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Xmodmap freezes KDE when connecting peripheral (usb and bluetooth)

Connecting any peripheral using USB or Bluetooth causes KDE to experience freezes. During the freeze, you can still move the mouse pointer, but clicking anything doesn't work. After about 20 seconds, ...
Letus252's user avatar
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Can't keep keyboard layout on Garuda dragonized

I just installed Garuda dragonized and I'm using the wayland session: OS: Garuda Linux x86_64 Host: MS-7C37 1.0 Kernel: 6.6.2-zen1-1-zen But i don't understand why, when i boot, i have this error ...
miyoku's user avatar
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KDE Keeps freezing for some reason

First, to give a bit of details about my system: I use KDE plasma I use X11/Xorg as my protocol I use Arch Linux I have an NVIDIA gpu and an intel IGPU Since I've installed Arch i have been ...
Bigchungusonketamime's user avatar
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Deactivating sleep mode in kde plasma 5.27.6

I am using CachyOS KDE. This system is based on the arch family. I would like to know how I can disable sleep mode in the start menu and in the sddm login screen. Is there such a possibility? I would ...
BuBu's user avatar
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Notification box in KDE Plasma, does not display all emoji as coloured

I am using CachyOS KDE (Arch Linux familiy) and I have a problem with emoji. There are fonts from coloured emoji uploaded to the system, but in the notification box not every one is coloured. There's ...
BuBu's user avatar
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Arch/Plasma - PolicyKit window not opening for Virtual Machine Manager;

I'm relatively new to linux and I have using Arch linux as the host for some virtual machines for some time now. I don't know what triggered it, but lately 90% of the times I boot and open the Virtual ...
his dudeness's user avatar
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KDE Plasma - Terminal as wallpaper

Can be possible having a terminal as a background / wallpaper? The alternatives I've searched suggest customizing the application with no borders and fullscreen resolution, but, that makes the ...
MatiasGdo's user avatar
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dual screen support for plasma desktop

I have 2 displays with differing resolutions, and have them mostly working on a Garuda Linux dr460nized version (KDE Plasma). My current xrandr configuration is: [ 2 -eq $(xrandr |grep -c 'DP') ] &...
Odin's user avatar
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2 answers

Using Kdocker on startup (Arch Linux, KDE)

I'm using KDocker on startup to autostart Spotify in the system tray (since Spotify on Linux doesn't have that feature). It works, however after startup the KDocker window selector (changing the ...
Nathan's user avatar
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SDDM not logging in, Garuda Linux(Arch Based), KDE plasma 5.25

SDDM accepts my password, starts a X11 session then crashes back to SDDM. before i got this problem, my pc booted to a SDDM black screen with a cursor, used tty2 to log in and reinstall SDDM. to ...
Mohit Lol's user avatar
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How to remove GNOME Web Browser

I decided to switch from GNOME to KDE Plasma on Arch Linux, so I used sudo pacman -Rdd gnome. However, Web Browser remains, though with much less functionality (no tabs, etc.) Perhaps it was retained ...
Lambert_W's user avatar
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Dual booting Manjaro kde with windows 10

I want to dual boot my laptop(win 10 preinstalled) with Manjaro-kde plasma, I only have 512gb ssd , already divided into two(C=276gb & D=200gb). How much free space should I leave in Windows C ...
SAI 's user avatar
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Starting X Server

I installed Arch with KDE plasma. I want to start KDE without display manager and configured files by instructions from Arch wiki .But after ...
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Setting application boundaries in KDE (a.k.a. the Linux DisplayFusion alternative)

tl;dr After all, is there a program/setting/script/tweak/voodoo to achieve a behaviour on Linux and KDE Plasma (or any other DE if not in KDE's case) similar to how DisplayFusion works on Windows, by ...
manoelpqueiroz's user avatar
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Setup VNC server on ArchLinux with sddm and KDE

