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2 answers

Excel 2007 save import steps on csv file?

I have a csv file that constantly needs opened into Excel and then have the data copied over to a separate workbook. I find the process of having to click through all of the dialogs, setting the text ...
Chris Marisic's user avatar
5 votes
5 answers

How to set a character limit and remove characters over that limit excel 2007

I have to provide a CSV file for a telephone system with names and numbers on for a directory. The numbers cannot contain any spaces, and the names must be 20 characters max. I have a list of names/...
falter's user avatar
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44 votes
3 answers

How do you change default delimiter in the Text Import in Excel?

I want to import a CSV file to Excel. The CSV file has comma separated data (go figure), but the delimiter in the Text Import Wizard is set to "Tab" by default. How can I change the default to "Comma" ...
Lars's user avatar
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1 answer

How to automatically merge a .xls file and a .csv file to one Excel sheet?

I have an Excel sheet in .xls file. I want to merge it with a .csv file, so that the data in the .csv file will be added starting from the first empty row in .xls. I want to be able to do it ...
Igor's user avatar
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How to automatically convert CSV file to XLS file with filters and formatting of the top row?

I have a big CSV file (10,000s of rows). How can I automatically convert it to an XLS file which will have Filters and some formatting (color, font) on the top row?
Igor's user avatar
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How to add time duration column total from Skype Call History CSV file in Excel 2010?

How to add time duration column total from Skype Call History CSV file in Excel 2010? These are my exact steps on how to set up my Excel spreadsheet. How to import Skype Call History CVS in Excel ...
XP1's user avatar
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How to set character encoding when opening a CSV file in Excel?

Is it possible to set the default encoding for Excel (any version, e.g. 2010) when opening files like csv files (like you can in Open Office Calc)? I When I try to open a csv file encoded in Japanese ...
LozzerJP's user avatar
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Disable commas (,) in an entire Excel file

What's the most efficient way to disable saving of fields with commas in an entire Excel file? One approach could be to use Data Validation, and the other could be to validate all fields using a macro ...
Jaywalker's user avatar
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3 answers

How to visualize/graph a massive dataset?

I have a CSV file of data collected using Performance Monitor. It collected CPU usage at 5 second intervals for two weeks. I need to be able to graph or visual the data in a way that'll help me ...
Chris Thompson's user avatar
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How can I open a subset of a large (35MB) .xlsx file?

I have Ubuntu 10.04 running on a Dell Optiplex with 4GB of memory and two 3.16GHz processors. I received a 35MB spreadsheet. It opened in Gnumeric after 5 minutes with errors, and it hasn't opened ...
David LeBauer's user avatar
19 votes
5 answers

Why does excel always say "..may contain features that are not compatible with CSV" when saving a CSV file?

Every CSV I've ever tried to save from Excel (2010, anyway) says filename.csv may contain features that are not compatible with CSV (Comma delimited). Do you want to keep the workbook in this format?. ...
gregmac's user avatar
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1 answer

Disable comma (,) in Excel Field

One of our Web Applications gives the users the ability to add multiple items to our database using a CSV file. To do this, they enter their items into an Excel template and then export to CSV. ...
Lando's user avatar
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3 answers

Do multiple e-mail addresses need to be separated by a comma?

In CSV format, in an Excel spreadsheet or in a Word document, both having multiple email addresses with each address being in its own row and in a single column, is a comma REQUIRED after each address?...
Jack Benjamin's user avatar
67 votes
9 answers

How to force Excel to open CSV files with data arranged in columns

I generate a CSV file with an extension .csv in which every piece of data in one line is separated with a comma: 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 The file is sent via email and I want that when a customer opens it ...
Timofey's user avatar
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135 votes
7 answers

How can I stop Excel from eating my delicious CSV files and excreting useless data?

I have a database which tracks sales of widgets by serial number. Users enter purchaser data and quantity, and scan each widget into a custom client program. They then finalize the order. This all ...
atroon's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Excel Help: Data Input Help

Everyday I download data from a site that will have rows each filled with individual data for clients. I'm able to input the data into excel as a whole but after that I'm having trouble figuring out ...
B-Ballerl's user avatar
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2 answers

Can't save as CSV in Excel 2007

I have Excel 2007 and I can't save as CSV. Under "Save as type", it's just not even an option. Why is this?
Jason Swett's user avatar
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My computer isn't loading my massive Excel file…are there any tricks?

I have an 11,000 row Excel file (in Japanese) that I have saved as an xlsx file. I need it to be saved in UTF-8 format, so I went in and tested a few rows in OpenOffice (the reason for this apparent ...
Jerry's user avatar
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1 answer

Remove last n chars from a column in a CSV?

Is there a way in microsoft excel or open office calc to remove the last n chars from a field. Lets say all fields in one column are 31 chars long and I want to remove the last 6 chars. Is there ...
Chris's user avatar
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3 answers

Commas in Comma Delimited Files

I have a SQL export that is comma delimited, but some of the data has commas in it. Is there any way to fix this? I'm guessing I am going to have to re-export the data with a different delimiter.
xxl3ww's user avatar
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5 answers

Comma separated values (literally, not csv) in the same cell in excel, put in individual cells

I have a column of cells in excel which contain mails, some only contain one mail as they should but others, have more than one email per cell in this format: [email protected], [email protected], three@...
Trufa's user avatar
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1 answer

Excel: preserve italics in CSV export?

I'm looking for a way to preserve italicized text when exporting from XLSX to CSV. I know CSV doesn't support styled text, but I'm wondering if anyone knows of a workaround. For instance, does Excel ...
handsofaten's user avatar
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What is the least-error-prone way to share CSV data?

