Plesk (according their documentation) does not support the transfer of serverwide settings as part of their migration module.

As the Plesk (as far as I understand it) maintains their own database of firewall settings, from which an iptables-procedre is generated, the following transfer procedures also fail:

  • iptables-save / iptables-restore
  • copy of the iptables generating file firewall-active.sh

Simply as they are all overwritten by the next generation process.

So my question:

Has anyone a practical solution (proposal) how to efficiently transfer the firewall-settings from an old to a new system

Environment: Debian 9 to 11 Plesk: Obsidian 18 (both)

1 Answer 1


As a direct transfer is not provided by Plesk, I have found the following workaround.

There is a CLI tool /usr/local/psa/bin/modules/firewall/settings which enables you to create and update firewall rules and activate/de-activate the Plesk firewall. It allows to specify a list of IP's and CIDR's to be written to the Plesk database.

With /usr/local/psa/bin/modules/firewall/settings --help you get an overview what you can do with this tool. Just be cautious as the description is not 100% correct. Eg. the command options are not comma-separated nor positional, and the -p short option is not correct for the remote-addresses.

The inserts and updates are all made to the Plesk database and are therefore "persistent" (as opposed to changes directly made to iptables).

The -id-parameter for updates for a certain rule can be located as part of the URL referencing the rule in Plesk (self explanatory).

I personally have not activated and confirmed my updates via this tool, instead I have verified my settings within Plesk and then activated and confirmed it there.

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