I'm trying to expose desktop of my PC in internal network. I would like to expose SDDM and KDE session in there. Surprisingly I was not able to find legit article on Arch wiki. Is it even possible? Or ...
majkrzak's user avatar
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Not able to launch any application using a custom shortcut in KDE plasma

This is my first question on this website. I am using arch linux. I recently changed from Gnome desktop environment to KDE Plasma. However, I am not able to launch any application (for eg. Konsole) by ...
Gurbir Singh's user avatar
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ArchLinux KDE sometimes mouseclick on the touchpad not working

I'm running Arch Linux with KDE Plasma as desktop environment. Sometimes it happens that I suddenly can't use the double tap gesture on the touch-pad to make a mouse click also the two finger gestures ...
White's user avatar
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VirtualBox stuck in 800x600 resolution (Arch Linux - KDE Plasma)

Running KDE Plasma on Arch Linux on VirtualBox. The desktop is stuck in 800x600 resolution. If I try to set the resolution inside System Settings - Display Configuration, the window enlarges then ...
akmin04's user avatar
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4 answers

No Brightness control in kde

I just reinstalled my arch. During KDE install, we have multiple ways to install KDE. plasma (install the whole KDE) Plasma-meta(meta pack) Plasma-desktop( it Just provides desktop and nothing else....
Nikhil Badyal's user avatar
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KDE Connect not working. (Shows error of cannot be paired because it is running an old version of KDE Connect while I'm using latest version

I'm running Arch Linux in my desktop with 4.19.91-1-lts kernel and packages are up to date. I've first installed KDE Connect from pacman repository by using pacman -S kdeconnect and latest version of ...
Biku B.'s user avatar
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KDE panel missing on tigervnc vnc session

I want to gain VNC access to a tigervnc server. Both laptops runs with ArchLinux sddm KDE xorg (not wayland) and it took me a day to get the server running and an Dolphin is opening - just nothing ...
Ingo Mi's user avatar
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How to `sudo` when using fish protocol in Dolphin?

I can connect to a remote server and browser the file system using Dolphin and the location fish://me@my-server. However, if I need to access the file system as a different user, or as root, how would ...
Josh M.'s user avatar
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How to use the QT file picker for both GTK and QT apps?

The file picker for GTK+ apps (eg. Firefox) looks like this: For qt apps (eg. nomacs) it looks like this: Is there a way to use the QT file picker for both GTK and QT apps? I am running arch 4.20 ...
HanMah's user avatar
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Some Qt apps (VLC and KDevelop) crashes in Manjaro due to QXcbWindow::setWindowIcon seg fault

Recently I started using Manjaro 18.0. Everything is okay except KDevelop and VLC crashes when it starts. My desktop environment is the newest version of Deepin DE. Previously I have also tried ...
Jackson Ming Hu's user avatar
14 votes
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How to disable the Slack minipanel?

I am using the Slack app on my ArchLinux laptop running KDE Plasma 5.12.4. Whenever I'm in a call and switch application, desktop or activity the Slack minipanel appears. Since it appears as a new ...
Kyll's user avatar
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KDE PLASMA: Slow login to desktop?

I'm a new kde user so i hope anyone helps me. My problem is, session starts very slow i don't know why ?? I have a lenovo core i5 , 8 gb ram ,hyperX ssd , and i'm installing Antergos with Kde Plasma ...
Mohamed Slama's user avatar
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How to remove unwanted menu shortcuts in KDE so they don't come back after an update?

Is there a recommended way to remove unwanted menu shortcuts from the application menu (XDG standards compliant). I've got a few packages that tend to install multiple shortcuts even though I only ...
Adam Luchjenbroers's user avatar
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Wipe KDE5 Widgets via Command Line/Freezing issue

I recently installed kde-plasma on an arch installation. Everything was working fine... until I added widgets. I wanted to try them out with a theme and decided that I wanted to remove them. However, ...
KdeOnArch's user avatar
7 votes
4 answers

KDE plasma partial screen after unplugging hdmi second screen

I have arch with KDE plasma on my laptop. Yesterday I tried a second vga screen using a hdmi-vga adaptor (my laptop has only hdmi entry). Everything worked fine, I used the second screen as an ...
refex's user avatar
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How does KDE determine my language?

