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3 answers

How can I skip a cycle in a FOR loop?

I am running a Batch script for processing some files. When it determines that the current file needs no processing I would like to skip the rest of the commands for that file and move directly to the ...
Bricktop's user avatar
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2 answers

How to Batch Rename Photos but Keep Same Numbers

I've been researching this for over an hour now. Bottom line is I want to keep the NUMBER when I rename the photos. Nearly every app or process wants to rename all photos starting with (1) or 1 or ...
Ayemac's user avatar
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1 answer

Windows Batch Command to Rename a File

I have a file named: ORA_GL_2023-09-19_12-36-47.TXT That needs to be renamed to: ORA_GL_2023-09.TXT I tried REN ORA*.TXT REN ORA_GL_????-??.TXT without success. Greatly appreciate assistance on this!
user7571572's user avatar
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Batch to add current datetime to filename [duplicate]

I would like to add the current datetime to all filenames in the current directory. I think this can be done with batch/xcopy like: xcopy /s /x c:\xxx\*.* c:\yyy\*%datetime%.* @RockPaperLz: thanks for ...
Tom Waldhütter's user avatar
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Batch rename movie folder(s) to movie file inside of folder?

I would like to rename my movie folder names to match the movie file name inside the movie folder. The movie files have the right names but the folders do not. I've found batch file rename options for ...
PCRuns's user avatar
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Is it possible to rename a USB flash drive and transfer files onto that drive with one script?

I am using a batch (below) found elsewhere to facilitate moving the files onto the USB flash drives, but want to also rename the flash drive in the process. How would I incorporate the renaming ...
Aaron Simpson's user avatar
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rename all files within a directory and its subdirectories with batch script

I would like to rename the name and the extension of all files which are located in the a certain directories and its subdirectories to a random combination of 25 alphamuneric signs (letters and ...
matthew_n97's user avatar
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rename by Inserting string in the middle of filename

I have initial file: CAR_001.dat I have 3 other files next to it: CAR_001_prev0.png CAR_001_prev1.png CAR_001_prev2.png I'm trying to rename these 3 files to: CAR_001_NEWSTRING_prev0.png ...
Anton Shmetelko's user avatar
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2 answers

Using Windows rename to replace a single underscore with a double?

Can anyone advise me where I am going wrong with this? I have some file names that contain XXX XXX_Layer_XXX and I'm trying to replace to XXX XXX_Layer__XXX My attempt so far was: ren "*Layer_*.*...
Martyn's user avatar
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4 answers

Batch identify and rename files with no extension

I have a folder of thousands of files in different formats but without any extensions. I know how to detect unknown file types using the tools such as TrID - File Identifier and DROID: file format ...
eArmin's user avatar
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2 answers

Batch rename multiple files by modification date

I got a bat script for rename files by their creation date but I need to adjust the code below to made to rename files by modification date. @echo off set Folder=%userprofile%\desktop\Images For /f &...
Mechanix2Go's user avatar
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2 answers

batch file to rename folders creates new folders

Because I have multiple back-up copies of all files, I use the following batch file to rename files so that I don't have to go into each drive/folder to rename files manually. The batch file works ...
joehua's user avatar
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Find text in files and then rename the files, in Batch

i'm having some problems creating a script that find a specific text in each file inside a folder, get the content after that text and set it as a name for the file, all that inside a loop, to perform ...
Shane89's user avatar
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How to read files name last character and and rename them by running a batch file

I have 3 files in a folder which are: XXX_a.txt XXX_b.txt XXX_c.txt The filename can be varied, only the last character of the 3 files a, b and c are not changed I need to rename the files as below: ...
newbie's user avatar
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Double escape not working for special character (Windows batch file)

This works in a batch file to remove a word from all file names, for example "UnwantedWord", on the line with "SET MODIFIED_FILENAME"... setlocal enableextensions ...
bat_cmd's user avatar
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