I've enabled User Access auditing in my CRM organization and can see user access logs in the Audit Summary View. The problem is that I need to filter and export these to Excel to manipulate as I need to produce detailed analysis about the access times of users.

I cannot find an XRM Toolbox plug-in which does this, there are two which export Audit logs, but only (as far as I can tell), entity update / create logs, not user access. I keep finding references on the web to a CRM Toolkit which was on Github years ago, but this has been archived and the executable is not longer available.

I've found c# source on the MSDN site to do this, but don't have the skills to compile this to get it working.

Does anyone know of a simple to install tool which will connect to my CRM org and export the access logs? I'm even willing to pay for a good tool.

2 Answers 2


You should use XrmToolBox plugin named User Audit Viewer, this will give you access time of users.

We can export the data by limiting resultset as well.

enter image description here


You can export your data from your CRM at any time using the Export Data option. In the CRM, go to Settings / Data Management and open Export Data. Click the checkboxes to select the tables you wish to download then “Prepare Export”. This will bring you to a screen showing the status of your data export.

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