I use ArchLinux with KDE. When I the system settings, for example, it looks like this: As you see some part of it is in English, some part in German. From that I deduce two questions: Why are two ...
cadaniluk's user avatar
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Markdown files starting with '##' confuse KDE

I have an unusual problem with KDE in Arch Linux. In particular, Dolphin detects files with the .md file extension as MATLAB rather than Markdown files, but only when the file's first two characters ...
jasonhansel's user avatar
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Stop Monitor Wake-Up Events Using KDE Plasma 5

I'm using Arch Linux with KDE Plasma 5 desktop environment. Unfortunately, I've been having this odd issue with my monitors waking up after going into screen energy saving. I haven't figured out all ...
Daeden's user avatar
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Left click not working Arch Linux KDE

I run Arch-Linux on a Intel i3 processor w/ x64 architecture. I installed arch Linux and other than gdm failing and preventing me from booting, it went pretty smoothly. For the longest time, I used ...
averagejoey2000's user avatar
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Set different locale in terminals and KDE

My environment I'm using ArchLinux with KDE. What I'd like to do What I would like is to have KDE in my language (fr_FR) but all the terminals and tty in en_US (for debugging and having the same ...
ochurlaud's user avatar
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Email encryption and passphrase caching using thunderbird, enigmail, linux arch and kde

I fiddled a bit around to get this passphrase caching working. So post my way to go here, to be able to look up later.
cguenther's user avatar
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5 answers

Changing KDE user avatar

I'm trying to change my user avatar but I can't find the Password & User Account. In my System Settings → Common Appearance and Behavior → Account Details there are only 2 elements, Paths and ...
Gigitsu's user avatar
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KDE Crashes before starting: Arch Linux

Today I installed Arch Linux on my old desktop which used to work just fine with Ubuntu 12.04. The installation was successful and I installed SLiM session manager and xorg and all dependencies. ...
Chetan Bhasin's user avatar
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KDE - Attach window as tab by default

I have a 'console' windows that shows the logs of one of my applications, and I really would like to have it always attached to my main window when it starts up. Is there a way to do this? Latest ...
Wolfizen's user avatar
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Missing battery icon in system tray in KDE

I've just installed arch linux on my laptop. Now i miss the battery icon on system tray. I can't google the anything that would help me.
kravemir's user avatar
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font anti-aliasing not working as expected

it seems that my linux has problems with anti-aliasing fonts. As you can see in the picture the labels of the menu items are slightly pixelated. . On another system with exactly the same font ...
Ethan Leroy's user avatar
42 votes
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How to disable top left hotspot corner in KDE?

I'm using KDE 4.7 (from the testing repo) on Arch Linux 3.0-ARCH. It's very annoying that when I move my mouse to the top left, thumbnails of my windows appear. This is especially annoying with ...
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How to get Alt-nnnn keyboard shortcuts to work under Linux?

A few weeks ago, I switched from Windows to Linux, and one thing I'm missing is Altnnnn keyboard shortcuts to insert an em dash and other things. Is there any way to get them working under Linux? I'm ...
user avatar
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Problem running KDE in ArchLinux: "x" respawning too fast: disabled for 5 minutes

I am looking into Arch-Linux so I created a VMWare install of it. Unfortunately, I can't seem to be getting KDE to run. It claims that KDE is starting at boot, but it is followed by "x" respawning too ...
cwallenpoole's user avatar
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KDE doesn't start up anything else

I just installed KDE under Arch Linux. Problem is, nothing is starting up right with it - no window manager, no panels, nothing. All I get is a small terminal window in the bottom right corner of the ...
Shane's user avatar
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Broken fonts in Konsole KDE 4.3.4

I have a strange situation - after some upgrades a couple of days ago fonts in KDE Konsole broke. To make it more specific - standard fonts look more or less OK, but when I use my national characters (...
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