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Questions tagged [mariadb]

SQL database that can be used as a "drop-in" replacement for MySQL

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Replication Error: 'Binary log is not open'

Heyho, I'm trying to set up a basic database replication from a MariaDB 5.5 master to a MariaDB 10 slave. Versions are non-negotiable, since I need the older version on the master and a multi-...
ainawing's user avatar
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Why !includedir means import file?

cat /etc/mysql/mariadb.cnf # Import all .cnf files from configuration directory !includedir /etc/mysql/conf.d/ ...
showkey's user avatar
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Cannot install RMariaDB on Ubuntu 18.04

I have tried many things and this is the error i get. It is similar when i try to install both RMariaDB and RMysql. g++ -std=gnu++11 -shared -L/usr/lib/R/lib -Wl,-Bsymbolic-functions -Wl,-z,relro -o ...
RacktheMan's user avatar
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MariaDB slave replication stopped after slave upgrade to 10.1.41

After the recent MariaDB 10.1.41 update which happened on 01/Aug/2019, few of our slaves have stopped syncing relay logs from master which is on 10.1.40. Slaves which got automatically updated to 10.1....
ViK aPi's user avatar
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Make MariaDB run on boot without networking

I am running a timer python program I made on a raspberry pi with raspbian. The idea is for the timer to start when the pi boots (systemd) and stop when the pi is unplugged. It saves to a MariaDB ...
menney's user avatar
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Connecting to a SQL database using a UDL

I am attempting to connect to a remote SQL server (MariaDB running on a Linux machine) on port 3308 using a UDL / data link file, since that is what another program I am using requires. However, I ...
Trevor Gross's user avatar
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MariaDB, tomcat connection pool access denied Error

First of all, I am sorry, I am not good at English. Hi! I have some problems about connecting mariaDB from Java web project using tomcat connection pool and JNDI. Here are Exception logs from ...
박찬준's user avatar
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Mariadb failover issue with a master/slave configuration

We have a replication (GTID based) setup as described below: ms1 = master mariaDB server (v. 10.3.13) ms2 = slave mariaDB server (v. 10.3.13) ms3 = MaxScale proxy (v. 2.3.8) >root@ms3 ~ # ...
Dionysis Hatzidakis's user avatar
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Issue changing column names when using Spoon/Kettle

I'm using Spoon (version 8.2) and I'm having an issue changing column names in a MySQL Query. For example, if I use this query: Select col1 AS ID, col2 AS Name ... FROM mytable; It returns rows ...
Rodrigo V's user avatar
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MySQL/MariaDB won't start

I recently updated mariadb on my server from the debian repository and now the sql server won't start. I think there could be a conflict with old packages as a result of the update, but am not sure ...
Jake Nabasny's user avatar
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MariaDB ERROR 2006 (HY000) only in information_schema database

I had a MariaDB server running fine on CentOS 7. I did a mysqldump and imported it on a different machine running the same software. I tried to query in "information_schema," and I got the following: ...
Mitch's user avatar
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systemctl and where programs are installed

I am on an amazon linux instance that is based afaict on centos : e.g. I have used sudo yum install -y mysql and sudo yum install -y postgresql While these did install without errors I do not ...
WestCoastProjects's user avatar
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*** buffer overflow detected *** in mariadb 10.3.11

We are getting Assertion failure every time memory usage of MySQL spikes up to overall system's memory. Every time Assertion failure reports different file in code location "/home/buildbot/buildbot/...
Sathish Kumar S's user avatar
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Restoring InnoDB-Table does not work

i have some issue while restoring data from ibd and ibdata-file. I had worked with these instructions, Recovering A Corrupt MySQL Database and it worked fine until I took a look at the data. The ...
user8651114's user avatar
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How to restore corrupted .IDB files on a MySQL server?

I currently have all the old .frm and .idb files from a MySQL server (actually the entire data directory). The server itself has been deleted by the user in his troubleshooting and he has installed a ...
singerm0's user avatar
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MariaDB won't work after moving database to external drive

Problem: MariaDB doesn't work after moving database to new location. Context: Connected external hard drive (NTFS) to Raspberry Pi and moved all MariaDB database files to folder on external drive, ...
symtek's user avatar
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Is it possible on mariadb/mysql to snapshop the db and revert it back later?

