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SCP silently ignored on the remote machine

When I'm trying to copy a file using scp (in whatever direction), there's no error displayed (although the returned $? code is 1), all I can see is the message that normally the REMOTE machine prints ...
Ethouris's user avatar
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PAM updates for mounting an encrypted user's home at login (GNOME 40.4.0)

I would like to decrypt my LUKS encrypted /home directory at login on Rocky Linux 9.1. I have been trying to adapt this Arch Linux guide (; ...
Mitch's user avatar
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REDHAT machine + rsyslogd eating up 10+ GB

we notice about this problem recently we found that rsyslog service is eating memory and some times its up to 10G we have different kind of redhat machines as version 7.6 and 7.9 is it possible to ...
King David's user avatar
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I see screen on centos 7 after i change resolution

I need to your help emergency .after change resolution my system , restart it , after login its stuck in black screen . . i dont know which part of system change it . plz help me. pc with 4k monitor ...
Russell's user avatar
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In a new rocky9 vm, LVM2 does NOT see the newly attached PVs under LUKS

In a new rocky9 vm, LVM2 does NOT see the newly attached PVs under LUKS. === The end goal is to migrate a simple "repo" server (that holds iso files) from centos8 to rocky9. I have a freshly ...
mr22st821's user avatar
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Accidentally removed python3-dateutil from RHEL 8

I was trying to fix a setup issue related to airflow and accidentally I removed python3-dateutil from the machine (RHEL 8) using sudo yum remove python3-dateutil this also lead to the removal of ...
atultherajput's user avatar
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Linux create a new user that shares everything of another user

A little background first, since I know this question seems very random. I am using vagrant to help orchestrate a RedHat virtual machine. Vagrant is great in just about every way, however it forces ...
E.S.'s user avatar
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yum + skip broker or exclude rpms

during yum update on one of our rhel 7.6 server we get the following error --> Finished Dependency Resolution Error: Package: libtirpc-devel-0.2.4-0.6.el7.x86_64 (installed) Requires: ...
King David's user avatar
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Can I install redhat rpm on centos?

Can I install the Red Hat 6 version of the Openssl.rpm on the Centos6? I am trying to backup and install an old version that can no longer be found in current repository. I found the centos package ...
hid's user avatar
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How to encrypt/decrypt text on CentOs/RHEL in FIPS mode?

To encrypt and decrypt text I am using: echo test | openssl enc -e -a -A -aes-256-cbc -pbkdf2 -iter 1234 -k <passphrase> echo <encrypted text> | openssl enc -d -a -A -aes-256-cbc -pbkdf2 -...
Josh M.'s user avatar
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How to set user/group/mode for directory created with `install -D`

When installing a file with the -D option to include creation of parent directories, how do you specify the user, group, and mode to use for the created directories? This is in the context of an RPM ...
Josh M.'s user avatar
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Default Gateway is not detected in Rhel server after ifdown of primary network interface

I'm working on RHEL 7.6 server. I've configured network using bonding with active backup mode. So the eno1 is the primary interface of bond0 and eno4 is the slave of bond0. this is the configuration ...
user6624302's user avatar
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Centos/RHEL 7 - MBR with an extended partition > 2T

Studying for the RHCSA and I've been trying to find an answer to a question thats been stuck in my head... My understanding is for MBR you can have a total of 4 partitions which each cant be > 2TiB......
Strad's user avatar
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What happens to the unused packages after an ISO install?

I am making a Red Hat ISO that boots off a kickstart configuration file. To do this, I have been following these instructions over at Server Fault. The ISO that I want to edit, which will eventually ...
peachykeen's user avatar
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auto mount by service + service not mount the folder automatically

we create the following service on redhat version 7.2 more nfsshare.mount [Unit] Description=nfs mount script After=network-online.service [Mount] What=...
King David's user avatar
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How to install postgresql-contrib-11 on CentOS 7?