One of my jobs is to upload product data to the company store. The data is initially pulled from the company database by my supervisor, and she puts it into an Excel spreadsheet and exports as CSV. I ...
kallenboone's user avatar
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Looking to append a tab separated line from word to excel with a macro

Or something.... Word is integrated with our software so it does only one account at a time. Each tab separated line is formatted like: name address acct# dob amtdue For each account I have to load ...
gpryatel's user avatar
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Merging cells in Excel 2007 because the web exporter is a punk

I have to use a web site to export data in XLS format, to be converted to CSV, to be dumped into a MySQL database. My problem is that this POS exporter treats carriage returns in the original data as ...
Drew's user avatar
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Getting Excel to handle CRLF's correctly in CSV

I am creating CSV files to be opened in Excel. The rows are separated by CRLF and that's fine, but some of the input data contains CRLF data in it as well. Per the usual standards, I surround them ...
Ben Fulton's user avatar
120 votes
7 answers

How to open semicolon delimited CSV-files in US-version of Excel

When I double-click on a .csv file, it is opened in Excel. The csv-files have columns delimited with semicolons (not commas, but also a valid format). Using a German Windows/Excel setup, the opened ...
Holgerwa's user avatar
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158 votes
5 answers

Is it possible to paste CSV formatted data into Excel 2007?

I want to copy and paste CSV formatted text into Excel 2007. Is there a way of doing this without saving it to a temporary file first? I'm sure in previous versions of Excel there was a way to ...
therefromhere's user avatar
15 votes
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Saving a file in a CSV type in Excel always removes the BOM

I've been trying to find a reasonable solution/explanation (unsuccessfully) to find out why Excel defaults to removing the BOM when saving a file to the CSV type. Please forgive me if you find this a ...
rickp's user avatar
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4 answers

Difference between CSV in Excel and CSV in

There are different implementations of Comma Separated Values; two of them are Microsoft Excel and OpenOffice. Is there any difference between these CSV implementations? For example both can open ....
Hammad 's user avatar
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Export to csv options using Numbers

I'm using Numbers on my Mac at the moment and exporting to a CSV file. Is there a way to enclose every value with ""? For example I'm getting the csv file like this: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 When I want ...'s user avatar
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5 answers

How can I convert an ordinary text file to a .csv file, and import it to Excel?

I have a group of names and addresses that I would like to import into Outlook. At the moment I have imported them into Excel, but all names and addresses are in one long entry. All are already ...
Xavierjazz's user avatar
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3 answers

Automate Excel Text Import Wizard?

I receive files on occasion in a fixed width format. I need to import them into Excel but Excel doesn't perfectly pick up the columns. I can do it manually each time with the Text Import Wizard, but I'...
Dave Mackey's user avatar
1 vote
4 answers

XY Diagram/Data Browser for mid-sized CSV files

I have a set of CSV files with about a 100k records in them. The records need to be visualized in an x-y diagram. Specifically, I'm looking for: Seamless zooming in and out of the data Navigation ...
Johannes Rudolph's user avatar
125 votes
20 answers

How do you force excel to quote all columns of a CSV file?

Excel only places quotes around certain fields, how do I force excel to save a CSV file with quotes around every column?
Michael Shnitzer's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Excel to CSV comma delimited

When I try to save a long list in Excel as a CSV comma delimited it works for the first 17 rows and then stops. Why and how I can fix it? It puts commas after the data in the first 17 rows and then ...
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8 votes
1 answer

Break up a large CSV file

I have a large CSV file (about 6,000 rows) that I want to break up into smaller CSV files (about 100 rows each). Is there an easy way to do that?
nute's user avatar
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CSV to Excel sheet again

I have a problem. I know it's possible to make from a excel sheet a csv file delimited by comma's. But is there a way to transfer it back to a normal excel sheet with having back the same table ...
Chris's user avatar
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What filename extensions open in Excel on Windows?

If I save a text file on Windows as "foo.csv", it shows up with an Excel-style icon (with an "a," on it), and if I double-click it, it opens in Excel. This is really handy! Unfortunately, it doesn't ...
Ken's user avatar
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18 votes
3 answers

Excel: Is there a registry setting to suppress the warning messages when saving spreadsheets in CSV format?

I work with many CSV files, and am constantly annoyed by the Excel dialog that pops up when I try to save a file: "[your spreadsheet] may contain features that are not compatible with CSV (Comma ...
gw.'s user avatar
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16 votes
3 answers

Saving filtered results from an Excel workbook to a CSV file

I have an Excel workbook with a lot of rows in it. I filter it using the values of one column and then I want to save the filtered results to a CSV file. When I do "Save as..." I get all the rows. I ...
Niklas Winde's user avatar
2 votes
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Program to display CSV nicely from clipboard

I'm occationaly dealing with CSV files. I was wondering if there's a program that displays the CSV nicely in an Excel-like format (bonus for enabling sorting and searching) on the fly without saving ...
Elazar Leibovich's user avatar
17 votes
9 answers

How do I get Excel to import a CSV file with commas in some of the content fields?

How do I get Excel to import my CSV file? File I have a file claiming to be CSV. It contains 10 fields, all of which are surrounded by double quotes (yes, even the dates and numbers.) 2 or 3 of these ...
Rory Becker's user avatar
22 votes
5 answers

How can you make Excel 2007 stop formatting large numbers as scientific notation?

Kind of the inverse of this question. I frequently download CSVs from outside sources as part of my programming work. I like to examine their data in Excel because, let's face it, Excel is an ideal ...
John Rudy's user avatar
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Excel 2007 is converting CSV fields into formulas

I have a problem with a CSV file which has telephone numbers stored in their internationalized format (+1-800-555-1234). When opening this CSV in Excel 2007, it converts that data to a formula and ...
dlux's user avatar
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