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Make browser to open domain via http and not https for everyone [closed]

I need a website to be open in http and not in https (the reason is that I use 3-party platform which does not support SSL for now). Initially, I had SSL but then removed it (to comply with that ...
Sergey Ivanov's user avatar
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Apache2 virtual hosts not working for SSL config

I've had this virtual host setup on HTTP where different domains would serve files from different locations. This is my 000-default.conf file: <VirtualHost *:80> <Directory /var/www/html&...
Svend Hansen's user avatar
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Why aren't my self-signed certificates working for HTTPS on localhost

I have this in Node.js: const http2 = require('http2') const fs = require('fs') let server start({ port: process.env.PORT || 3000, private: fs.readFileSync('/Users/me/certs/localhost.key')....
Lance's user avatar
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Chrome V84 certificate valid but "Not Secure"

Chrome pushed out version 84.0.4147.89 this week and started marking one of our websites as "Not Secure" even though our certificate is valid. This is only happening on Win7 machines, other ...
SQLTemp's user avatar
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Nginx reverse proxy with SSL to a server already using HTTPS

I have a small setup where I host a simple website on a raspberry pi with ddns. It was HTTPS enabled using a letsencrypt certificate. Now I wanted to create a second website, and since they're both ...
Aerol's user avatar
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Analysing exe file https connections

I have a exe file, which is sending an https request to the remote server and I think, is downloading something from the site. With process hacker 2 I've got only the remote IP, but I need to see get ...
Mike2233's user avatar
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AuthorityKeyIdentifier missing from keypair generated with java keytool

Background: I'm trying to set up a QA/test environment for a system comprising (1) a web application configured for HTTPS connections, and (2) a Python-based client application running on a mobile ...
JDM's user avatar
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NGINX Reverse proxy with HTTPS

Follow up of a previous question of mine. What I want to do? I want to have my reverse proxy [NGINX] to redirect incoming webtraffic (HTTP and HTTPS) to the correct server based on the sub-domain. ...
Zockerjonny's user avatar
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Chrome can't load HTTPS IP

I have so many applications that need to load in Chrome via IP but in https OpenVas Nessus Kibana and more .. I kept getting this on each one of them, there is no option for me to click "Visit ...
code-8's user avatar
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Why is Apache listening on port 443 with http but not on https?

I have an Apache 2.4 on Debian and configured two VirtualHosts: The first is listening to port 80 to forward all "unsecure" requests to my secure VirtualHost. The second is the "secure" VirtualHost ...
Dodo's user avatar
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Why do "let's encrypt" certificates require root access?

Let's Encrypt puts their certificates for use under: /etc/letsencrypt/live/ Why? I cannot access it without running my webserver with sudo priviledges (or changing the the file permissions ...
codepleb's user avatar
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Security certificate for

On there seems to be on and off problems with the security certificate. One minute the security certificate seemed to be acceptable and 5 minutes later it wasn't. For me, it has ...
whitelightning's user avatar
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Is there a default cert that can be used for SSL with localhost without installation?

I have an app that will require a simple webserver to run (https) on localhost. I need to install this server on many devices. I can create a server certificate, but I want to avoid manually ...
Mars's user avatar
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Add permanent SSL exception for expired certificate in Chrome

I tried to add a SSL exception according to these insctructions: Export current certificate as file (*.cer) Import it under Trusted Root Certification Authorities After I restart Chrome 78 I don't ...
testing's user avatar
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Tomcat 7 starts up my SSL-secured port without erroring, but is still not publicly accessible. How do I debug this?

At my job I have been tasked with securing a website (http -> https) I am new to this, so forgive me if my terminology is wrong. I've spent the past week setting up Tomcat's keystores and configuring ...
Falcondance's user avatar

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