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What are the uses for all computer/host/dhcp names?

This question is meant to be specific to a home network. Windows, Linux, and MacOS computers all have a host name. In addition, MacOS computers have a computer name and a local host name. And when a ...
Jim Orcheson's user avatar
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SSH login@ip@gateway through config+VSCode

I can successfully connect from my macbook+VPN to my corporative cloud server through ssh with this command (passwordless, using my id_ed25519 key): ssh login@ip@gateway -A But I need to connect to ...
klapeyron's user avatar
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How do I figure out why one host is so slow writing to another host on LAN?

I have 3 devices on my LAN, all using wired connections: MacBook Air Lenovo ThinkCentre (running Ubuntu Server 22.04) Raspberry Pi I am using the ThinkCentre as a home server, and want to write ...
Dan J's user avatar
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Unable to ping VirtualBox host only interface

On my macOS Monterrey machine I am running Ubuntu as guest on VirtualBox 6.1.30 r148432. In VirtualBox I've enabled the host-only adapter, and I see interface vboxnet0 on macOS: ifconfig vboxnet0 ...
user2233706's user avatar
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Could someone execute commands on my netcat server/listener?

TLDR Someone has connected to my netcat server and tried to execute a command. Is it possible they have done any harm to me/my computer/my network? Detailed story I've been learning about networking ...
nom4d's user avatar
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Create APFS/HFS+ partition on Linux and share it via network

I want to store all my files and documents on a local server at my home instead locally on a single PC. Now I'm wondering if it's possible to create a APFS or HFS+ partition on a Linux system (like ...
Benjamin J.'s user avatar
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47 views works in VM host but not guest, all other sites work in guest works in VM host but not guest, all other sites work in guest. Host: MacOS 11 VM: VMWare Fusion 12 Guest: Arch Linux, VM NAT networking No iptables rules in VM. ca-certificates (20210603-1)...
usr30742's user avatar
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Cannot access website due to incorrect DNS configurations; new devices can access with updated correct DNS, but not old ones

Like said in the long title, I can't access my site hosted on AWS with AWS Route 53 Hosted Zone. When I initially configured my DNS, there may have been something wrong with the A records which ...
acw's user avatar
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Difficulty setting up internet sharing on Beaglebone on macOS Big Sur

I am having trouble setting up an internet to be shared on Beaglebone (BB) through the host (Mac running Big Sur OS). When I do ifconfig on BB, I see two USB interfaces showing up (usb0, usb1) with a ...
Jazzy's user avatar
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SSH Permission denied when subnet is /31

I am trying to make a point to point ipv4 link with a device running Ubuntu 18.04 . if I set the device to and in then OSX I set my ethernet dongle to, I am able to ...
Kevan Lanister's user avatar
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Having trouble getting ARP requests through a QEMU VM on Mac OSX

Using Mac OS 10.14.5 Mojave and QEMU version 4.0.0 I'm trying to get an Ubuntu Server 19.04 guest running with network communication through a bridge on my Mac host. At the moment I'm struggling with ...
Cottonwoods's user avatar
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command-line way to set up routing on mac and linux

My setup: PC: debian 9, kernel 4.9.x eth1, 10 Gbit ethernet (PC <-> MAC) MAC: mojave 10.14.1 en0, 1 Gbit ethernet (MAC <-> internet) en6, 10 Gbit via thunderbolt 3 (MAC <-> PC) My goals ...
Artur's user avatar
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Is it possible to make direct ethernet connection between machines with iOS and Fedora? How?

I am trying to connect Macbook and notebook with Fedora using ethernet cable in order to make HTTP request, so far with no success. I am also unable to find any sufficient tutorial (for beginners at ...
Andrej's user avatar
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VirtualBox: MacOS host cannot connect to guest, but guest can connect to host

My setup: MacOS host (High Sierra 10.13.3) Linux guest (Ubuntu 16.04) Virtual Box 5.2.12 NAT networking I need to talk from host to guest and from guest to internet. The guest gets an IP address of ...
Aleks G's user avatar
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Sharing a VPN connection

There are similar question to this but none seem to give a direct answer to my question. Goal: Connect to a Windows machine behind a L2TP/IPSec VPN using RDP from a Linux machine that doesn't support ...
cskwrd's user avatar
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SSH tunnel between 2 machines using macOS

I'd like to create an SSH connection from localhost that would go through host1 and connect to host2. My local machine runs macOS. host1 and host2 are AWS machines that require PEM files for ...
Aviran's user avatar
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docker0 vs eth0 when gaining remote access to ubuntu desktop?

