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Questions tagged [diff]

diff is a shell command to find differences between two files. It is common on all *nix based systems

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Watch + pipe + multiple arguments

I have a command diff -y <(xxd FILE) <(xxd FILE_) | colordiff and i want to put it into watch routine. Something like that: watch -n 0,1 'diff -y <(xxd FILE) <(xxd FILE_)' But i have an ...
Kirill's user avatar
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Windows, How come Diff.exe reports an error?

We have 3 files in 3 directories: d:\run.exe d:\temp\RunShortcut = d:\run.exe s:\temp\RunShortcut = d:\run.exe The above 2 shortcut files are 433 bytes each and shortcuts are present in ...
Joseph's user avatar
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Is there a ZFS-aware diff?

I often make snapshots of a ZFS volume (containing AOSP) make some changes (often extracting ZIP files over then top, or running scripts) and then run diff to see what has changed. This is really ...
fadedbee's user avatar
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31 votes
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Git: Performing a diff between two stashes

Is it possible with Git to perform a diff between two stashes? For instance, I have the following stashes: stash@{2}: On peformanceFix#3: 20170728T164841 stash@{3}: On peformanceFix#2: ...
Hans Deragon's user avatar
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diff won't work recursively

I'm trying to recursively diff two directories using the command line diff util. I have two folders, diff1 and diff2, with contents like this: diff2 is empty. But when I do diff -r diff1 diff2 I only ...
user73784's user avatar
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password is in clear text within ssh

I understand this is related to sshd_config below: PasswordAuthentication yes What I don't understand here is my command below: diff <(ssh rx52019@hostname ls -R /home/rx52019 ) <(ls -R /home/...
PasLeChoix's user avatar
-1 votes
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diff says files are different even after sync with rsync

To synchronise two directories, I run diff -r -q path/to/dir1 path/to/dir2 1>/dev/null if [[ $? == "0" ]] then echo "Directories are exact copies of each other" else rsync -av --delete path/to/...
Narusan's user avatar
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Object expected Microsoft JScript runtime error 800A138F when viewing diffs inside of TortoiseSVN update log

After I get an update, I double click a JavaScript file in my update log and get the following error message: I've tried clearing everything inside of Settings -> Saved Data but I still get errors. I'...
thecoolmacdude's user avatar
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3 answers

WinMerge says two files are identical when doing a diff on the directory, but comparing the files shows differences

I have two folders on my desktop, PreChanges and PostChanges. PostChanges contains a few more files than PreChanges, but otherwise everything in one appears in the other. If I use WinMerge to ...
sab669's user avatar
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diff-so-fancy to compare files not under git version control

I really like the character-level highlighting of diff-so-fancy. How can I use it to compare files without using git?
Tom Hale's user avatar
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patch file based off single line

i have a file: unreliable, random content, multiple lines this_line_is_always_the_same_and_never_repeated_in_file unreliable, random content, SINGLE line unreliable, random content, multiple lines ...
robert k's user avatar
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Make doesn't find cmp even though it exists

Trying to run make in cygwin, I get the following error message: $ make clean Error: cmp command not found, please install diffutils ../../../../Makefile:489: recipe for target 'clean' failed make: **...
iFreilicht's user avatar
2 votes
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bash: why use "treat all files as text" flag with the diff command?

I see a few examples when using the diff command, particularly using it recursively for checking whole directories, to use "diff -ar foo/ foo2/". If I'm checking a bunch of mixed files (some text, ...
bitofagoob's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

I forgot to activate Track Changes in a Word document. How to highlight my edits?

After I saved the document and closed Word, I realised that I forgot to activate Track Changes. I have a copy of the previous revision. How can I highlight my (too many) edits before sending the ...
Orion's user avatar
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Compare two documents, find similar sentences

I am trying to compare two text files documents (40 pages+) that seem to have similar sentences scattered around them. I would like to detect these similarities somehow. The first idea that popped ...
Error404's user avatar
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