I need to determine the unicode normalization used for specific on-disk file names in Windows 10.

Specifically, I need to see if a file name uses NFC or NFD form for non-ASCII latin characters such as "ü".

In Linux, I can do this:

ls | xxd

This will show the dir listing as hex bytes.

How do I achieve something similar in Windows? It doesn't have to be hex - any other escaped form is okay as well, e.g. in C string format (such as u\CC\88).

It doesn't have to be a built-in command. If you can point me to other programs, that's helpful, too.

1 Answer 1


If you use a powershell prompt instead of cmd, you can use

ls -name | format-hex


dir -name | format-hex

ls and dir are just an aliases for get-childitem. The actual command would be

get-childitem -name | format-hex

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