I’m trying to get remote access with screen sharing to my Ubuntu PC from my Mac. I need to be able to connect to it over the internet from another network. When I go finder>go>connect to server ...
Matt's user avatar
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VNC from MacOS screen sharing to linux Ubuntu

I’m trying to screen share from a MacBook to a VM running Ubuntu on Parallels on a MacBook Pro on the same network. I can ssh to it fine, but using the same account and IP address in MacOS screen ...
Joe Smith's user avatar
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Why is name resolution slow on my Mac

I have a Linux web server running in VirtualBox and after upgrading to Sierra I found that my sites on the web server are extremely slow to load. It takes minutes. I thought it had to do with ...
Darrell Brogdon's user avatar
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Route only certain IP range with VPN connection

We are using FortiClient to connect to one of our client's VPN. Unfortunately, FortiClient is routing all the traffic over VPN as default. We have found a way around it, for Linux. After connecting ...
Atais's user avatar
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How to programmatically restart network account server on Mac?

In Mac -> System Preference -> Users & Groups -> Login Options: At the bottom there is a "Network Account Server" option, I have a few servers running. But occasionally it appears to be red ...
return 0's user avatar
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Problems connecting to my Mac via SSH

I have Mac with remote access enabled. I can easily connect to it via SSH within local network. I have configured 22 port forwarding on my router. But I can't connect to my Mac via SSH by using router'...
Lastik's user avatar
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9 votes
5 answers

How to fix "Did not find mosh server startup message." when connecting from OS X to Linux router?

I did install Mosh on (1) a Mac OS X 10.9.5 machine, (2) a Debian 8 VM, and (3) as Entware-ng package on a router that runs an embedded Linux. Mosh connection from Mac (1) to (2) Debian is ok. Mosh ...
Pro Backup's user avatar
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SSH Client Closes Connection

I'm attempting to establish 2-way SSH communication between a MacBook ( running OS X 10.9.5 and a desktop computer ( running Korora 23 (basically Fedora 23 with additional ...
Mintonite's user avatar
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How do I ensure a VPN is always used?

I'm running a VPN and wonder what happens if the VPN connection breaks. When I run ifconfig i see my default ethernet adapter at en0 and the VPN at utun0. All traffic is running through the utun0 ...
shredding's user avatar
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network old mac to use as rsync backup

The goal: Be able to run my rsync backup on my local machine "X" (Ubuntu 13.1) to a remote machine, a currently un-networked mac "Y" (OSX 10.2.8). What I've done so far: Flew to ...
Thomas Matthew's user avatar
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No entry for terminal type when SSHing into a router?

I’m trying to SSH/Telnet to my home router (Zyxel P-2812HNU-F1). I know the router host and IP address. Also the administrator login credentials. I’ve set ssh to port 2222 and telnet to 2323. When ...
MSD's user avatar
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Netcat connection closes after connecting through python

So I have installed Netcat on my raspberry pi and my mac and I can get them to connect really easily. Problem is that if I want a python script on my mac to establish the connection when the raspberry ...
ferret249's user avatar
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netcat between mac and linux only working in one direction

I have two machines on the same local network. One is a Mac ( and one is a Dell ( running Kubuntu Linux. If I issue 'nc -l 12345' on the Mac and issue 'echo "blah" | nc ...
hft's user avatar
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OS X - Static routes / non-standard default gateway for endpoints on *local subnet*

My question is: How can I reliably set up a static route in OS X, for 2 endpoints to pass via a gateway, where all machines are on the same subnet? I provide the context below: For testing purposes,...
J Ivory's user avatar
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Does the Mac OS X SSH client integrate with other systems?

I have MacBook Pro running Mac OS X 10.10 (Yosemite), when I enable the SSH from (“Preferences - > Sharing”) it gives me link like this : Well, clearly the link ...
M. A.'s user avatar
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Cannot connect to a Macintosh computer on the same network via hostname. Works with IP address

I’m trying to connect two Machintosh computers using SSH via their hostname. Both computers are running Mac OS X Yosemite 10.10.2. And both computers connected via a Telus branded Actiontec T1200H ...
drew1kun's user avatar
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How to boot Apple Mac via PXE (custom mini-Linux)

I have a network system, where I serve a mini-linux to a connecting client via PXE (pxelinux.0). I can't get this to work with Mac OS X. Booting from network is there saved for backup operations. I ...
user3550252's user avatar
5 votes
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Linux localhost sockets painfully slower than on Mac

