I have some computers which are acting as information displays without a mouse or keyboard attached. After a power cut, Windows 10 fails to boot. It shows a blue Recovery screen with the message "It looks like Windows didn't load correctly". Connecting a HID and using the "Restart my PC" button works fine without having to use any of the "Advanced repair options". I can also hold the power button for 5 seconds to switch the PC off, then press the power button to switch it back on.

It seems to happen every time that an unexpected power loss occurs.

I have tried using DISM and chkdsk as well as disabling fast boot but the problem persists. Is there a way to have Windows try restating automatically (or after a timeout)?

  • IIRC, this occurs due to a flag that is set in a specific configuration file within a subdirectory of %WinDir% when a dirty shutdown occurs (this is also why after a dirty shutdown the OS should be rebooted normally to clear the flag); every time Windows boots, it reads this file prior to presenting the GUI for user interaction.
    – JW0914
    Commented May 19, 2022 at 14:45

1 Answer 1


To avoid Windows being notified of a power-loss condition, try this:

  • Run an elevated Command Prompt (CMD Run as administrator)

  • In the command window, enter the following command :

    bcdedit /set {default} bootstatuspolicy ignoreshutdownfailures
  • Power-off the computer brutally by disconnecting the power, then restart to check if the problem is now fixed.

References :

  • I find it interesting that "IgnoreAllFailures" is listed as the default value. Perhaps Dell change that for the image they deploy to the machines that I have. Regardless, this seems to have worked. Thank you! Commented May 19, 2022 at 13:46

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