I know I can do a backup and revert it, but the goal is to use it for debug. I work with Drupal and often I have to debug code that will create/delete/edit data in the database, and then I have to ...
Mete's user avatar
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Installing NextCloud on Windows (IIS/PHP/MariaDB) [closed]

I'm having some problems installing NextCloud on Windows 10/2016... I'd tried also installing under XAMPP but NextCloud keeps failing to start... Anybody has some info/tutorials or know where to go ...
ZEE's user avatar
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MariaDB Server cannot start: "InnoDB: No valid checkpoint found."

After my VM server has fully crashed, and I do not know why, MariaDB on this Debian cannot be launched again. Content of error.log with log files: 2019-04-15 0:40:43 139787712552320 [Note] InnoDB: ...
Felix Stupp's user avatar
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Testlink new installation "DB Access Error - debug_print_backtrace() OUTPUT START"

Testlink error When I try to install Testlink on Workbench, this error occurs: DB Access Error - debug_print_backtrace() OUTPUT START ATTENTION: Enabling more debug info will produce path ...
Amina's user avatar
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Where to find library after mysql-connector-odbc installation?

CentOs7 Want to connect my Asterisk installation with MariaDB via mysql-connector-odbc driver. yum list installed | grep maria MariaDB-client.x86_64 10.4.4-1.el7.centos @...
rGA145's user avatar
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Mysql/Mariadb command concern

I'm running Ubuntu 18.0.4. I'm trying to sort my mariadb install. My understanding is mariadb still includes the "mysql" command line program. I have installed both mariadb-client mariadb-server, ...
ffejrekaburb's user avatar
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Is it possible to use NAS instead of AWS?

As a part of my university project, I aim to create a second classification program for books. I wonder if I should apply [AWS] for project equipment application, or if I can cover it with [NAS]. ...
C yp's user avatar
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How to fix MariaDB when it gets stuck during shutdown (Waiting for page_cleaner)?

I am running MariaDB (v 10.3.13) on Arch Linux (Manjaro). It worked normally for the last months but now there are some issues. When I try to reboot the computer, it gets stuck at A stop job is ...
jost21's user avatar
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MariaDB refusing to start after moving data directory on Fedora 29

Today I wanted to move my MariaDB data directory from the default directory on my main drive with Fedora installed to a secdonary hard drive mounted at /home/neboula/mnt/storage, so I began searching ...
Newbyte's user avatar
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MySQL (MariaDB) memory calculation andusage creep

I have used the mysql memory calculator ( to estimate the memory usage of my dedicated mysql server with 8GB ram and 4CPUs. These are the actual figures and the ...
crankshaft's user avatar
16 votes
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How to expose Linux socket file from Docker container (MySQL, MariaDB, etc.) to host

Disclaimer: I am not looking for a way to configure MySQL/MariaDB to use TCP connections. I am aware of that option and the question is not about that aspect. I am having trouble binding a socket ...
Torque's user avatar
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Why does MySQL decide to check tables?

I've looked through a lot of MariaDB/MySQL documentation for an answer to this but have yet to find one. I am running MariaDB version 10.2.22 and have a bunch of MyISAM tables. I understand that the ...
Graham's user avatar
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Root user from another VM (local network) on Mysql 5.7 while using plugin auth_socket

I have one virtual machine for my website, and one for my databases (mysql 5.7). The VMs are on debian 9 I would like to connect to mysql from my website VM. I install everything using ansible so it ...
pedrotester's user avatar
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De-duping a table based on an expression using one field

Mariadb: mysql Ver 15.1 Distrib 10.3.8-MariaDB I have a table built as a union of queries from several other tables. This table looks something like- +-------------+--------------+------+-----+-----...
Incans's user avatar
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"character encoding hell"- Configuring mariadb for utf8 end to end

Mariadb: "mysql Ver 15.1 Distrib 10.3.8-MariaDB" OS: Windows 10 64 bit I've been wrestling with getting a csv data file that contains "high 8 bit" characters such as the micron character and em dash ...
Incans's user avatar
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MariaDB ColumnStore & Ubuntu 14.04

I see at that MariaDB ColumnStore isn't available to download for Ubuntu 14.04. Is there any way to achieve that?
Peter T.'s user avatar
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XAMPP upgrade MARIADB 10.1 to 10.3

I use XAMPP v7.3 on my linux computer. This XAMPP version implement MariaDB 10.1.37 but I need the last version : 10.3. I tried to install it separately with this tuto. The installation was a success ...
JackPots's user avatar
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How to create a service to start my mariadb?