This question is based on this thread over at OpenOffice. I'm using Python and the Office UNO bridge to analyze documents. For the most part I run on my Mac and spin up an office instance to listen ...
Jens's user avatar
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Changing TCP sliding window behaviour

We all know that TCP's congestion control uses additive (linear) increase and multiplicative decrease when adjusting sliding window size. Is there a way to change it to "linear decrease"? When a ...
Behdad's user avatar
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Can’t ping between two virtual machines using VirtualBox host-only adapter in OS X

I am trying to run Kali Linux in one VirtualBox, and a De-ICE machine in another VirtualBox on a Mac (OS X 10, if it matters). I want to use the host-only adapter to connect the machines so the Kali ...
Billybumbler's user avatar
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How to ssh from Linux client to OS X host without error message “ssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host”?

My LAN comprises a desktop computer running Linux (Debian Wheezy), a MacBook with OS X Mavericks, and a modem-router; ssh with Linux host and OS X client functions well - no problems connecting from ...
James Jamieson's user avatar
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Virtualbox proper network configuration

I'm trying to setup Centos 6.5 on Mac OSX so that: CentOS can use internet using NAT mode adapter 1 (eth0) Host (Mac OSX) can connect to Guest (CentOS) using static ip via Host Only mode adapter 2 (...
user978733's user avatar
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What does this debug info tell me about what's going wrong with my attempted SSH connection?

I'm trying to make a new connection to a remote server using supplied username & password credentials. I attempt to connect with this command: ssh -vv -p {port} {user}@{host} I get this output, ...
Ali's user avatar
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Change scutil HostName to ComputerName on osx

I have about 100 users with Mac Books on which I have admin access. I have set up a dnsmasq DNS-Server on a Linux box that has the Domain "schoolnet". Now I have the problem, that all Mac Books have a ...
NateMoor's user avatar
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Networking issue solved by changing VMs MAC address of VM but the root cause of the issue is still a mystery

I have a Linux VirtualBox VM on a MacBook Air that connects to the internet via USB ethernet cable. The Linux VM uses a bridged adapter that I switch between wifi and wired usb, depending on my ...
leeand00's user avatar
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Make a bridge on my mac

I have a Mac with WiFi connected to a router, internet works just fine there. I also have a PC with Linux Mint, and no wireless network card, so I connected them with a cable one to the other. Have ...
Ramzi Kahil's user avatar
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How to interpret TCP/ip fingerprint when scanning for OS?

I run the command : nmap -O ip_address to identify the os and I have the result below: OS:SCAN(V=5.05BETA1%D=8/23%OT=22%CT=1%CU=42341%PV=N%DS=0%DC=L%G=Y%TM=4A91CB OS:90%P=i686-pc-linux-gnu)SEQ(SP=...
ina's user avatar
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how to close an established network connection in linux and osx

I used to do this in the Windows world with tool called TCPView: just select a established connection (ESTABLISHED), then select "Close Connection". I can't find a way to this on Mac OSX or Linux (I ...
Rodrigo Gonzalez's user avatar
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How to manually close a port

In OSX if I type netstat I can see certain things that have an established connection. I don't want to change any settings to close these, I just want to be able to close whatever I ports I choose in ...
tony_sid's user avatar
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Linux: tunelling an incoming connection

Setup: PC I (Ubuntu 11.10, have sudo), Mac T (OS X 10.7.2, have sudo), Smart device S (barely configurable). S can see to I on the local network, but can't see T. I and T can see each other. There ...
Alexander Gladysh's user avatar
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Can you connect different OSes using an ad-hoc network?

Is it possible to connect multiple different operating systems to the same ad-hoc network so that they can play games or file sharing or network connections like LAN chat or LAN connection? will ...
user913233's user avatar
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iTunes on iMac, media on Linux server via SMB - slow imports, changes and stalls

I have an unRAID server (If you're unfamiliar with unRAID, you can check it out at which is a Linux based server. I'm getting terrible performance with iTunes on my iMac. The ...
abernardi's user avatar
14 votes
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netem for Mac OS X to emulate network latency and dropped packets

I'm looking for an open source/free network emulator tool that I could use on Mac OS X, to simulate a slow network connection, limited bandwidth and other network characteristics such as dropped ...
Dougnukem's user avatar
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Forward all traffic from one IP to another IP on OS X

This is related to this question I just asked... I have two IP address on my iMac I want to "bridge". I'm not sure what the proper terminology is... here's the situation. My iMac has a firewire ...
Josh's user avatar
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