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The Windows trusted the self-signed certificate but Google Chrome returned the NET::ERR_CERT_AUTHORITY_INVALID error

I created a self-signed Root CA certificate, then created an IA certificate signed with Root CA, and finally created a server certificate signed with IA certificate. These are the commands that I use: ...
Tần Quảng's user avatar
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Certificate is valid, but website shown as not secure on some browsers

So I'm currently trying to set up a website over https. I have a webserver running Ubuntu and Apache2, and DNS records are set to direct and traffic. I have a valid ...
guninvalid's user avatar
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How translate s3 url to http in chrome automatically?

Let say I have a link like that: s3://mybucket/mybucket?prefix=myprefix/file.json And I open it in chrome browser. I will get an error. Is it possible to automatically translate the s3 url from ...
Cherry's user avatar
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Chrome 107 - marks self-signed certificate Not Secure despite cert is installed

I'm running create-react-app with self-signed HTTPS certificate locally. The certificate is installed in User's Trusted Root CA Despite that Chrome still marks the website as Not Secure what for ...
micnyk's user avatar
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nginx: http to https not working on chrome

I've got this nginx configuration to redirect http to https: # http redirects to https server { listen 80 default_server; server_name _; return 301 https://$host$request_uri; } server { ...
Andrius's user avatar
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Stop Chrome from going to a website when the connection is "not private" after using Advanced to circumvent that

I'm creating a secure website that uses HTTPS. When Chrome accessed it, Chrome reported a "Your connection is not private" error. I then used the "Advanced" button to go to the ...
ArthurG's user avatar
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Cannot access my router webpage because Chrome forces https

I cannot access my router webpage which is because it gets redirected to (gives me ERR_SSL_VERSION_OR_CIPHER_MISMATCH). I know that google switched to https for ...
Omar Shawky's user avatar
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How to troubleshoot ERR_CERT_AUTHORITY_INVALID error on specific site, on specific device, on specific browser?

I get the ERR_CERT_AUTHORITY_INVALID error only on a specific website, only on one Android phone, only using Chrome mobile. the site works (i.e. https is accessible without error) with every other ...
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NET::ERR_CERT_DATE_INVALID and certificate is not expired

When I try to access my website using https I receive the below error. This error only occurs from my computer regardless which browser I am using to access the home page. When I try to access the ...
jxw's user avatar
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Stop Chrome from changing URL from HTTP to HTTPS when I edit it in the address bar

Note: this is not a duplicate of How to stop an automatic redirect from “http://” to “https://” in Chrome In Chrome 93 on Windows 7: I browse to Chrome hides the protocol in the ...
EM0's user avatar
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Auto-rewrite Mixed Content HTTP links in Microsoft Edge?

There are a few websites I visit that have mixed content (reference to HTTP resources on HTTPS pages). Because of browser's policy on mixed content, those pages don't function normally. However all ...
iBug's user avatar
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How do I disable the warning Chrome gives if a security certificate is not trusted without showing errors?

Asking again because I don't have enough reputation to post the answer here.
Loïc Joachim's user avatar
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Chrome, static PKP sets, and TLS inspect without warning

I'm using chrome in an environment that is employing transparent TLS inspect. There is a private CA that issues the certificates and is available in the trusted authorities store. When I visit mail....
Tom's user avatar
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Why is Chrome not trusting imported, self-signed Root CA?

I receive in Chrome the error NET::ERR_CERT_AUTHORITY_INVALID even though I imported the company's Root CA into Chrome's trust store (via settings > certificates > authorities). I imported the ...
Alv123's user avatar
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Will Chrome fully remove TLS 1.0?

As of Chrome 84, support for TLS 1.0/1.1 has been "removed" although you can still bypass the warning: In the error message it states: The connection used to load this site used TLS 1.0 or ...
rink.attendant.6's user avatar
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WinServer 2019 Standard Https Issue

Recently installed Windows Server 2019 Standard (legit and activated) and migrated my mail server over to this server. I noticed after I was done that I cannot browse the web if the website uses https....
Shiphted's user avatar
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Chrome V84 certificate valid but "Not Secure"

Chrome pushed out version 84.0.4147.89 this week and started marking one of our websites as "Not Secure" even though our certificate is valid. This is only happening on Win7 machines, other ...
SQLTemp's user avatar
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Proxy to HTTPs site

I use a rotating IP proxy server with Google Chrome's Proxy SwitchyOmega extension. The problem is that if I go to the (note: HTTP protocol), my IP changes on every page reload. ...
spacemonkey's user avatar
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Set up DNS over HTTPS in Chrome?

