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Batch converting csv files to xls on a Mac

I would like to convert all the csv files in a directory to xls files. Nick T posted this code here How to batch convert .csv to .xls/xlsx import os import glob import csv import xlwt # from http://...
user1504686's user avatar
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Import CSV file with double quotes

I have a csv file and I want to import to my MS Excel. In the csv files, some row have very long text with new line characters, therefore, I have to use double quotes for these text. When previewing, ...
lenhhoxung's user avatar
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Excel 2010 does not save in correct file type

Whenever I try to save a spreadsheet as 'CSV (Comma delimited) (*.csv)' it appears to save itself as a CSV but has not actually converted the file type. As a test, to make sure I wasn't going crazy, ...
Jd S's user avatar
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Is it possible to set Excel import preferences

I have to work with data exported from SQL Server as a CSV. The CSV file contains embedded linefeed characters, for example: Jane Doe, 123 Main Street{LF}Apt B, Anytown, NY, 10010{CR}{LF} When the ...
mrblint's user avatar
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My keyboard swaps comma for fullstop, but only when using MS Excel or W10 Calculator

So, if I enter a dollar value, for instance, it enters into Excel as $123,45 not $123.45. As you can imagine, this causes havoc with csv files. If I use the .(>) key above Alt, Excel won't do math ...
Bevan's user avatar
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How do I automatically remove nonstandard elements from fields in a .csv file? (see description)

I have an enormous contacts file in .CSV format with about 15,200 entries. Many entries are nonstandard, repeating the email address in the first name field or something like this. I want to ...
David Geer's user avatar
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Why is my csv file changed when downloaded?

I have a problem while displayinh a .csv file a friend of mine sent to me online. Ineed, it used to be much more simpler tnat the screenshot below. What can I do to retrieve the original file ?
Revolucion for Monica's user avatar
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How can I make a Stacked Column graph of this data in Excel?

I have a CSV file that was output from a program and I am trying to create a Stacked Column graph in Excel of the data, but the default suggested graphs have the data interpreted wrong and on the ...
user1967777's user avatar
4 votes
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How to save double quotes and semicolon in a csv file while opening the file in excel 2010?

I receive a CSV file from sever. The data inside it is delimited by semicolon and it is in UTF-8 format. For example, the data what we receive is: "NL 我喜"" mutilple""我喜" When we open it for the ...
NJMR's user avatar
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Cannot import .csv file with unicode characters to Excel

I have a .csv file which has Unicode characters when I want to import it to Excel, it shows some garbage instead of the Unicode characters. I googled and found some tips but did not work for me. ...
Abdul Raheem Ghani's user avatar
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How can I automatically import csv files into SQL Server?

My goal Automated aggregation of data so that I can use a tool (Microsoft Power BI or equivalent) to automatically update dashboards and or reports with the new data. The situation I work with an ...
Zuntaruk's user avatar
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18 votes
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Excel save behaviour of CSV file with UTF8 encoding vs UTF8-Bom encoding

My original csv files are encoded with UTF8-BOM, this is so Excel can recognise the Unicode charcters (If its just encoded with UTF8 then Excel does not recognise the unicode characters). My issue ...
user2945722's user avatar
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csv file imported to windows from linux

I wonder why is there a difference for both of the csv files mentioned below. I got a table.csv file in Linux, after I send it out as attachment in mail then save and open it in my windows excel ...
ExcelNovice's user avatar
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Convert CSV file to import into lotus notes

I have a csv file with 51 fields that I need to import using quotation marks and a space for each new record. I am totally new to this and have looked at the CHAR 34 concatenation. Is this the best ...
Gwen's user avatar
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vba outlook save attachments in csv format

I'm trying to save a spreadsheet attachment in CSV format. I can trigger the process when a spreadsheet attachment is found but I'm having a hard time combining that with a conversion script which ...
Driven's user avatar
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Getting trailing zero in csv file for 15 digit number [duplicate]

I am having a column in csv with 15 digits with value 1234567812345678 but it always coverts the last digit with zero 1234567812345670. I have formatted them as number.
maxspan's user avatar
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How can I split multiple lines text/paragraphs into different columns in excel spreadsheet

I got almost 2000 articles that I have to post in WordPress site through csv file. I want to delimit every article to each cell which were separated by a comma. But I'm unable to get the result as my ...
dan's user avatar
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Convert a csv to excel file with file paths

