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check and warp newest files added

How am I going to automatically check all the files that were added to the directory and then warp it immediately?Because everyday I am downloading hdf files and warping it from time to time is a ...
lovelyvm's user avatar
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How to perform this Windows 7 permissions change on many files via GUI or command line

After using my external hard drive on another Windows 7 computer to tweak photos with Windows Live Photo Gallery then upload them to Facebook I found the modified images were now not visible on the ...
hippietrail's user avatar
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How to create Policy-based QoS on Windows 7 through CLI?

I am trying to add ToS (QoS) support to a SIP client (taken from open-source Linphone) as so: retval = setsockopt(session->rtp.socket, proto, value_type, (SOCKET_OPTION_VALUE)&tos, sizeof(tos))...
Maxim Shoustin's user avatar
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Disabling Startup Programs and Services From Command Prompt (XP/Vista/7/8)

I need a command that disables all programs and services from starting except the bare essentials. In msconfig this is called a diagnostic startup. I am working on automating a lot of the work I do ...
Scandalist's user avatar
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Replicate user action in Windows?

Is it possible somehow to record user action fully and replicate it on any other machine? Not just repeat user input (key press, mouse clicks/movement), but capture actual system "objects" (e.g., GUI ...
nazikus's user avatar
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Window's program GUI behavior translated to CMD

Sorry for the poor title but it's hard to explain in a few words what I'm looking for hence Google can't show me what i'm looking for. I'm under the impression that many Windows applications can be ...
Nick's user avatar
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How to give and pass input between separate programs?

There's so many individual, useful programs out there who's source code isn't available, some of which would integrate beautifully with each other! The only problem is I don't know how to enable ...
Griffin's user avatar
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script or batch move files from multiple sub directories to parent [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: merging all files into one folder from different folders Hello all, I have a similar issue to this post Move files from multiple folders all into parent directory with command ...
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