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Abaqus CAE Fails to Launch via RDP/VNC on CentOS but Works with SSH and Physical Login

I'm experiencing an issue with launching Abaqus CAE or Abaqus viewer on a CentOS system when accessing it remotely via RDP or VNC. The software loads without problems when I log in physically or use ...
nnkrishnan's user avatar
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SCP silently ignored on the remote machine

When I'm trying to copy a file using scp (in whatever direction), there's no error displayed (although the returned $? code is 1), all I can see is the message that normally the REMOTE machine prints ...
Ethouris's user avatar
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Why I get refused when connect my remote host with domain name using ssh?

I added two A DNS records on my domain name whose HOSTNAME is @ and www, I'm wondering why I get refused when use $ ssh [email protected] ssh: connect to host port 22: ...
Shaowen Zhu's user avatar
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Enable ssh in emergency mode for centos 9

I'm trying make a backup system for my Centos Stream 9 headless server by installing a cloned system disk on a newer machine. No surprise, the newer machine booted into emergency mode (hardware ...
cidy.long's user avatar
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Limit maximum ssh connections per user does not work when shell is /sbin/nologin

I'm having a Centos 7 server and when I limit the maximum connections per user using the config file /etc/security/limits.conf it works just fine. See below an example of my configuration in that file:...
G. Plante's user avatar
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ssh_config auto restored after some time

I need to connect to git using an ed25519 SSH key, but the /etc/ssh/ssh_config only has the entries below for IdentityFile, so I receive error Permission denied (publickey) when accessing the git repo:...
MUKHTAR INAMDAR's user avatar
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Issue with add Multiple user account and SSH key using Bash script

As per our requirement we provided our devloper group: devs:r-x to /var/log/httpd directory. What is the best way to create a user account (in my case Dev User) in a Group using bash scrip, with the ...
santosh baruah's user avatar
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Is it possible to grand SSH access (using username and password) to a Centos 7 machine configured with an user using private key to connect?

first of all I am not a system engineer (I am mainly a software developer). I am working on a Centos 7 machine and I have the following doubt. Using MobaxTerm client I can access to this machine via ...
AndreaNobili's user avatar
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SSH clients (putty, GCP web) often displays remnants of previous command [duplicate]

I saw it in different SSH clients but can at least guarantee Putty and GCP web-console (SSH in a web browser) have this. When you scroll your history and then run a previous command - sometime (more ...
Boppity Bop's user avatar
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Launch GUI application on remote host (Linux CentOS 8) via SSH

I'm having some questions trying to run an GUI app remotely from SSH. My Linux skills are limited and I'm having some issues trying to achieve it through the following scenario: I have a host with ...
Ga-M's user avatar
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Create an SSH user who has permission to access root directory but limited commands

I want to constrain the user to only have permissions for specific commands in Centos but he need to access root directory. I want to prevent user from removing, restart, shut down But he should be ...
Abu Yousef's user avatar
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ssh gives 'Permission Denied' on valid username/password credentials (ssh set to accept password log in)

I have a strange issue on a CentOS 7 machine. If I login from the console, as two different usernames, I'm able to log in. However, when I try that same username/password combinations, I get ...
boardrider's user avatar
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ssh a CentOS machine installed in VMWare in different machine

I have installed a Centos7 in VMWare WorkStation in my wife's laptop and we can use putty to login in to the machine and access it from my wife's laptop. I am trying to access the CentOs7 from putty ...
sparker's user avatar
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Create new SSH user and give him permission to an existing directory

Im trying to create new user called svecias and give him permission to connect via SFTP only to existing directory and deeper (/usr/share/nginx/itsupply). Currently directory is owned by nginx in ...
Mantas's user avatar
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How can I stop firewalld from interrupting an existing outgoing ssh exec session when it is started or restarted?

I have a java program running on a Centos7 server that continuously "tails" a file on another Centos7 server using the JSch library to run an ssh exec process to run a shell script on the ...
Ross's user avatar
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How can I enable SSH login for this brand new user created on CentOS 7 machine?

