I am currently in the process of building a Raspberry Pi router which also runs an apache2 webserver and an FTP server.

Instead of apt, which I am used to, I have to use opkg. So I wondered, what are the differences between both package managers, how does opkg differenciate itself from ipkg and dpkg and is it somehow possible, to get apt running on openWrt?

1 Answer 1


dpkg has a different syntax than apt except for the very basic

# Install a package
opkg update
opkg install <package>

Some useful commands

# List available packages
opkg list <*string*>
# List installed packages
opkg list-installed

# List installed and upgradable packages
opkg list-upgradable

# Display package information
opkg info <package>

I was not able to find the help command, but just typing dpkg listed all commands and options. Also a useful description page can be fount at OpenWRT.

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