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Is it possible to set up a remote login session where a specific user only has access to certain folders, and can only run one executable?

I have a server where I'd like to grant a user the ability to log in remotely, but restrict the session in two specific ways: They can only access a certain set of folders on the computer, and for ...
Bri Bri's user avatar
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How do I copy text from vim on a remote host in Terminal, to local MacOS clipboard?

I've googled the heck out of this but nothing I try solves the problem. Help? Context I'm running vim on a remote linux machine, which I ssh to in I have root on the remote machine, so ...
Rich's user avatar
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scp: ambiguous target when attempting to copy directory with an apostrophe and spaces in the name

I am trying to use scp to copy a directory by using ssh through windows terminal to connect to my mac and then use scp to copy a folder to my raspberry pi; I have tried many variations such as scp -r &...
Ponyboy's user avatar
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ssh localhost, getting permission denied (password). (Windows 11)

I am trying to ssh into my windows 11 machine from my mac but continue getting a Permission denied, please try again. After a couple of failed attempts I get username@localhost: Permission denied (...
sebdb's user avatar
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2 answers

SSH login@ip@gateway through config+VSCode

I can successfully connect from my macbook+VPN to my corporative cloud server through ssh with this command (passwordless, using my id_ed25519 key): ssh login@ip@gateway -A But I need to connect to ...
klapeyron's user avatar
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5 answers

Why rsync keeps sending same files each invocation?

I'm using rsync to copy file from Linux to Mac over SSH. My command looks like this: rsync \ --exclude FOO \ --exclude BAR \ -e ssh \ -rclpvih \ --delete \ --stats \ /local/...
gavv's user avatar
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ssh -X warning: X11 forwarding request failed on channel 0

When I run ssh -X my_host I get the error: "X11 forwarding request failed on channel 0". (ssh -Y my_host gives the same error) My host is a Gentoo Linux machine and my client is a macOS ...
Jimmy2027's user avatar
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how to ssh into linux lab from Mac?

Facing problem to ssh into Linux from mac. ssh: connect to host port 22: Operation timed out
Zahid Hasan's user avatar
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SSH Permission denied when subnet is /31

I am trying to make a point to point ipv4 link with a device running Ubuntu 18.04 . if I set the device to and in then OSX I set my ethernet dongle to, I am able to ...
Kevan Lanister's user avatar
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How can I sign in to my VPS/shell account without having to type my password each time?

How can I sign in to my VPS/shell account without having to type my password each time? I have tried pasting a shell script including Prolog code but the password doesn't paste properly.
Lucian Green's user avatar
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ssh can't connect and I can't understand why

I'm trying to connect from a mac (osx 10.14.4) to a linux machine (Ubuntu 18.04.2) through ssh. I'm not an expert in shh, this is my first attempt to use it, but what seems to happen is that the ...
luzzuc's user avatar
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Avoid using remote identity file when using ssh on remote server [duplicate]

I'm connected to serverA with SSH. I have one identity file on my local computer, which I use to authenticate to serverA, and one identity file on serverA which I use when I'm at that computer ...
Lars Nyström's user avatar
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Reoccurring ssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host error MacOS (Only fixed by resetting ssh each time)

I am spinning up multiple remote instances via Google Cloud and scp-ing scripts to these instances to run them and get the results scp-ed back to my local computer. Things start smoothly but after a ...
Nole's user avatar
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SSH tunnel between 2 machines using macOS

I'd like to create an SSH connection from localhost that would go through host1 and connect to host2. My local machine runs macOS. host1 and host2 are AWS machines that require PEM files for ...
Aviran's user avatar
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ECDSA host key for has changed - add host with all ports to ignored

I'm using Docker, so I have single host with multiple IPs. From time to time I have to rebuild images, so when I try to SSH to this host I'm getting warning: ECDSA host key for []:285 ...
Marcin Nabiałek's user avatar
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How to get an Ubuntu remote desktop when I only have root SSH access?

