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MacOs equivalent of adding a user to the linux dialout group on for permissions setup for UART communication

I'm working on a project where I'm interfacing with some hardware and want to monitor the data from some sensors using a specific tool. The tool doesn't have official support for MacOS but I've ...
sobbingDev's user avatar
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Mac Partitioning Error (-69624)

I'm trying to create a partition on my Mac so I can run Debian, but whenever I try to partition my disk I get this error: I've factory reset my Mac, and tried partitioning in recovery mode. I'm not ...
Aeropid's user avatar
-1 votes
3 answers

How to prevent people to see my password when I'm tytping it? [closed]

How to prevent people to see my password when I'm tytping it ? For example, if I type Canage01 and my sister look at me focus on my keyboard when I type it, she saw it.
DisplayName's user avatar
3 votes
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Is it dangerous to have /usr/local/bin ahead of /usr/bin in one's PATH?

I was reading a Stack Exchange answer here about a connected topic, and part of the accepted answer said this: never place user-writeable PATH elements ahead of those that can only be modified by ...
user3573051's user avatar
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Process 0 is taking 500%+ CPU time in MAC

Problem When I boot my mac, once the login screen appears and after which everything freezes, I can hardly open any applications. Analysis Using activity manager, I found out, process with process ...
Monil shah's user avatar
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Complete install a Linux OS to the MacBook Pro

I would like to install Linux on a MacBook Pro machine. It will be a full installation and afterward, will run fully on Linux. Please, don't ask me why, but, I'm sure I can go back and install OS X ...
Arefe's user avatar
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I can no longer log into my Mac after “sudo chmod 744 /”

Right after I executed: sudo chmod 744 / on my Mac, everything on my desktop is gone, and I can no longer open any applications or folders. So I pressed the power button to restart my Mac, but then ...
user9607441's user avatar
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I have 4TB hard drive, how to use it under both OSX, windows and linux? [duplicate]

How to format it so that it can be used in Ubuntu, windows and OSX? Fat32? I have rull out NTFS as an option.
an offer can't refuse's user avatar
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Are there consequences for uninstalling OSX from an apple computer?

My boss is giving me an old macbook to use for developing iOS apps. I would like to install a linux distribution but i don't know if doing this would have bad consequences that would cause problems ...
Oscar Reyes's user avatar
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OsX El Capitan ignoring case sensitive filenames and not making file/directory distinction

Hi I've run in a strange behaviour on a MacBook today: I had a directory named "FOO" (all capitals) on the desktop, then I created a file named "foo" (no extension) in another directory and moved it ...
jack_the_beast's user avatar
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How to connect a linux pc (Ubuntu) to a Mac OSX that run only in single user mode terminal

First time posting here, so be kind with me. This is a problem I'm facing. A Mac on OSX (10.7.x) is dead on graphic card,so is bootable only in single mode from terminal. I want to get data from disk, ...
user3244633's user avatar
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Boot a Mac in Target Mode with Different OS

I have two PowerPC macs, one running OSX, and one running Linux. I would like to boot the one running Linux into target mode so that the OSX mac can access it via firewire. Is this possible? Or does ...
HigginDazs's user avatar
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unix/linux chmod to let everyone read every directory and file

I'm having file permission trouble backing up my MacbookPro through my LAN to my Windows computer. I want to set permissions of all files and directories on MacbookPro to allow reading by all. On the ...
Doug Null's user avatar
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Problems connecting to my Mac via SSH

I have Mac with remote access enabled. I can easily connect to it via SSH within local network. I have configured 22 port forwarding on my router. But I can't connect to my Mac via SSH by using router'...
Lastik's user avatar
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How to create an ssh connection Terminal shortcut with commands on Mac OS X (Yosemite)

On my Windows PC I got a Putty Batch File that connects to my Pi (SSH - Openelec), authenticates as root, kills a process (hyperiond), and starts it again. I have to use this file frequently because ...
Merilya's user avatar
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Share MacBook keyboard with CentOS Desktop

