I have always had the same issue with all of my Windows 10 computers - it is essentially impossible to put the computer to sleep with the mouse. When I click Start > Power > Sleep, the computer goes to sleep instantly. Then the act of lifting my hand from the mouse moves the mouse enough to immediately wake the computer from sleep.

Usually, I'm able to fix this issue by disabling "Allow this device to wake the computer" in Device Manager (until the device manager decides that I'm using a new mouse due to system updates or using a different USB port).

However, on my Asus laptop, it seems impossible to actually stop the mouse from waking the laptop:

  • I have disabled "Allow this device to wake the computer" for all devices that have this option in the Device Manager
  • powercfg lastwake shows "Wake History Count - 0"
  • powercfg -devicequery wake_armed shows "NONE"
  • There are no options related to power management/wake-from-sleep in the ASUS UEFI

I can put the computer to sleep via the keyboard or by folding the lid as a workaround, but inevitably at some point the mouse will randomly decide that it's moved at least 1/600th of an inch and the computer will wake up. The only real solution I've found is to unplug the mouse before putting the computer to sleep, which is rather inconvenient.

Are there any additional steps that I can take to prevent the mouse from ever waking the computer? I am looking for a solution that does not require any third-party software.

  • 2
    I turn off my mouse first. That works.
    – anon
    Commented Apr 15, 2022 at 21:49
  • 7
    @John It's a wired mouse, I can't turn it off without unplugging it.
    – user45623
    Commented Apr 16, 2022 at 2:18
  • If you disable ALL devices from waking your computer, then how do you wake it?
    – Gerry
    Commented Jun 16, 2023 at 17:30
  • @Gerry With the power button
    – user45623
    Commented Jun 17, 2023 at 18:03

6 Answers 6


OK, I signed up for an account because this was driving me crazy, too. This didn't solve my problem, but it at least answered the question, and may help solve it for someone else.

I came across this very well written post on Windows 11 Forum that explains the issue:

Your computer is behaving correctly. There is no "fix" for what you are experiencing because there is no fault. You do not have "sleep" despite MS muddying the waters by leaving that as the name of the action in Start, Power & using the word elsewhere. There is no need to run any diagnostic test of any kind. There is no fix of any kind. You have S0 Modern standby aka S0 Low power idle. It is an idle condition. It is not "sleep".

Basically, the traditional "sleep" state (aka "S3", "Standby", or "Suspend to RAM"), where everything was shut off, but RAM kept power so the machine could quickly be woken up has been replaced by a new mode also called "Sleep" (aka "S0 Sleep" or "Modern Standby") where basically the computer stays on and just allows fewer programs to run. This is a result of Microsoft's desire to have computers come to life instantly like people are used to powering on smart phones.

Unfortunately it seems like the Device Manager settings for allowing a device to wake only apply to the older "S3" Sleep, and coming to life with mouse movement is just part and parcel of the new "Modern standby", unfortunately. :(

It seems like (unfortunately for me) on the newest generation of systems there is no support for S3 sleep, but it seems like on some of the systems just a couple years older there is a way to force S3 sleep instead of S0 sleep. You can Google around for how to disable "Modern standby" on your particular computer/O.S. combo. Good luck!

  • My mini PC has Standby (S3) enabled but still cannot stop the mouse from waking it up from sleep. So annoying.
    – m4heshd
    Commented Dec 6, 2023 at 23:33
  • 4
    That's such a step backward by Microsoft. Imagine you're on a laptop, go to Standby, only to return to find your battery empty because this fake S0 standby drains battery like crazy..
    – Sigmatics
    Commented Dec 27, 2023 at 17:08
  • 1
    It's not just infuriating. It's DANGEROUS. My laptop gets HOT. VERY hot when it's in the bag. Eventually it'll probably trip its own sensor and turn off but who knows? It might start a fire. I've had this issue with Dell, Sony, HP and now my brand new MSI laptop. I always end up having to revert to hibernation. It's the only solution that's ever worked. And of course they make that harder to enable each time too, but it's still possible.
    – Simon
    Commented May 17 at 6:51