I am not a sysadmin (I am s software developer) and I am finding the following difficulty working on a Linux CentOS 7 remote machine of a customer. I am using MobaxTerm to connect to this machine. ...
AndreaNobili's user avatar
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CentOS8 SSH Public Key auth and Nginx

I have an issue with making SSH pubkey auth work the way I'd like and I don't know if it's possible to make it work or not. I have a few websites hosted under different /home/$USER. All webfiles are ...
MerkisL's user avatar
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ssh failing on a user with a password that contains special char on the first symbol

When trying to do: ssh -oBatchMode=yes -4 -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null ssh fails when the password of the remote linux user starts with a special char(for example !...
Qknow123's user avatar
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Windows SSH into CentOS using Private Key - Not working

I'm on Windows 10. Need to ssh into a Linux CentOS server. Trying both Putty and Windows SSH (turned on in Features.. Powershell?). Using PuttyGen, I generated a private & public RSA key pair - ...
d-_-b's user avatar
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Cannot ssh and ping into my CentOS VirtualBox

I downloaded the virtualbox image from this website: I uses CentOS 7.8.2003 I am able to start the VirtualBox but I cannot ssh into it. Then, I ...
Shuti's user avatar
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Multiple SSH keys on CentOS

Scenario: I have a project using Bitbucket as a remote repo for Git. Local environment is a MacBook Pro, remote (production) environment is CentOS. Generated a keypair on the MacBook Pro, placed the ...
DavidBrown's user avatar
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SSH connection is immediately closed by remote host after successful login

When I am trying to take ssh of a remote network router, the connection closes immediately after successful login. However, if I send command also with ssh login, like ssh user@remote-ip "command", ...
Joseph's user avatar
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Access denied when trying to SSH into VM as root

Starting today, when I try to connect to my CentOS VM as root, using Putty, or indeed any SSH client, I can no longer login. The connection is made, but the login itself fails. I know for a fact that ...
Grumbunks's user avatar
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Can't ssh from macbook pro to CentOS installed on a VirtualBox

After executing: ssh demo@localhost -p 10022 -v      The trace looks like this: OpenSSH_7.9p1, LibreSSL 2.7.3 debug1: Reading configuration data /etc/ssh/ssh_config debug1: /etc/ssh/ssh_config ...
Boris Voychev's user avatar
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External Access to Server

I've set up a basic CentOS 7 server as an attempt to learn server architecture and maintenance, as well as for personal use. I am currently attempting to set up secure access to the server via ssh ...
Chornologic's user avatar
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xshell - how to display the command line and the result line in different colors?

Could anyone give me some instructions on how to display the command line and the result in different colors. Currently, they have the same color so it is difficult to read. I am using XShell 5.
Huong's user avatar
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Windows SSH keys on CentOS

I have an internal CentOS 7 server which acts as a staging environment for our websites. I, for the last year or so via SSH from a Linux Mint machine. Now, some other people are trying to get access ...
treyBake's user avatar
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Receiving error when trying to use ~/.ssh/config "ssh: Could not resolve hostname"

I have scoured the internet for a solution, but no solution is working for me!  I am trying to create a bastion server with a public AWS EC2 instance that will connect to a private EC2 instance. ...
Gus Silva's user avatar
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SSH to CentOS VirtualBox from PuTtY on an External Windows System

I have created a VM on my personal machine and the VM is running CentOS and I can ssh to that machine from my local Windows 10 machine via PuTty. However, I am not sure of how to ssh to the VM from a ...
Kyle Lott's user avatar
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how do I ssh Linux VM over virtualbox from windows

I spin up a Centos7 virtual machine over Virtualbox and trying to access via ssh from putty over windows from another machine in a same network, below are the details of my VM: IP addresses: Windows ...
piyush sachdeva's user avatar
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SSH agent forwarding mixed with su user -

If I ssh to my server as such: ssh root@<ip> -A Then I do this remotely: ssh [email protected] # Hi username! You've successfully authenticated Then this remotely: su user - Then this ...
Tallboy's user avatar
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ArchLinux Virtual Machine can only be logged in through SSH after logging in through virt-manager

I installed two ArchLinux virtual machines on my CentOS server with virt-manager on KVM. The ip addresses are and After installation, I installed OpenSSH and copied the ...
Hans Xeng's user avatar
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Tunnel Gre between two hosts (vps and dedicated server)

Hello guys i need to resolve this problem (all server have installed centos 7): i'm trying to create a gre tunnel through vps (in Italy - OpenVZ) and a dedicated server (in Germany), but they do not ...
Alessandro Devite's user avatar
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Working ssh but cannot use scp. How?