I have a csv file that looks like this : Attribute_1_0, Attribute_2_0, file_Path_0 Attribute_1_1, Attribute_2_1, file_Path_1 But I would like to convert it to an xls file and translate the file ...
user3714670's user avatar
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How to Disable Auto-Formatting of All Column Values when opening CSV Files in Microsoft Excel [duplicate]

How can I stop Microsoft Excel from auto formatting data when imported from a csv/text file? Specifically, I want it to treat all of the values as text. The files come to me as tab delimited text ...
Patty Eilers's user avatar
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Extract all URLs from CSV /Excel file and put it in a separate column

I have a csv file. When I open the csv file in Microsoft excel, I have a column. Each cell in the column has number of paragraphs. each paragraph has many URLs. I am looking to extract all URLs in ...
Ali_2017's user avatar
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Trying to convert .xls into .csv that have different delimiters than excel 2010 is automatically saving it as

I'm trying to get a .csv file with this exact format to be used in a statistical analysis in metaboanalyst (this is a list of concentrations of metabolites from ...
Alan Dazay's user avatar
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CSV files downloaded from limesurvey are displaying strangely in MS Excel 2016

I administered a questionnaire using limesurvey and downloaded the responses in csv format to analyse in R. For some reason, the column names are displaying very weirdly in excel. I have tried Data -->...
KirstyK's user avatar
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Issue saving SQL query results in Excel

My query results look like this in SQL Server. EmpBarr has string with multiple values that must be double quoted and comma delimited. id EmpBarr 6928108 "ELL","LII","LLL" When I copy the ...
kaur's user avatar
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Deleting all line breaks between two matching variables in notepad++

So I am trying to ultimately make a table out of a whole bunch of text, but it's giving me a headache. Basically here is an idea of what is going on: matchingvariablelengthupccode1 ...
Areck Degeneffe's user avatar
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Creating a website CSV

Im building a webshop, and asked a wholesale for a datafeed import for all my products. They did not have it so im wondering if i could create my own. Ive got all the information except discriptions. ...
anton's user avatar
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How can I dynamic change separators configuration in Excel 2016 for CSV files?

I've a CSV file opened with Excel. This file use comma separators (,) but the default separator for Excel (with European configuration) is a semicolon (;). Note: I know in America they use a comma ...
H. Pauwelyn's user avatar
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How can I convert PDF bank statements to a Excel or CSV file?

I am just doing my UK tax return (Yes I have left it until the last minute). My bank (Nationwide) will only let me download the last 15 months of transactions as a CSV file, but will let me download ...
Ian Ringrose's user avatar
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Excel Does Not Parse Quoted String containing comma in CSV File Correctly

I have a CSV file that with quoted string that contains comma. When I open it in excel it still uses the comma inside the strings and parse it in different columns. Can someone help? T7, 7, "331-8463 ...
DigitalNomad's user avatar
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Is it possible to make Excel auto-filter case sensitive?

I have a CSV file I opened with Excel 2013 because I wanted to find errors in a specific column. Here is an extract of data: "ID";"LANGUAGE";"TYPE";"NAME";"ACTIVE";"CITY";"POSTAL_CODE";"...
рüффп's user avatar
15 votes
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Excel often save .csv files as tab delimited format. What happened?

I never know how that may happen. I really really hate it. That's because my program counts on csv files being csv. And I never know, until now, how can my csv file becomes tab delimited format ...
user4951's user avatar
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Excel: Convert to Txt Comma Separator With a Tab Deliminator File

I had a text file that used a comma separation value. I imported the file into Excel, used Text to Columns, and changed to a tab deliminator, so I can work on the file. I've completed the work on ...
Jesse MacDougall's user avatar
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Import CSV data with units into Excel

I've got a bunch of CSV files that contain values with trailing units. This makes Excel think it's text so I can't sum them in a pivot table. The data looks something like this: Date; Text; Amount; ...
Raniz's user avatar
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Convert multiple excel worksheets to .csv

I found this macro for converting multiple excel worksheet in a workbook to individual named .csv files, but don't know how to remove the workbook name from the converted file name. I'm sure its ...
phantasm79's user avatar
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Russian UTF-8 tab delimited csv file saved from Excel 2016 is garbage in text editor

There is an option in Excel 2016 to export as a UTF-8 comma delimited CSV file. I don't want commas between fields- i want tabs. I save the file as a tab-delimited txt file. In the Save As ...
Deersfeet's user avatar
6 votes
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How to make excel open CSV files and automatically split the comma delimited column?

