I just added a new database connection in HeidiSQL, but I can't open it. What I don't understand is that the error popup shows me another IP.

I try to access to, but the error shows I've double checked and rewrote credentials.

enter image description here

Does anybody understand the issue?
Could there have any relation between these IP?

N.B. I have never seen this IP before.


2 Answers 2


You're confusing the client IP address (, being your computer) with the server address (

The error message tells you that your computer is not allowed to connect (or that the password is incorrect).

(For MySQL you'd need something like grant all on mydatabase.* to 'root'@'%' to allow connecting from any remote client. Alternatively, MySQL accepts wildcards in the host name. And as your IP addresses are part of the private range -, you might be able to use something like @'172.16.%.%'. This will only match IP addresses, not 172.16.some.untrusted.example.com.)

  • Correct! I already had multiple root privileges, but not from this (new) host.
    – zessx
    Commented May 12, 2015 at 8:23

Not an answer but adding some details. After installing HeidiSQL I ran into this issue as well.

I suspected that the software ignored the "Nom ou IP de l'hote". Instead of using it looks like is being used.

You may not have seen the .232 IP address before but probably it's your computers ip-address. You can check by opening a command prompt (cmd.exe) and type "ipconfig". It should be listed there under 'IPv4 Address"

As Arjan posted, probably you need to change the configuration on the server side to allow access if you try to connect from your computer.

It would be nice if the Error message said something like:

           ┃                                                                           ┃
           ┃   Erreur                                                                  ┃
           ┃                                                                           ┃
           ┃                                                                           ┃
           ┃  Authentication request successfully sent to:                 ┃
           ┃  A response is received...                                                ┃
           ┃                                                                           ┃
           ┃  ERROR: Access denied for user 'root'@'' (using             ┃
           |         password: YES)                                                    ┃
           ┃                                                                           ┃
           ┃                                                                           ┃
           ┃                                                                           ┃
           ┃                                                              [◄  Ok  ►]   ┃
           ┃                                                                           ┃

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