I recently opened my chrome browser after a crash and found the following displayed when I created a new tab

chrome new-tab-page-third-party

Looks suspicious, what does it mean exactly? I'm currently running Chrome 91.0.4472.77

About Google Chrome

  • I do not see that here. I see New Tab and then chrome://newtab. I think this is normal. Have you tried resetting Chrome?
    – anon
    Commented May 31, 2021 at 20:40
  • Yah I've been used to seeing newtab too for a few years at least. I wonder if it has to do with google not being the default search provider. I'll experiment with that and see what's going on and search the chrome open source to see what's up there if I can find a bit.
    – jxramos
    Commented Jun 1, 2021 at 8:06
  • It only happens when I do it on incognito though.
    – oofman
    Commented Jul 5, 2021 at 18:54

3 Answers 3


Looks legitimate


Here's the commit from 3months back that introduced this UI for the New Tab Page (NTP)

This CL creates a new default NTP for third-party search providers that do not have their own NTP define. It shows the most-visited tiles centered on the screen and can display a background is a chrome theme extension is installed. https://github.com/chromium/chromium/commit/dc334612cb78fa2233eb34c1355b6ee905f57cdc


One advantage to the new-tab-page-third-party UI (intentional or un-) is, because it's search-engine driven it can act as a canary for search hijacking.

I recently worked on a system that previously had a bundled McAfee antivirus suite installed. Even after removal, it left a search hijacker behind that kept resetting Chrome's default search engine to their Yahoo!-based "Secure Search". The fact that the non-Google-branded new tab page kept coming up was the red flag that clued me in to the search modifications.


It also appears to occur if you have modified the browser's user-agent string (e.g., with a chrome extension like Chrome UA Spoofer). While the UA string is set to anything other than the Chrome default, new windows and tabs have the URL chrome://new-tab-page-third-party/.

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