I have root SSH access to a remote Ubuntu 17 machine. I'm working locally on macOS 10.12. I want to be able to get a remote desktop to the Ubuntu machine. How do I do this? What do I need to install/...
Jeff's user avatar
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2 answers

Terminal will not allow SSH to Linux

I have a VPS that I have accessed using Terminal in the past. When I open Terminal I get Last login: Tue Aug 29 04:02:48 on ttys002 Mac-mini:~ administator$ All of the articles I have been able to ...
HappyWebStuff's user avatar
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ssh hangs on osx client after Entering interactive session

I am trying to connect to a remote server (remote server running linux, local client running osx) through ssh, but the connection hangs after Entering interactive session. I can sftp remote ...
simona's user avatar
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Can't access Linux server via SSH

I have a MacBook Air, version 10.12.1 (Sierra). I have been thus far with Windows for the better part of the last 20 years and few days ago I switched to Mac for the first time. I have a shared ...
MAR's user avatar
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rsync doesn't work, but ssh and scp do

I am trying to copy files from a remote server (linux) to my client (osx) using rsync -avz remote:/path/to/file . but the connection hangs and the transfer is never completed. Instead, I can ...
simona's user avatar
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How to connect a linux pc (Ubuntu) to a Mac OSX that run only in single user mode terminal

First time posting here, so be kind with me. This is a problem I'm facing. A Mac on OSX (10.7.x) is dead on graphic card,so is bootable only in single mode from terminal. I want to get data from disk, ...
user3244633's user avatar
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Problems connecting to my Mac via SSH

I have Mac with remote access enabled. I can easily connect to it via SSH within local network. I have configured 22 port forwarding on my router. But I can't connect to my Mac via SSH by using router'...
Lastik's user avatar
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How could I oversee remotely a Linux computer with my MacBook Pro using SSH?

I equipped Linux Mint on every computer that my coworkers have for all those times that I would like to jab them in the kisser, but I need to supervise their computers for when my boss yells and needs ...
M. Schorah's user avatar
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SSH Client Closes Connection

I'm attempting to establish 2-way SSH communication between a MacBook ( running OS X 10.9.5 and a desktop computer ( running Korora 23 (basically Fedora 23 with additional ...
Mintonite's user avatar
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OSX 10.11 Bad SSH2 KexAlgorithms '+diffie-hellman-group1-sha1'

I have updated my /etc/ssh/sshd_config file based on the answers provided here - OSX 10.11 enable ssh diffie-hellman-group1-sha1
Vikram Tatavarthi's user avatar
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How to create an ssh connection Terminal shortcut with commands on Mac OS X (Yosemite)

On my Windows PC I got a Putty Batch File that connects to my Pi (SSH - Openelec), authenticates as root, kills a process (hyperiond), and starts it again. I have to use this file frequently because ...
Merilya's user avatar
4 votes
4 answers

Running local commands on OSX when command completes in ssh session

On my OS/X laptop, I can type "say done", and my mac says "done". Locally, I'd just do: && say done And that lets me go screw around in separate windows/desktops until the ...
Dean J's user avatar
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network old mac to use as rsync backup

The goal: Be able to run my rsync backup on my local machine "X" (Ubuntu 13.1) to a remote machine, a currently un-networked mac "Y" (OSX 10.2.8). What I've done so far: Flew to ...
Thomas Matthew's user avatar
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Why would SSHing to a server gives me REMOTE HOST IDENTIFICATION HAS CHANGED, but my known_hosts file and the server have not changed?

Putting this here in the attempt to help others who may run into this obscure problem. I recently upgraded OSX from Mavericks to El Capitan. I then attempted to log into a system I had previously ...
Stuart Horner's user avatar
5 votes
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What may cause .ssh/config changes to be ignored

I had a ~/.ssh/config file that was working fine. it was in this format: Host * IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_null TCPKeepAlive no ServerAliveCountMax 5000 Host * User mydomainuser ...
gcb's user avatar
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ssh port forwarding through a pseudo terminal

Here's a situation: I do all my work on a Mac. There's a certain linux server 'server01' that provides access to another linux server 'server02' via a pseudo terminal So, to ssh into '...
user3142747's user avatar
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No entry for terminal type when SSHing into a router?

I’m trying to SSH/Telnet to my home router (Zyxel P-2812HNU-F1). I know the router host and IP address. Also the administrator login credentials. I’ve set ssh to port 2222 and telnet to 2323. When ...
MSD's user avatar
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How can I execute a script on a remote machine over ssh but source local files

I have a local script I want to run on a remote machine without copying it to the machine so I'm using: ssh user@remote < This works but if I add a source statement in local-script....
Anton's user avatar
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How to safely set a user specific environment variable for non-interactive ssh connections?

