I am using Power Query in Excel for Microsoft 365.

I have a Power Query whose first step is to combine a set of tables:

    Source = Table.Combine({One_foo_bar, Two_foo_bar, Three_foo_bar, Four_foo_bar, Five_foo_bar, Six_foo_bar, Seven_foo_bar, Eight_foo_bar}),
    // ...
    #"Result" = ...

The problem is that not all of the named tables may exist. Any subset of the tables may exist. Those that do exist are in ThisWorkbook. If any are missing, the M code shown above will throw an error.

If pattern matching can help solve this problem, the table names all follow the pattern *_foo_bar. M does not seem to have support for this type of pattern matching, but I include this statement in case anybody knows something I don't and could utilize this fact to formulate a solution.

How may I modify this code to combine the tables that do exist?

  • 1
    Where are these tables coming from? An Excel Workbook? Multiple workbooks that are Open? Stored in a Folder? etc. It should be fairly straightforward to filter that list to meet your requirements. Commented Nov 21, 2023 at 1:11
  • 1
    Ron, thank you for the clarifying question. At this point, I have arrived at an answer, but nonetheless, I have edited my original post to answer your question so that this post is a clearer reference in the future.
    – Dave
    Commented Nov 21, 2023 at 12:28

3 Answers 3


Use Excel.CurrentWorkbook() as the Source, then filter the Name column to return only the items that end with "_foo_bar". For example,

    Source = Excel.CurrentWorkbook(),
    #"Filtered Rows" = Table.SelectRows(Source, each Text.EndsWith([Name], "_foo_bar")),
    #"Combine Tables" = Table.Combine(#"Filtered Rows"[Content])
    #"Combine Tables"

Good question, and this is not a full answer, but I would start with this idea. First, build the array of existing tables in excel like:

enter image description here

then using power query to get the existing tables from that table.

An alternative is to build that array more directly in PowerQuery using TRY


Although I have accepted the answer given by @DjC, I'll post for future reference an answer I arrived at using the suggestion given by @gns100.

    remove_errors_f = (input_list as list) as list =>
                                                                each try input_list{_} otherwise null

    #"MyTables" = remove_errors_f({One_foo_bar, Two_foo_bar, Three_foo_bar, Four_foo_bar, Five_foo_bar, Six_foo_bar, Seven_foo_bar, Eight_foo_bar}),
    #"Column Names" = {"Column1", "Column2", "Column3", "Column4"},

    combiner_f = (AccumulatedTable as table, TablesToCombine as list) as table =>
                 if List.Count(TablesToCombine) = 0 then
                     @combiner_f(Table.Combine({AccumulatedTable, TablesToCombine{0}}), List.RemoveFirstN(TablesToCombine, 1)),

    Source = combiner_f(#table(#"Column Names", {}), #"MyTables"),
    // ...
    #"Result" = ...

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