Just disable the HID device for it in device manager. No, I don't mean the mouse in device manager. It probably considers it a a keyboard. I made a video about it. Here you go. https://youtu.be/r7RGvhBKO5Y

  • 7
    While this link may answer the question, it is better to include the essential parts of the answer here and provide the link for reference. Link-only answers can become invalid if the linked page changes. - From Review Commented Dec 13, 2022 at 7:32
  • 1
    Thanks! This was true for my Logitech mouse connected via Unifying USB receiver. The receiver can support a keyboard+mouse combo so it even kind of makes sense that it shows up as a keyboard.
    – mik01aj
    Commented Mar 18, 2023 at 21:26
  • This, plus disable all HID-compliant mouse's allow wake up worked for me, thanks !
    – ITFan
    Commented Aug 10, 2023 at 2:58
  • 1
    you made my day man. I have tried everything but this is the only solution that worked. Windows thought that my mouse is actually a keyboard :( . thanks again Commented Apr 20 at 5:32

Yeah, there is a bug in Windows and I don't know why they can't fix this! Even if you "unarm" the mouse to wake up the PC, it will still wake the PC from any mouse movement. Same goes if you disable the mouse from waking in the device manager. If you untick all devices related to mouse, somehow the signal from mouse will still be received by Windows in sleep state.

The only way I found is to disable all devices related to keyboard. Somehow mouse is paired to keyboard, so when you disable keyboard from waking, the mouse also doesn't wake. But then, you cannot anymore wake up the PC by yourself. Since the bug isn't fixed, not even in Windows 11, your only option is to

  1. live with a waking PC
  2. Buy a new good mouse that isn't shaking the sensor
  3. Disable the keyboard from waking, which will disable the mouse as well automatically.
  4. There is also untested option where some people claim to be able to use a script that disables the mouse device or mouse bluetooth hub before the pc goes to sleep and re-enables the devices when the pc wakes up.
  • 5. Use hibernation
    – Simon
    Commented May 17 at 6:56

The tip I needed was:

A mouse can show up as both a mouse and a keyboard in Device Manager.

These are all steps that I needed:

Open Device manager window, open up the tree for Keyboards and for Mice and other pointing devices, then unplug and reconnect the mouse, and see which devices (dis)appear.

For me, I had HID-compliant mouse and HID Keyboard Device (dis)appearing at the same time.

(I had a few with that same name, so I had to figure out which one of them was the new one. I noticed the Location value in the General tab of its properties were different, so I could detect which were still there when disconnected, and which are new.)

Then for both (for me: HID-compliant mouse and HID Keyboard Device); open its properties, go to tab Power Management (not all devices have that tab), then uncheck Allow this device to wake the computer and hit Ok.

To check, after that, I put laptop to sleep, and neither moving or clicking mouse powered laptop on again
(so it seems you can immediately check, restart was not needed).

Also, before that, running in shell prompt: powercfg -devicequery wake_armed showed both of them, and after unchecking them, they both disappeared, so you can use that too to check which devices you need to disable.


I was having the same issue and I solved it by doing the following:

  1. Open Device Manager
  2. Unplug all USB devices except your mouse
  3. Click View In Device Manager | Devices by container
  4. Locate your device (Mine was called USB Receiver)
  5. Expand your specific device tree
  6. Right Click each device and open the Properties
  7. Disable Allow this device to wake the computer
    Note: Some devices in the tree may not have the option. That's okay. Image of device manager showing the only USB Receiver device tree. Each option device underneath this tree has the "Allow this device to wake the computer setting" turned off.

Another solution if the above doesn't work...

I too had the same problem but Logitech support helped me fix the problem of waking the PC after 4 minutes. It worked on 2 desktop HP PC's one of which has modern S0 mode (unknown what the other has).

Solution: · Disable USB Selective Suspend:

· Click Start > Control Panel > Hardware and Sound > Power Options > Change Plan Settings > Change Advanced Power Settings > USB Settings > USB Selective Suspend Setting. Change both settings to Disabled.

Go to "Edit Power Plan" to make the changes. On my machine, the USB options was hidden. If you don't see the option, Google how to make the option visible. I only had one setting, so I think their reference to "both settings" might be for wireless mouse and wireless keyboard (ie both).

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