I installed mysql and mariadb in the same pc(win10).Port 3306 binded with mysql, 3307 with mariadb. net start mysql #start mysql server. Start mariadb server. F:/mariadb-10.3\bin\mysqld --...
showkey's user avatar
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Where are the MySQL status messages/log are stored?

When I am running service mysql status I get: mariadb.service - MariaDB 10.1.33 database server Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/mariadb.service; enabled) Drop-In: /etc/systemd/system/mariadb....
KingsInnerSoul's user avatar
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MariaDB on Linux Mint: trouble setting root password

I don't know whether this is the right Stack Exchange Q+A for this... I just installed MariaDB in Linux Mint Cinnamon (18.1). mysql --version gives: mysql Ver 15.1 Distrib 10.0.34-MariaDB, for ...
mike rodent's user avatar
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Unable to insert with blank value in MariaDB not in strict mode

I've just setup a new dev environment on Debian 9 and mariadb: 10.1.26-MariaDB-0+deb9u1 Debian 9.1 Previous environment was Debian 7 with mysql: 5.6.38-1~dotdeb+7.1 (Debian) value for sql-mode is: ...
Romulo's user avatar
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MYSQL service error & cannot start

My MySQL service & databases seem to be offline on my own VPS. It has had no problem over the past months, so I am unsure as to what caused this. The last thing I did was disable strict mode on ...
Rhys's user avatar
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Accessing GnuCash sql from Linux doesn't work anymore

I have a GnuCash database on a mariadb-server, which was set up with a copy of GnuCash from an Ubuntu 16.04 client, and all has been working well. Then I decided to test GnuCash from a Windows 10-...
Odecif's user avatar
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mysqldump: specify per-user db name in ~/.my.cnf

I'm running a shared server with multiple users. Each user has their own database in MySQL and associated credentials. I've created a template systemd timer & service (ie. [email protected] & ...
user avatar
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MariaDB automatic back-up mode

I like having automatic backups, and I would like one for my MariaDB databases. I want it so in the event the MariaDB gets killed(e.g. OOM Killer during a DoS attack), there's a backup mode that ...
user8292439's user avatar
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Docker MariaDB instance not starting after update

I am getting the following errors from my log. I only updated the image and restarted. Could a recent change in the image have caused these errors? My host has plenty of space, so I’m not sure why I’m ...
Dave's user avatar
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How do I start the mariadb service on NixOS?

On my NixOS 17.09 system, I've installed mariadb, by listing the package in my /etc/nixos/configuration.nix and nixos-rebuilding. The binaries now seem to be present, but the mariadb database service ...
das-g's user avatar
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MediaWiki with MariaDB on Docker

I have 2 containers with 2 different MediaWiki running and I want to know. Do I need to create 2 containers with 2 MariaDB or just 1 container with MariaDB and two different DB inside? What is the ...
Troyan's user avatar
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Setup a Docker container to work with a local database

I'm trying to setup a Docker container to work with a local database. The image is this one and it suggests to also create a mariadb container, and link it ...
Sekhemty's user avatar
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Install phpmyadmin with MariaDB

I have a raspberry that I use as a development web server. The other day I had to reinstall the OS and when I tried to reinstall everything I have some problems. When I installed MySql I saw that I ...
aenon83's user avatar
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How to configure MariaDB to accept any username/password combination?

I have MariaDB running on my development workstation. The service is bound to localhost and cannot be remotely accessed. I would like to adjust MariaDB so all username and password combinations get an ...
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Can't setup/clean reinstall MariaDB/MySQL on Debian Stretch 9

While I NEVER experienced any problems with this on several Debian 8 machines and even Windows, I now simply can't manage to get a working installation of MariaDB/MySQL on my fresh installation of ...
weidler's user avatar
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debian stretch upgrade - mariadb removed - how to get it back?

I upgraded to debian stretch from jessie. My mysql database migrated and I can read it. I have a django project that relies on to access mysql. i have mariadb-server and ...
jakethedog's user avatar
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Not able to install SNMP on CentOS

I am trying to install SNMP utility on my CentOS. I have Mysql pre-installed on the machine. I am getting following error : yum install net-snmp Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, langpacks Loading ...
Prabhat's user avatar

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