I have a Verizon-branded Actiontec MI424WR-GEN2 Wireless router. I already have a firewall/router at my network's perimeter. How can I attach the MI424WR-GEN2 as a second wireless access point for my home network?

1 Answer 1


Several steps are needed:

  1. Under Firewall Settings -> General, set the firewall to Minimum Security (Low): enter image description here

  2. Under Firewall Settings -> Remote administration, set check the box for Allow Incoming WAN Access to Web-Management -> Using Primary HTTP Port (80). Also check both boxes under Diagnostic Tools:

enter image description here

  1. Under My Network -> Network Connections, click on edit for the first entry, then click Settings:

enter image description here

Then, ensure Internet Protocol is set to Obtain an IP Address Automatically, DNS Server is set to Obtain DNS Server Address Automatically, and IP Address Distribution is set to Disabled

enter image description here

  1. Under Wireless Settings -> Basic Security Settings, set the SSID to the same name as your other Access Point:

enter image description here

  1. Under Wireless Settings -> Advanced Security Settings, set the security to WPA2 and set a password

Loose reference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mc3-AKm7yaY

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