Trying to enable DNS over HTTPS in Chrome (ver. 80) on Windows 10 Pro. Tried turning it on at chrome://flags/#dns-over-https as per a FOSSBYTES article but as per it is ...
K7AAY's user avatar
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Chrome can't load HTTPS IP

I have so many applications that need to load in Chrome via IP but in https OpenVas Nessus Kibana and more .. I kept getting this on each one of them, there is no option for me to click "Visit ...
code-8's user avatar
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Viewing the Local Storage of a HTTP website that now redirects to HTTPS

The Notepad website I've been using lost all of the data that I had kept on it. Not only that, it turns out the snapshots I was downloading were all empty! Unfortunately, I had important data on it, ...
Souma's user avatar
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11 votes
2 answers

How do I show www. and https:// in Chrome 79? [duplicate]

I just updated Chrome to version 79, and I noticed that prefixes like https:// and www. have disappeared again. Before, I fixed this by setting the omnibox-ui-hide-steady-state-url-scheme-and-...
Joseph Sible-Reinstate Monica's user avatar
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Capture full trace of HTTPS protocol in firefox/chrome

When I make a request in a browser like firefox or chrome, I would like to view a full trace of the HTTPS protocol, including the http version negotiation, the TLS negotiation, the headers, etc. The ...
Lasse's user avatar
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Chrome forcing HTTPS on resources?

Here is a curious phenomenon I witnessed in Chrome. A couple of days ago I noticed that my blog lost its styling. Probably can't load its stylesheet or other resources, right? I've set it up years ...
Ram Rachum's user avatar
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Add permanent SSL exception for expired certificate in Chrome

I tried to add a SSL exception according to these insctructions: Export current certificate as file (*.cer) Import it under Trusted Root Certification Authorities After I restart Chrome 78 I don't ...
testing's user avatar
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Angularjs PUT & DELETE Aborted on PreFlight with IE11

Our AngularJs WebApp communicates CORS CRUD operations against a WebApi service hosted in IIS that is SSL, and requires Certificates. All Verbs - GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, work in Chrome, but... IE11 ...
Ryan Lege's user avatar
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Adding to hosts file to redirect locally error. Says my site "refused to connect."

I'm on Windows 10 using Chrome, Firefox and MS Edge. I'm trying to do something for a class I'm taking and can't get it to work. All I want to do is add something like this to the hosts file: 127.0.0....
CodeChops's user avatar
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Chrome displays "Deceptive Site Ahead" despite proper SSL certificate

I have a WordPress site that I am hosting on DreamHost and when I visit the site in Chrome it displays a "Deceptive Site Ahead" message. The website is I tried disabling ...
Grant Kopplin's user avatar
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Mark as secure an HTTP site on Chrome locally on my PC

I want to mark permanently my HTTP site as secure on Chrome locally on my PC. I tried to add my site on browser's trusted sites but Chrome continues to mark it as not secure. I tried to use chrome://...
dsHitman's user avatar
22 votes
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Chrome persistently redirecting to HTTPS for HTTP site

I'm building a site to replace an older site. The newer site currently is NOT HTTPS. However, the old site is HTTPS. I'm switching between the two sites by toggling an entry in my 'hosts' file. I ...
Codesmith's user avatar
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Chrome dropping www subdomain on request

I have currently setup a website with a ssl cert which does not support wildcards and points to the bare domain. Upon testing the URL on different browsers I noticed that when requesting the domain ...
user3657850's user avatar
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How do I view Current User Certificates, and not Local Machine Certificates, on Windows?

When installing a certificate on Windows, you are given two choices: If I click Next, I can choose to allow the Certificate Import Wizard to figure out where to put it for me, but does this mean it ...
NobleUplift's user avatar
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Why does Chrome say "Your connection to this site is not secure" even if the certificate is valid?

