Someone gave me a 1TB Western Digital WD10SPZX HDD that got bricked due to a reboot during formatting. The formatting was being done using Windows File Explorer. Western Digital Dashboard no longer detects the disk.

I am now trying to fix it (using Fedora Linux). Fedora sees the HDD but reports a size of 0B (/dev/sdb):

$ lsblk
# sda      8:0    0 931,5G  0 disk 
# ├─sda1   8:1    0   600M  0 part /boot/efi
# ├─sda2   8:2    0     1G  0 part /boot
# └─sda3   8:3    0 929,9G  0 part /home
#                                  /
# sdb      8:16   0     0B  0 disk
# sr0     11:0    1  1024M  0 rom  
# zram0  252:0    0   7,6G  0 disk [SWAP]

Same with dd:

$ sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdb status=progress
# dd: writing to '/dev/sdb': No space left on device
# 1+0 records in
# 0+0 records out
# 0 bytes copied, 0.000169542 s, 0.0 kB/s

fdisk cannot access the HDD:

$ sudo fdisk -l /dev/sdb
# fdisk: cannot open /dev/sdb: Invalid argument

I also tried other commands to get some clues, but without success:

$ sudo mkfs.ext4 /dev/sdb
# mke2fs 1.47.0 (5-Feb-2023)
# mkfs.ext4: Device size reported to be zero.  Invalid partition specified, or
#   partition table wasn't reread after running fdisk, due to
#   a modified partition being busy and in use.  You may need to reboot
#   to re-read your partition table.

$ sudo tune2fs -l /dev/sdb
# tune2fs 1.47.0 (5-Feb-2023)
# tune2fs: Invalid argument while trying to open /dev/sdb
# Couldn't find valid filesystem superblock.

$ sudo hdparm -I /dev/sdb
# /dev/sdb:
# ATA device, with non-removable media
# Standards:
#   Likely used: 5
# Configuration:
#   Logical     max current
#   cylinders   0   0
#   heads       0   0
#   sectors/track   0   0
#   --
#   Logical/Physical Sector size:           512 bytes
#   device size with M = 1024*1024:           0 MBytes
#   device size with M = 1000*1000:           0 MBytes 
#   cache/buffer size  = unknown
# Capabilities:
#   IORDY(may be)(cannot be disabled)
#   Standby timer values: spec'd by Vendor
#   R/W multiple sector transfer: Max = 0   Current = ?
#   DMA: not supported
#   PIO: pio0 
# Logical Unit WWN Device Identifier: 50014ee65dc51dac
#   NAA     : 5
#   IEEE OUI    : 0014ee
#   Unique ID   : 65dc51dac
# Checksum: correct

Do you have any idea to fix the HDD? I do not need to restore the data. I am just trying to fix the disk.

  • 1
    What model of HDD is it? Noisy HDD detected with 0,00Kb says If it is visible to the computer but reports its total capacity as zero, it's how some disk models say "I'm failing my own internal self tests.". That referenced answer suggests the HDD manufacturer might have a specific diagnostic program which might help, or at least identify the reason for the capacity being reported as zero. Commented Jul 6 at 20:29
  • Thanks. It's a Western Digital WD10SPZX. Unfortunately, I didn't found any diagnostic program on WD's website.
    – Thomas
    Commented Jul 6 at 21:01
  • 1
    On following the links from the WD Blue PC Mobile Hard Drive page, ended up at Download, Install, Test Drive and Update Firmware Using Western Digital Dashboard. That is a Windows only tool, but is shown as supporting WD Blue HDDs. I haven't attempted to use it myself. Commented Jul 6 at 21:09
  • Side note: it seems you assume the malfunction of the HDD was a consequence of the reboot, but it may have been the other way around. Commented Jul 6 at 21:14
  • 1
    Can you try an "ATA Secure Erase" through hdparm? Commented Jul 6 at 22:38

1 Answer 1


WD10SPZX is a (drive managed) SMR drive. In a way SMR drives work like SSD drives, in the sense that LBA addresses are translated to physical addresses using a 'translator'. think of it as a drive managed 'file system' although it does not track files but LBA sectors.

A sudden reboot or power surge can mess up the translator, possibly to a degree where the drive deems the firmware unreliable, or it simply prevents the controller from accessing the firmware or service area. Think of it as a corrupt file system after a sudden reboot which is left in a 'dirty state'.

Possibly professional data recovery tools can help, but that would likely exceed the cost of a new drive.

I'd at least try and see what WD utilities can do, see: https://support-en.wd.com/app/answers/detailweb/a_id/50396/~/how-to-install-and-use-wd-drive-utilities-features. Perhaps erasing the drive using the WD utility works, I am not too sure though.

  • Thanks for the references. WD Drive Utilities does not detect the disk. Sounds bad...
    – Thomas
    Commented Jul 7 at 10:00
  • Hmm, yeah. I suppose taking your loss and get new drive makes most sense at this point. It's not in an enclosure or anything, right? Commented Jul 7 at 14:09
  • No it's not, it's an external HDD. It was mostly for the sake of trying. I'm okay if it's dead. Thanks again!
    – Thomas
    Commented Jul 7 at 14:26

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