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Questions tagged [certbot]

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Can’t renew LE certs behind haproxy after upgrade

My previous setup to maintain Let's Encrypt certificates, which worked, was: WAN -> pfSense -> Ubuntu 18.04 -> haproxy -> certbot v0.27.0 (for renewal) pfSense forwarded all TCP traffic on ...
Craig's user avatar
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I cannot change my Nginx configuration no matter what I try

I'm trying to create a subdomain for hosting files and no matter what I try, autoindex doesn't do anything. I can successfully redirect "" to "", but ...
Reverent Lapwing's user avatar
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Docker certbot trouble after relocating data-root

Because of my Docker images/containers filling up my root partition, I've been trying to move the data-root directory of my Docker installation to a different location (current: /usr/lib/docker; ...
MPA's user avatar
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SSL certificates not being generated with Certbot for Nginx when using Docker

If I understand this correctly what you are required to do is to have a web server being hosted at a specific domain and then execute the certbot command with specific arguments. I have created a ...
Zoumath's user avatar
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What comes first - Certbot or nginx?

I am trying to set up nginx to act as a reverse proxy on a small personal server; however, I am encountering some circular logic when I ask certbot to generate SSL certificates. From what I can tell, ...
henley's user avatar
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Connection refused when generating a Let's Encrypt certificate for a subdomain

I'm trying to add a subdomain to my Let's Encrypt certificate but it's giving Connection refused. The command I ran was sudo certbot --expand -d Certbot failed to authenticate some ...
kryz's user avatar
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Certbot frequently/always fails in cron with a hostname mismatch

Update 2023-05-06: Yep. Looks like CentOS7's NetworkManager overwriting /etc/resolv.conf. Haven't had an issue since disabling it. Update 2023-04-20: It looks like CentOS7's NetworkManager is the ...
Shovas's user avatar
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How do I auto-renew a manual Certbot cert?

I manually set up a Certbot cert on an EC2 instance so that I could set up a wildcard cert. Specifically, I used the following command (with the real domain, not to set up the manual ...
HartleySan's user avatar
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Why is it better to configure ACME client to trust private CA root certificate than to add the certificate to the CA store?

I am creating a self-hosted CA for my internal home network as a hobby project and to learn something new. I'm using Smallstep's open-source step-ca and step CLI. After creating the CA, the next step ...
Iceape's user avatar
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How to remove Certbot completely ubuntu 20.04

I ran this command sudo dpkg -l *certbot* and I got this certbot and the version number listed in the terminal: Next I ran this 2 commands sudo apt-get remove certbot and sudo apt autoremove and I ...
Nat's user avatar
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PHP webpage downloads instead of opens in browser (nginx, php on debian10 server)

I have a server running Debian 10. I have installed nginx (1.18.0) and php and php-fpm (7.4.28). Following this guide I was able to get html website with certification by ...
Vojta Klimes's user avatar
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Certbot 1.12.0 - How to stop ISRG Root X1 from being signed by DST Root CA X3?

I have an NGINX reverse proxy (nginx/1.21.4 & Debian 11) using certbot (v1.12.0) to get Lets Encrypt certificates for my site. Since the expiry of the DST cert, I had intermittent issues with ...
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Why is Snappy hanging on any command?

Server is AlmaLinux 8.5 (converted from CentOS). I had been doing some work to add a new web site which included the usual dnf update and also installing php81-php-fpm and some associated packages. ...
zkarj's user avatar
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How can I fix cron letsencrypt certbot renew on Ubuntu (SSL3_GET_SERVER_CERTIFICATE, certificate verify failed)?

I have an nginx webserver running with letsencrypt certificates, updated through certbot renew. All on Ubuntu 14.04. Since 1st Oct 2021 I keep getting emails from cron that the certificates could not ...
Johannes Overmann's user avatar
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Is it possible to re-enter the process in Linux?

