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Questions tagged [man]

'man' is a command for accessing documentation on Linux and other Unix and Unix-like systems.

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Creating a new section of man pages

I have obtained man pages for the GNU Fortran intrinsic procedures (link). After cloning the repo, the man pages themselves are in a directory ~/Documents/fortran-man-pages/man3f, and each one is a ...
Endulum's user avatar
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What are these '3cxx' man pages, and how can I remove/exclude them from man invocations?

This all started because I wanted man pages on C++ types/functions. I found a repository called Cppman that was designed to scrape these pages from either cplusplus or cppreference. At this point man ...
John P's user avatar
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11 votes
2 answers

What does `LESS=+/EXAMPLE\:` mean?

In man parallel_tutorial (for GNU parallel) I’ve found the following black magic: LESS=+/EXAMPLE\: man parallel Searching around in the man pages for man, less, and bash, it appears this may have ...
isomorphismes's user avatar
4 votes
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What does "wc --files0-from=F" mean in linux command

I read the manual of wc command but could not understand the explanation of this parameter. Please help. The official explanation is below: --files0-from=F read input from the files specified by NUL-...
Jing He's user avatar
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View man pages via Emacs

I basically want what this question asks for. Unfortunately, its answers don't work. For example, when I do what its most-upvoted answer says, and enter man echo, Emacs opens up and the mini buffer ...
UTF-8's user avatar
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man <whatever> opens vim with hidden characters displayed

I'm on Mac/Sierra using MacVim. When I run man MacVim (I have alias vim="mvim" set in my .bashrc) I get the man page with hidden whitepace characters displayed. This only happens for man pages (I ...
MTR's user avatar
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Determining default qualification thresholds for ntpstat

I have been looking into the ntpstat command, more specifically how it determines whether or not the clock is synchronized. From the man page, I see the following excerpt: ntpstat returns 0 if clock ...
user3119546's user avatar
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How to read PowerShell Documentation Syntax

I could use a good explanation of PowerShell Documentation Syntax: > man Update-Help SYNTAX Update-Help [[-Module] <string[]>] [[-SourcePath] <string[]>] [[-UICulture] <...
Kellen Stuart's user avatar
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Open a protected file form within man page/less?

I was reading the man page for firewalld.service and I wanted to open up the service.xml from within the man page (which I believe is less). I know :e would do the job if I had permissions, but ...
AncientSwordRage's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

What does `grep -1` do?

I'm trying to make sense of the following shell command, to get a list of packages that can be updated: dpkg --get-selections | xargs apt-cache policy {} | grep -1 Installed | sed -r 's/(:|Installed: ...
Sod Almighty's user avatar
15 votes
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What does "sw" option mean in /etc/fstab?

In my Ubuntu 14.04 /etc/fstab, I have following line: UUID=e4YGg1-2bHU-Ylum-3FwK-MK3s-1Fjf-ZvQEh2 none swap sw 0 0 Which seems pretty current for swap. I can't ...
Cinlloc's user avatar
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What is the difference between $man and man on a mac

On a terminal, the commands $man and man seem to do slightly different things. For example $man open vs. man open. It looks like $man is the same as man except it prints the output directly instead ...
Qiming's user avatar
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MANPATH not set on Scientic Linux 5.5

On a Scientific Linux 5.5 installation the $MANPATH is not set. I've got environment modules installed, this might cause an overwriting of the $MANPATH, but I'm not sure about that. So my main ...
Oliver R.'s user avatar
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Man pages are outdated

Background: I recently learned about the mv -t flag option in bash, but when I checked the man pages on my computer, there was no mention of it. The man pages were dated 9 July 2002. I ssh-ed into ...
berkelem's user avatar
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show man pages in terminal without a pager

man defaults to using a pager. For short pages, I want to just echo them to the terminal without paging. I'm on OS X. Things I've tried: man -t man #produces PostScript output man ...
Chris F Carroll's user avatar

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