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Questions tagged [cifs]

SMB / CIFS is a network protocol that allows sharing of files across a network of nodes. The protocol is based on a design where the customer requests it sends packets to the server, the server in turn sends response packets to the client.

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1 answer

nfs equivalant services in smb?

I want to know if there are nfs equivalant services in smb(windows server). for example nfs to mount volume on nfs client nfs server (in case of nfs3) should be running daemon like rpc.mountd,quota,...
Rahul anand's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Using CIFS to mount a Windows share that symlinks another Windows share

I have a Windows Server 2008 VM that hosts some files that are accessed by a mixture of Windows and Linux (Ubuntu 12.04) machines via a windows share. Due to space constraints on the VM host that the ...
Freaky Dug's user avatar
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Cannot copy large files to cifs mounted drive

I am running Ubuntu 13.10 and cannot backup (or copy large files) to a network server (an asdl router with hardrive from It copies data for about 30 seconds, then it slows down to a crawl. ...
Paul B's user avatar
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1 answer

nfs and cifs shares hanging from Linux

I've got a NAS (Dlink DNS-323) that I mount from my linux box. It used to work fine, and then I upgraded my distro (apt-get upgrade). I'm running Linux Mint Debian Edition. Current kernel is: oliver@...
Oliver Dain's user avatar
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Samba shared subdirectories report as files

I just upgraded my home server to Windows Server 2012 R2 Essentials. My ancient living room media player makes a lot of assumptions about SMB shares that are incompatible with the new server. My ...
Kennet Belenky's user avatar
17 votes
4 answers

How to mount a samba share on non-standard port?

The firewall on my network drops all packets on TCP port 139 and 445. So all samba shares don't work outside the LAN. I tried letting the samba daemon listen on a non-standard port. This method works ...
hpsMouse's user avatar
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Why does this line in my fstab give me an "Invalid Argument" error

Here's the entry in my fstab that's giving me a mount error(22): Invalid argument error. //{address}/networkshare /mnt/pslive-netshare cifs umask=077,gid=1000,uid=1000,credentials=/root/.pslivecred,...
Nathan Jones's user avatar
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Make network share accessible to multiple users on OSX

My goal is to mount a shared folder from a Synology to a Mac running 10.9.1, only I want the mount point to be accessible to all users in group staff. The share is made accessible by the synology ...
sensei's user avatar
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1 answer

mount a cifs share without root/fstab

Hello is it possible to mount a samba share without root privileges? Currently I have a java program that needs to access a smb share. (it will index every file on the smb share and will create some ...
Christian Schmitt's user avatar
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Windows share is not accessible from time to time

I have a CentOS box having a share mounted from local NAS (Synology) and a share mounted from a Windows Server 2012 (no utilities, plain standard share AFAIK). There's a script that does backups every ...
Denys S.'s user avatar
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Sharing the thumbs.db file

in our situation we got network shares containing a lot of PDF's. People want to look at the thumbnails before opening them. However, the thumbs.db file is regenerated for every user looking at the ...
Arthur's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Git cannot clone repository into CIFS mounted directory

Attempting to clone a remote Git repository into a CIFS mounted directory on Linux. The error is: $ git clone ssh://[email protected]/ghuser/ghuser.git dir Cloning into 'dir'... fatal: Unable to create ...
elynnaie's user avatar
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5 answers

How to keep group-writeable shares on Samba with OSX clients?

I have a FreeNAS server on a network with OSX and Windows clients. When the OSX clients interact with SMB/CIFS shares on the server, they are causing permission problems for all other clients. ...
Oliver Salzburg's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Cannot Mount Windows 7 Share from Linux using CIFS: Mount error(13): Permission denied

We have a windows XP share entry in our FSTAB that works as follows: //MAIN/StorageD /mnt/storaged cifs username=admin,password='',uid=1001,gid=1000,iocharset=utf8,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777,noperm ...
Damon's user avatar
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Why does cifs asks for su rights to write any data into it?

I'm mounting a windows share as follows: sudo mount -t cifs // -o users,username=name,dom=domain,password=pword /mnt/nas Then I'm trying to create a simple file with some basic ...
Denys S.'s user avatar
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