I get these reports everyday in CSV format. In the previous version of excel (2007) when I opened these files they were already split into columns. Now with the latest version it isn't. Where is this ...
Erin Walker's user avatar
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Conversion from Excel to CSV Correct Cells with Errors

I have a lot of cells which I want them to be formatted as texts. However according to Excel they are not texts and hence should be corrected to numbers instead. For example, "6814070833E000101" is a ...
HNSKD's user avatar
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Imported CSV file into Excel but cannot convert the numerals from TEXT to a usable number format in order to calculate sums

I've imported a CSv file into excel - but the numbers are in a TEXT which I cannot use in calculations How can I convert the numerals into a usable format to complete calculations ?
Shaun Borstrock's user avatar
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How to combine line items without losing unique fields in excel?

I am currently working with a spreadsheet that has a unique student id as the first heading. Each student has one or more emergency contacts. Each emergency contact has their own set of phone numbers. ...
user2884621's user avatar
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Office Excel 2011 for Mac : when exporting an excel sheet to csv, around 25000 empty csv lines get added

so when saving as windows csv and press save i get the actual data: 1,1,2, then i get around 25'000 lines: ,,, ,,, ,,, ,,, ,,, ,,, .... when i do the same with libre office i get only the data, no ...
Toskan's user avatar
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Convert large PDFs to CSV

I have some very large PDFs with comma separated text inside of them. I assume they are PDFs instead of CSV or XML because they were encrypted, but either way I've got the PDFs decrypted and I need to ...
Premier Bromanov's user avatar
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How to Avoid rounding off when converting from CSV to Excel?

As far as I know (") double quotes are used in the CSV file and who opening the file in Excel it should treat that as Text and all the numbers should displayed. My actual CSV file value is: 1,026....
Vikram's user avatar
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Number formatted as text keeps reverting to scientific notation in Excel

I am creating a large file in Excel that contains two columns with large numbers. I am formatting these columns (actually the entire worksheet) as TEXT. When I save the file as .xlsx and open it ...
War Eagle's user avatar
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Find common columns (same column name/header but different positions) from two or more excel worksheets

I have excel worksheets (csv format) from different clients, where first row of all worksheets contain the column names. However, the order and number of columns in each worksheet can be different. ...
xkcd's user avatar
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Excel Text Import Wizard Default Delimiter

Within the Text import Wizard, the default delimiter is TAB. Is it possible to permanently modify this default to be a comma? Don't be tempted to think that this is a duplicate question. Neither this ...
KDM's user avatar
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Excel and CSV is converting my telephone number to not have +

I have tried several tricks and none of them are working I have telephone numbers +4 55 555 555 555 and in Excel the cells that have the little green triangle warning sign, they loose the +4 and then ...
Faste's user avatar
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How to deal with lines starting with '=' in Excel?

I want to obtain a simple CSV file that looks like this: Filename,Value1,Value2 filename1.ext,0.38,0.44 filename2.ext,0.60,0.50 ... However, -unfortunately- some of my filenames start with = and ...
jeff's user avatar
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Excel: format first/last name to "lastname.firstinitial" format

I have exported a CSV of a list of employees. In cell A1 (the name format is the complete first name, space and then the complete last name). How do I make a cell with complete last, underscore then ...
RobbieCee's user avatar
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Editing CSV file in Excel always converts number column to scientific notation [duplicate]

I have a CSV file that I'm editing in Excel 2013. In the file there is a column that contains numbers e.g 688087123456789. Everytime I open the CSV file in Excel, it converts the number to scientific ...
jmc's user avatar
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Why does Excel display these CSV files differently? One with Quotes One Without

I have two csv files and they appear the same when I look at them in a text editor like notepad++. However, when I open them both in Excel (2003 at this moment) one of them shows double quotes in ...
Adam Heeg's user avatar
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Default character encoding for Excel Text Wizard?

A large part of my job is to run an SQL query, save the results as a UFT-8 encoded csv file then import it into Excel for further manipulation and distribution. When I import the csv file into Excel ...
Donna A's user avatar
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