user3.1415927's user avatar
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2 answers

Threads (versus cores) and rated CPU clock speed, what is the effect?

If my CPU is rated at 2GHz, and has 4 cores supporting 8 threads, are all 8 threads running at the rated clock speed? Or are they running at 1GHz each since there are twice as many threads as cores?
posfan12's user avatar
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3 answers

Why is my laptop both dual core and quad core at the same time [duplicate]

I bought an Alienwaremx14 with the following specifications , it is clearly stated here that my CPU is dual core However when i open Window task manager , I was shocked to find out I had four CPU ...
Computernerd's user avatar
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4 answers

Why are the number of cores in a processor normally even

Whenever i look at specifications of the processor , the number of cores is always 2 , 4 ,8 . Is there any reasons why the number of cores are always even and not odd like 3 , 5 , 7
Computernerd's user avatar
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Choosing which core to use when running a program

I work on a Fedora server running on an Intel Xeon with 15 cores. Some users are running simulations that take up four of the cores, but others seem to be unused. Is there a way I can have a program ...
lesolorzanov's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How do you get more cores?

Are you able to gain cores? I bought The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim without looking at the specs. I need at least a dual core processor but I only have a single core processor.
Karl Paige's user avatar
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Oddity about declared multi-core CPU power?

I am having quite a hard time in understanding the output of cat /proc/cpuinfo on two 4-core Linux boxes here at work. Basically I am running algorithm experiments on the two machines (let's name them ...
tunnuz's user avatar
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14 votes
4 answers

Is there a simple UNIX command for finding out how many cores I have to work with?

I've got an Ubuntu VM on my Mac. Is there a command I can run in Ubuntu that will tell me how many cores I have to work with? I could do "about this mac" on the host, but I'm not sure how well the ...
Kirt's user avatar
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1 answer

Processor advertised with 2 cores but PC shows 4 cores

I recently purchased an Intel i5-650 processor. On the Intel site, this the technical specifications show that the processor should only have two cores.
Thomas's user avatar
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Multiple CPU cores in Virtual Box

When I was using Virtual Box in Windows 7, I could choose how many CPU cores to assign to the guest OS. Now I'm using Linux, and when I installed Virtual Box, I couldn't find that option. System ...
tony_sid's user avatar
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Triple core: a black sheep?

Is there any architectural disadvantage in a triple core processor compared to a dual or quad core? For example, does a triple core imply some architectural dissymetry that impacts performance? P.S. ...
Neil Coffey's user avatar