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Where is the Sparkline tab in the Show group for Excel?

How would I display the high points? screenshot Copilot says: You Apply Blue sparkline color and display the high points for the sparklines. Copilot Certainly! Let’s create sparklines in Excel, apply ...
Nick's user avatar
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How to format Y axis in an Excel chart in days, hours, minutes?

I have an Excel chart tracking time taken to complete a task. I managed to use rows in my spreadsheet to apply custom data labels for the graph, but it doesn't match up to the Y axis of my graph. I ...
superfrootbythesuperfoot's user avatar
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Stacked Area Chart Excel, 3 Series Negative Problems

I am trying to create a chart similar to this original chart. I'm having troubles with the negative values. The red area falls negative when I chart it as a stacked chart. It seems like it should be ...
SilverSamwise's user avatar
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Removing outer white space around a bar graph

It might be a bit of a simple question but on I want to remove the outer white space around the graph but I have no idea if its possible or how to do this. Any help woule be appreciated.
Avawahwa's user avatar
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Excel Copying Sheet Lose Chart and Data Table Format When Source File is Closed

I am copying a worksheet from one workbook to another which contains a combo chart (histogram on top, data table on the bottom). The numbers are formatted as percentage (i.e. like "90.20%") ...
SC L's user avatar
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Excel 2016 Chart > Date and Text on the same Axis

I received an interesting question yesterday during at work. Is it possible to have Date and Text values on the same Axis in Excel Chart, but that this "text" is actually formatted or somehow ...
MmVv's user avatar
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Format series of excel pivot chart based on series title

I have a non-stacked pivot bar chart that is showing two values (Sum of Planned Hours & Sum of Actual Hours) for a number of Series. What I want to achieve is a formatting rule that if all the ...
dnaylor93's user avatar
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Excel Chart data table. Formatting one row (TOTAL) only

Im trying to build a chart and Highlight TOTAL row in data table (that one underlined on screen) ;). I can format only whole chart data table or nothing. By a trick I did a "hidden" (no colour and ...
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Stop Excel chart from changing series formatting

I have an Excel bar chart that is formatted exactly the way I like it. The bar colors, the label fonts, the grid lines, etc, etc. Here is an example: Notice the awesome formatting of the second ...
ElRudi's user avatar
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Excel Chart - show data formatted regardless the local settings

I want to share a excel file with charts on a different computer. The data I have formatted to display with thousand (,) and decimal (.) separation char. Unfortunately the other computer is set up ...
Andrew Faerber's user avatar
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x axis formatting with dynamic excel chart

I'm having a problem with a dynamic x,y chart. I set up named ranges using this method: My x axis label is "time" =OFFSET(graf!$D$2,0,0,COUNTA(graf!$D$2:$D$1000)-1) I do the same for my data (y ...
user288150's user avatar
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Format datatable using VBA (values are as Double but String is needed for formatting)

Currently working on a vba script that makes charts automatically. I would like to add a datatable which is done using: .HasDataTable = True However I would like to show the values of series as ...
WhoKnows19's user avatar
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excel chart data labels failing to apply to all series

if I have a multiple series chart (pivot chart to be exact, can be line or bar) and I select (from the ribbon) layout data labels more data label options... then it automatically slaps '...
adolf garlic's user avatar
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How to add markers to all series in an excel line chart in one go?

I have about 15 series in my chart and do not wish to manually select and edit each one individually to give it a distinct marker Is there a way to do this for all lines in one go? I don't care if ...
adolf garlic's user avatar
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Changing data series line weights in Excel chart (many at once)

Is there a way to edit the weight of all lines at once on an Excel line chart? I have a graph with about 50 data series on it, and it's too much to go through all of them and change the weights ...
Chris Dennett's user avatar

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