I am setting up a unison based backup procedure. The client is a Windows Server and the server is OS X 10.10 server. I have a dedicated backup-user on the server that is allowed to connect through ...
marckr's user avatar
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Retrieving files from VirtualBox on Mac (scp or...?)

I am able to get files from my local machine to my virtual machine by doing: scp -P 2222 myfilepath/myfile.csv vmuser@vmhost:/vmfilepath/ I edited this file, and now I would like to do the reverse. ...
wugology's user avatar
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How to force mac to use ssh dsa key?

When I try to log on ssh in my linux server from OSX, I force it to use a dsa key with the ssh config file. However, before connecting with the dsa key, it tries to connect with a rsa key (which doesn'...
tourdetour's user avatar
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Rsync behaviour/differences & newbie

From my understanding, rsync over SMB tries to build a file list each time on source/destination to check any changes have been modified before a copy takes please. I’m trying to understand the ...
user462703's user avatar
9 votes
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SSH to Vmware virtual machine with NAT network [duplicate]

right now I am able to ssh to host over internet and ssh from host to the virtual machine. What I want to do is ssh directly to the Guest machine from outside. I tried to do this using iptables: ...
Shahin's user avatar
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can't ssh to linux machine from mac

I have 2 Amazon machines: A(Centos) and B(Ubuntu). I can access B only from A. When I try to connect from my Mac machine to A and then to B, I get the following error: [alexarsh@A ~]$ ssh alexarsh@B ...
Alex's user avatar
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ssh localhost needs password for Mac OS

I'm installing jhispter and when trying to run ssh -p 4022 jhipster@localhost, system is asking for a password. bash-3.2$ cat ~/.ssh/ | ssh -p 4022 jhipster@localhost 'mkdir ~/.ssh &&...
Abhishek Agarwal's user avatar
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Can't Log in to azure VM running Linux from OS X

I´ve been trying to log in to a VM running Ubuntu in Azure from OS X through SSH verification. But when I try to connect to the virtual machine I get a Permission denied (publickey) error. To create ...
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Why must I use sudo for ssh public key authentication to work?

I cannot ssh from my computer (OS X) to my raspberry pi (ubuntu mate), unless I use sudo. I am using a public/private keypair to authenticate. The appropriate public key is added to the ...
IMerin's user avatar
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Connect a external SSH Server from blocked SSH Tunnel network

I need connect to SSH Server in my work office from a academic network, but in all tries occurred a "Timeout error". In my home and in other places the access work fine to connect (SSH Server working ...
Jefersonfs's user avatar
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Seting up vnc on mac through RPI ssh

I'm currently away from home, and I would like to access my iMac which is turned on in my place. I set up the mac screen sharing before I leave, but something went wrong, and I can't access it from my ...
Bancarel Valentin's user avatar
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Adding ssh public key from os x to ubuntu doesn't work

I've just switched my server to ubuntu and everything works except the ssh server. I've installed the sshd server and I generated on my mac ( client ) a key like this: ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "my@gmail....
user1007522's user avatar
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How do I sync an RSA fingerprint between two operating systems on the same computer?

My computer is set up to dualboot with Mac OS X and Linux. I have SSH access set up so that I can access it remotely on both OSes. The problem is that whenever I switch from OS X to Linux or vice ...
Colton DRG's user avatar
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Does the Mac OS X SSH client integrate with other systems?

I have MacBook Pro running Mac OS X 10.10 (Yosemite), when I enable the SSH from (“Preferences - > Sharing”) it gives me link like this : Well, clearly the link ...
M. A.'s user avatar
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Cannot connect to a Macintosh computer on the same network via hostname. Works with IP address

I’m trying to connect two Machintosh computers using SSH via their hostname. Both computers are running Mac OS X Yosemite 10.10.2. And both computers connected via a Telus branded Actiontec T1200H ...
drew1kun's user avatar
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clipboard between osx and linux over ssh

My dream: From my osx machine I ssh to a linux machine and can copy paste with a commandline application like xclip or pbcopy, and then be able to use it on my host machine. Example input (mac)$ ...
Joe.Zeppy's user avatar
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SSH keychain fails to save passphrase when connecting to remote host via SSH as root in macOS

When using SSH to connect between two mac machines as a standard user passwordless connection works ok on both macs. But each time when doing the same as root it asks me to enter the passphrase. I ...
drew1kun's user avatar
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