My site has a valid certificate, but Chrome marks it as insecure. I tried my site using Brave and Firefox, and both mark it as secure. I also ran this online test, and everything looks fine: https:/...
Jean-François Beauchamp's user avatar
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Trouble with https:// access to various sites

I'm experiencing a rather odd problem right now. My PC is running Windows 10 Enterprise, v1803, and about 10 days ago, suddenly several web sites stopped working properly. I first experienced it ...
marc_s's user avatar
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Chrome automatically blocking microphone

I'm trying to test out SpeechRecognition API on my website (which requires microphone use), but because of the policy, Chrome is automatically blocking microphone. First thing i tried was enabling it ...
ShellRox's user avatar
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How can I get Chrome accepting self signed certificates?

I have a local REST-API service based on node/express and MongoDB. I am planning to switch over from http to https. The Clients are running on Windows Server 2012 R2 (Terminal-Server). The REST-API is ...
oldmayn's user avatar
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SSL error only on certain sites

I'm on Windows 10 and getting an ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR on some sites that use SSL, but not others. For example, uses SSL and the site works fine, but and ...
Simon's user avatar
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How to disable chrome redirecting http to http requests

So I've got a vm running and I've updated /etc/hosts on the host machine using dev to point the the VM IP. When using chrome however e.g dev:5000/some/path it redirects me to http://dev:5000/some/path ...
kurupt_89's user avatar
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Stop Chrome forcing https on .dev domain [duplicate]

After updating to version 63 I have lost many hours figuring out what happened. I really don't care if it is a valid TLD and I don't want to use .test. So what are the ways around it? They did not ...
TheKitMurkit's user avatar
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Google Chrome Strikes Out the entire https URL

I am using Google Chrome Browser v60 on Windows 7 64 bit. On a desktop PC on one of my LAN Computers I have installed Oracle 12c. It comes with its own Web Based Enterprise Manager that can be ...
rajeev's user avatar
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Slow HTTPS requests to all websites in Chrome

We have some weird behavior on a lot of machines here – computers running Windows 10 x64 and Windows 8.1 x64. Using Internet Explorer we face no problems when visiting different websites, but Chrome ...
Daniel Jørgensen's user avatar
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How long does a self-signed certificate's "Proceed Anyway" exception last in Google Chrome?

As is usual with most web development, I have a web server using a self-signed certificate for HTTPS access. I notice myself needing to go through the "Proceed anyway" prompt in Chrome once about ...
example6's user avatar
9 votes
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This site can’t be reached: " is currently unreachable"

I am having a weird issue with my Chrome browser and I can't find how to fix it. Each time I try to access my Gmail email I got the following message: This site can’t be reached is ...
ReynierPM's user avatar
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Are there well known HTTP-only sites?

Captive Wi-Fi portals suck. Often when I open a HTTP site in a browser (desktop Chrome or mobile Chrome), I get the captive portal, but with auto-completion and so quickly I connect again to Wi-Fi. ...
Giacomo Catenazzi's user avatar
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How do I see why a site is "Not Secure"?

Chrome is reporting a website as "Not Secure". How can I find specific details of why it is making this assessment? If I click the "Learn More" link, it only shows generic information on a ...
William Entriken's user avatar
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Why is it that sometimes Chrome displays something other than 'Secure' on https websites? [duplicate]

Check out these 2 links and look at what is in the search bar on the very left. The ...
EDD's user avatar
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Disable/remove HSTS for a website in chrome

My https not supported website is getting re-directed to https by default. I tried removing hsts entry from chrome net-internal settings but it does not work & the redirection just keeps happening....
Aarish Ramesh's user avatar
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Chrome will ONLY request the HTTPS version of a website but there is not actually a secure version

I was curious if a website (which shall remain nameless) supported HTTPS so I added an S to the protocol of the URL ... now if I try and visit the HTTP version of the site in Chrome, it still tries to ...
aslum's user avatar
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84 views pages show as unsecure when connecting https

I recently reinstalled windows 7 on my machine, ran automatic updates, everything up to date. Downloaded and installed google chrome. Whenever I browse to a google site (,
nullReference's user avatar
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Undo allow loading scripts over HTTP in HTTPS page

I have the following problem in Chrome. I enabled loading of scripts over HTTP on my site while testing over HTTPS using the following button in Chrome: However I now need to fix the initial issue ...
apokryfos's user avatar
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