So, I was trying to install extension citext on PostrgeSQL 11.1, but of course I've encountered an error: ERROR: could not open extension control file "/usr/pgsql-11/share/extension/citext.control": ...
Takito Isumoro's user avatar
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Setting static IP address disconnects Internet

I wish to host a personal website on CentOs-7 Operating system. For that I bought a static IP address from my internet service provider (Hathway). They provided me a static IP address, subnet (255.255....
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CentOS - Can't change ifcfg file in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts

For the life of me, I can't figure out how to change an interface config file in a VM: sudo vim /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/enp0s3 won't write and sudo bash -c "echo 'dog' >> ./enp0s3" fails ...
xdhmoore's user avatar
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Install pre-configured Linux distribution over USB

I have a few PCs that I need to install a pre-configured version of linux onto from a USB. The purpose of these machines is to operate as a hypervisor for some VM's I need to run. The problem is I ...
cGpE's user avatar
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Accidentally overwrote /usr/bin/python on Redhat

On Redhat, I had the bright idea of upgrading from Python 2.6.6 to 2.7.3 by running this command: cp /usr/bin/python2.7 /usr/bin/python This caused far-reaching problems throughout the whole system. ...
jxmorris12's user avatar
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Analyzing CPU load in multicore CPUs

I am trying to find out ideal load average for one of my linux servers. I understood load should be proportional to the no of cpu cores. But my doubt is that, how will we analyze this in case of multi ...
Unnikrishnan's user avatar
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Conflict when installing MongoDB

I have a server with CentOS 7, I would like to install mongoDB. I tried installing it typing: sudo yum install mongodb with no problems, then I do mongod I get: -bash: mongod: command not found If ...
Sredny M Casanova's user avatar
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rpm NOKEY error on copied packages, can I remove this?

I used yum --downloadonly to fetch a few php71 packages on "VM A". I need to copy these to a different VM, "VM B" and install them using rpm -ivh. However on the secon "VM B" it's complaining about an ...
Sean256's user avatar
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INIT: id [ID] respawning too fast: disabled for 5 minutes

INIT: id "s21" respawning too fast: disabled for 5 minutes One of my plants has been receiving this message at the main server terminal for a couple months now. I've Googled but can't seem to find ...
Joseph Kreifels II's user avatar
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System Monitor Causes Periodic Current Peaks When Open in RHEL/Centos 6

While collecting data for a power consumption analysis, I noticed that simply having the System Monitor open while at idle caused periodic peaks in the current draw of the 12V bus. The current draw ...
deltatango's user avatar
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How to prevent process from auto-restarting in Amazon Linux

I'm running tomcat 6 on Amazon Linux verson 2015.03 (I believe it's based on Cent OS / RHEL). Every time I run sudo service tomcat6 stop, a status request still shows tomcat6 (pid <num>) is ...
RTF's user avatar
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ping not working using static ip in CentOS 7.0

Can someone please help me in fixing the destination unreachable error when I execute ping in CentOS 7? It was working fine when the network type is DHCP. Could you please help me. I am new ...
user499317's user avatar
10 votes
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What happens when I truncate a file that is in use?

Around the web many people say you can truncate a file using > filename or truncate -s0 filename while file begin used I know everytime a process write in a file, the process uses a offset for ...
c4f4t0r's user avatar
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No ntp.conf file after compiling ntp on Linux

I'm using RHEL 6.5. I compiled ntp-4.2.8 using the steps on this link. but I don't have a ntp.conf file. ntp.conf is required to start ntpd but after compiling, there is no ntp.conf on my system. I ...
Vikram Singh's user avatar
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How to resolve rpm dependencies

I am trying to install libtirpc on RHEL 6.5 but it fails and asks for dependencies. Why here it is showing three GLIBC versions 2.14, 2.15 and 2.16. ?? Does it mean that any of these three versions ...
Vikram Singh's user avatar
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Need noacpi in CentOS 6.4, not in RHEL 6.4

I've been trying to fix a rather odd problem that I've seen on our new Dell R5500 (Xeon based workstations). We want to run CentOS 6.4 64 bit on them. We did a base install which worked fine, however ...
Caligari's user avatar
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Which version of Fedora, RHEL, correspond to which version of CentOS?

Which version of Fedora, RHEL, correspond to which version of CentOS?
ina's user avatar
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Will learning to use Fedora also teach me my way around Redhat (CentOS)?

I want to dive into the open source world and start using a Linux distro while learning to program. I've looked over the options and it pretty much boils down to Fedora or CentOS. The reasoning behind ...
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