I ran the certbot program to give out a certificate for a domain. During domain verification when the program was running my ssh session with the server crashed. Logging back to the server I wanted to ...
nsog8sm43x's user avatar
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Certbot won't generate ssl for my mail-prefixed domains

I recently developed my first full-stack website, and I attempted to get it out there with a vps. My problem is, I can't seem to generate an ssl certificate for one of my domains. The www.website_name....
Ziyad's user avatar
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Is there anything like certbot (auto-renewal) for paid SSL certs? [closed]

For maximumum compatibility, I want to use simple DV PositiveSSL certs, similar to what Let's Encrypt does. But the biggest pain in the neck is that I can't find anything which renews automatically ...
Richard's user avatar
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Should I continue to use Let's Encrypt after September 2021?

I am very curious about what the community thinks. After Sept 2021, they will no longer be co-signed by DST Root CA X3, and basically any platform from 2016 or older will not validate their ...
Richard's user avatar
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10 votes
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What is the purpose of chain.pem files?

A general question about chaim.pem files; I used a csr obtained from my host, and used the Certbot from LetsEncrypt to generate a https cert; I used the following command $ certbot certonly --manual -...
joedotnot's user avatar
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Certbot fails to start nginx

I am using kernel 3.10 on CentOS 7. I have successfully installed CertBot 1.10.1 using alternative installation instructions as certbot-auto. I have manually added certbot-auto to autorun via systemd ...
Alex's user avatar
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How to remove deprecated certbot-auto, but keep certbot and existing configuration

Blindly following an installation tutorial, I ended up with both certbot-auto (git clone to /etc/letsencrypt) and the actual certbot tool. Now I would really like to clean-up my Ubuntu installation ...
Vince's user avatar
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6 votes
3 answers

How do I renew ALL certificates with certbot?

I don't want to only renew the certificates which are going to expire soon. (Whatever soon means). I want to renew all of them to make sure they will be on the same timing in the future. I cannot find ...
Corporal Touchy's user avatar
3 votes
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certbot-auto fails to install automatic renewal?

I am using kernel 3.10 on CentOS 7. I have successfully installed CertBot 1.10.1 using alternative installation instructions as certbot-auto. Running certbot-auto successfully generated certificates ...
Alex's user avatar
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Enable ssl on my apache webdav using letsencrypt and certbot

I have a raspberry pi and use apache and webdav to serve photos to family and friends. I think I have a very basic configuration. I have a file 000-default.conf and a second webdav.conf. In order to ...
anjuta's user avatar
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can't connect to server after installing let's encrypt on centos 8

I'm trying to install let's encrypt on my centos 8 apache server. I created domain-site.conf file in /etc/httpd/conf.d/ directory with the following content (domain name is replaced with test): <...
user1212374's user avatar
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How to renew LetsEncrypt SSL wildcard?

I have to renew my SSL certificate, but I want to use a wildcard certificate instead of my current simple SSL using LetsEncrypt also. I usually use this command below, but it doesn't work to update my ...
Rafael Corrêa Gomes's user avatar
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Generating SSL cert using certbot - multiple DNS entries

I currently have 2 DNS A records for main domain pointing to the different IP addresses. This is creating problems when I try to use certbot to generate Let's Encrypt's SSL certificate for my domain, ...
user3362334's user avatar
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Why can’t certbot auto revew wildcard SSL certs without a DNS plugin?

When I run certbot review, I get the following error. An authentication script must be provided with --manual-auth-hook when using the manual plugin non-interactively. According to the docs, to ...
sunknudsen's user avatar
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certbot (Let’s Encrypt) for local domain NXDOMAIN looking up A for **.domain

I am trying to use certbot (Let’s Encrypt) for a local domain. In /etc/hosts I have this. But when I run certbot (Let’s Encrypt) shows this error. How can I set ...
whitebear's user avatar
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nginx and certbot fails

Im trying to setup two sites on my nginx server. pma (phpmyadmin) works as it should. myhome.domain.tld - dosnt work. here is the nginx.conf file. user www-data; worker_processes auto; pid /run/...
sbh7600's user avatar
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