We have this requirement that we may able to communicate with each other by SSH but we cannot copy files from the other computer using SCP. For example, we have 2 computers, which is computers 1 and ...
David's user avatar
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How to SSH second user to Linux server (CentOS)

I connect to my DigitalOcean droplet (linux CentOS server) through SSH with root user. It's workin fine without any problem. But when I try to connect to my server through second non root user it ...
Nastro's user avatar
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Losing Kerberos Ticket after SSH to Current Host and Exit

I am running on CentOS 7.3. How may I prevent losing my Kerberos TGT in the scenario below? I understand the security implications of not destroying Kerberos tickets upon logout, and I will be ...
Dave's user avatar
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CentOS 7 Virtualbox VM SSH Connection Suddenly Refused

I am new to linux and am working with a minimal CentOS 7 installation on a VM running on Virtualbox with a Win10 host. Up until today, I was able to use PuTTy and WinSCP to SSH into the VM from the ...
deflator's user avatar
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Terminal doesn't show the server name after using ssh - Centos7

Please notice that I don't have any problem with hostname and I can change the hostname by configuring /etc/hostname , and it is easily shown on the terminal. My problem: I just setup two servers on ...
sf31's user avatar
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How can I backup remotely the entire Linux server using rsync over SSH?

I own a CentOS 6.9 box I need to backup remotely my entire CentOS installation to my storage account through SSH. How would that be possible including incremental updates and excluding ...
Cadmos's user avatar
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Moving files from an SFTP directory

I have followed this tutorial to configure a Centos 7 server using sftp. The tutorial includes hardening the sftp target directory and user. The sftpuser is able to sftp files to /var/sftp/uploads ...
Garreth's user avatar
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One SSH key for accessing the server from any operating system

Can I generate one SSH key and then use this key to SSH server from any operating system like mac, windows, sunsolaris or linux command shell? UPDATE: I have a dedicated server and I may access it ...
LifeSaver's user avatar
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Unable to SSH to LXC Ubuntu container

I'm trying to connect from a CentOS host to my LXC Ubuntu container and it fails with this error: packet_write_wait: Connection to port 22: Broken pipe The CentOS I'm using is: ...
radicaled's user avatar
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Unable to connect to CentOS from Windows server

I'm trying to connect to a CentOS virtual machine from a Windows 2012 server via the Jenkins CI engine. This is the error message I'm getting: Connection refused: connect SSH Connection failed with ...
ChrisAdkin's user avatar
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Add ssh key file for linux server - Key generated, then what?

I want to build a CentOS7 server by myself. Now I already followed the steps mentioned in this link:, which ...
Charles Zha's user avatar
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Why can't I access a folder I am the owner of?

I am running a CentOS vm in EC2. I ssh as ec2-user, and want to create a log folder for my application that I am about to deploy: sudo mkdir /var/log/search-api sudo chown ec2-user /var/log/search-...
Andrey's user avatar
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How do I remove el7 and it's packages on CentOS 6.9?

I'm trying to install Centreon from ssh and I got this error: Error: Package: centreon-clib-1.4.2-3.el7.centos.x86_64 (centreon-stable) Requires: Error: ...
Rui Nobre Cardoso's user avatar
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CentOS Server network is accessible but terminal not responding

I run a CentOS7x86 Server. The follow problem happens so frequently but I got no clue where to look at. Run Server Run some docker containers (Jenkins, gitlab ...) It looks fine, but several days ...
Juneyoung Oh's user avatar
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Yet again confused why ssh key auth does not work from WSL on W10 to my Centos 7 server

I have ssh keys generated, I have pubkey authentication uncommented and set to yes in my /etc/ssh/sshd_config file. Anyone see anything I am missing/don't understand in my config? Makes me sad to type ...
Kyle H's user avatar
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Where to find SSH Login log files on centos

I have shared a .pem file with few a developers and now something went wrong on the server. I would like to track logins in a log so that I can see who (IP) made changes and when (if even possible) ...
ULLAS K's user avatar
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SSH not working on first attempt

We are having an issue with some of our Linux CentOS machines whereby SSH won't connect on the first attempt. If you start a session, wait 5 seconds then restart the session it works fine and ...
o5ky's user avatar
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