I remember being able to do quick find in a page when I simply type something, instead of pressing '/' and then type.

Is there any setting which enables this? I recently did a reset Firefox from about:support and I believe it used to work before that. I could be wrong though.

2 Answers 2


It looks like you're talking about this feature, try with this parameter :

user_pref("accessibility.typeaheadfind.autostart", true); // If true, just typing can automatically start Find As You Type. If false, you must hit / (find text) or ' (find links) before your search

  • accessibility.typeaheadfind.autostart was already true. To make it work I had to set accessibility.typeaheadfind as true whose default value is false.But as per the link you given it should have been enabled by default. Did firefox change this behavior?
    – Jithin
    Commented Jul 26, 2012 at 16:06

From How to stop firefox automaticly opening ctrl+f:

There is a checkbox on the Settings page labeled "Search for text when you start typing". The fastest way to find it is to start typing typing in the tiny search box on the page. Firefox will pull up the Browser section and highlight the matching item.

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