I've looked online and there's a solution called ShareMouse, which is the Mac equivalent of Microsoft's Mouse without borders. So far as I can tell there's isn't a Linux compatible way to do this. ...
Sam Hammamy's user avatar
12 votes
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Why does htop on Mac OS X require root privileges to see data for all processes, but on Linux it runs without root

I use htop all the time when I'm working on Linux system. I've installed htop-osx through Homebrew on my Mac, but in order to see all data for all processes, the formula tells me that I need to run ...
JoeNyland's user avatar
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How can I execute a script on a remote machine over ssh but source local files

I have a local script I want to run on a remote machine without copying it to the machine so I'm using: ssh user@remote < This works but if I add a source statement in local-script....
Anton's user avatar
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Strange TCP Connections - How to kill

My parents Mac is having some random issues - my mum paid £160 to get the computer repaired as there were some "trojans" according to the guy on the phone from india On hearing this news I had a ...
Biscuit128's user avatar
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Triple Boot with Linux, OS X Yosemite and Windows 7 on iMac

I have a iMac 2015 with Retina 5K display and OS X Yosemite installed. I intend to install Linux Mint as well as Windows 7 or in other sense triple boot all these three OS. I did find some ...
Sushant's user avatar
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netcat between mac and linux only working in one direction

I have two machines on the same local network. One is a Mac ( and one is a Dell ( running Kubuntu Linux. If I issue 'nc -l 12345' on the Mac and issue 'echo "blah" | nc ...
hft's user avatar
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How to switch between command-line and GUI in VM on a Mac?

I have installed CentOS 7.1 in VMware Fusion of my Mac. I logged into the terminal (default runlevel 3) and started the GUI using the command "startx". I want to switch back to the terminal. Ctrl+Alt+...
user1897373's user avatar
3 votes
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Trouble negotiating rsync protocol versions

I am trying to rsync between a Linux box and a MacOS box. The MacOS (yosemite) seems to come with an old version of rsync so I've updated that using homebrew. OK, I seem to have perfectly matching ...
wim's user avatar
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dtruss SQL-Queries on Mac OSX

In our shop we have an inhomogenous environment and doing Java on different boxes - mostly Mac OSX, me on Linux and one Windows box. When it comes to debugging JPQL-Queries and its SQL-outcome, there ...
Thomas Junk's user avatar
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How do I sync an RSA fingerprint between two operating systems on the same computer?

My computer is set up to dualboot with Mac OS X and Linux. I have SSH access set up so that I can access it remotely on both OSes. The problem is that whenever I switch from OS X to Linux or vice ...
Colton DRG's user avatar
2 votes
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Installing Linux on a 2008 MacBook from Linux via a USB flash drive

I’m using a black MacBook from around 2008. The Mac OS X installed on the system no longer starts; I get a grey screen without being able to get to the actual desktop. I was able to create a live USB ...
Tal Galili's user avatar
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SSH keychain fails to save passphrase when connecting to remote host via SSH as root in macOS

When using SSH to connect between two mac machines as a standard user passwordless connection works ok on both macs. But each time when doing the same as root it asks me to enter the passphrase. I ...
drew1kun's user avatar
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Removing illegal characters with Automator

I've been trying to write a Mac Automator service to remove illegal characters from filenames. I have it working, but the solution is a little inelegant and I was wondering if anyone would have a ...
byrnec25's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

How to boot Apple Mac via PXE (custom mini-Linux)

I have a network system, where I serve a mini-linux to a connecting client via PXE (pxelinux.0). I can't get this to work with Mac OS X. Booting from network is there saved for backup operations. I ...
user3550252's user avatar
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5 answers

How can I convert all “x”s to “y”s in filenames for a specific directory from the command line?

I have been naming files, of out habit as a programmer working on a server command line, with underscores “_” rather than spaces “"—because from the command line you have to escape spaces—but that is ...
J.Todd's user avatar
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