I'm using Visual Studio Code to write my PowerShell Scripts.

I've installed the ms-vscode.powershell PowerShell Extension for Visual Studio Code.

Whenever I use an Alias in my Script, the PSScriptAnalyzer tells me to use the full CmdLet Name. This is kind of annoying because it also marks all aliases with a green curvy line.

How can I disable this?


  • This is done because the best practice is not to use aliases in product scripts. powertheshell.com/bp_script_alias It makes them hard to read, hard to maintain and prone to error. Aliases is really targeted for interactive command line stuff. Sure you can use aliases in VSCode as you develop, yet, they really should be replaced before going to production. Use the expand alias command - blogs.technet.microsoft.com/heyscriptingguy/2017/01/12/…
    – postanote
    Commented Jan 11, 2019 at 18:53
  • 2
    @postanote we know why it's done; we just disagree with the decision, and would prefer to disable this "warning". Commented Sep 19, 2022 at 22:07

1 Answer 1


There's three ways to do that.

Option 1 - Use the search function

  1. Hit F1 in Visual Studio Code to make the search bar appear
  2. Write >PowerShell: Select PS then choose PowerShell: Select PSScriptAnalyzer Rules
  3. remove the checkmark on PSAvoidUsingCmdletAliases
  4. Click on Confirm


enter image description here

Option 2 - completely disable ScriptAnalysis

  1. Click the gear Icon in the bottom left corner in Visual Studio Code
  2. Click on Settings
  3. Click the {} Symbol on the top right corner
  4. Add "powershell.scriptAnalysis.enable": false to your user settings on the right hand side (see screenshot below).
  5. Save your User Settings by hitting CTRL + S


enter image description here

Your Script Analyzer is now disabled and won't complain about Aliases anymore.

Option 3 - create a settings file and only disable Alias information

  1. Create a .psd1 File on your Filesystem. Copy the template from below into this file and save it.
  2. Go to your UserSettings in VSCode as described in Option 2 point 1 to 3.
  3. Add "powershell.scriptAnalysis.settingsPath": "C:\\foo\\bar\\FileName.psd1" and save it

Here's a picture of it:

enter image description here

Template (taken from https://github.com/PowerShell/vscode-powershell/blob/main/examples/PSScriptAnalyzerSettings.psd1):

        # Only diagnostic records of the specified severity will be generated.
        # Uncomment the following line if you only want Errors and Warnings but
        # not Information diagnostic records.
        # Severity = @('Error','Warning')
        # Analyze **only** the following rules. Use IncludeRules when you want
        # to invoke only a small subset of the defualt rules.
        IncludeRules = @('PSAvoidDefaultValueSwitchParameter',
        # Do not analyze the following rules. Use ExcludeRules when you have
        # commented out the IncludeRules settings above and want to include all
        # the default rules except for those you exclude below.
        # Note: if a rule is in both IncludeRules and ExcludeRules, the rule
        # will be excluded.
        ExcludeRules = @('PSAvoidUsingCmdletAliases','PSAvoidUsingWriteHost')
  • 1
    @root you're welcome. I'm extremely excited about Visual Studio Code! This is a great alternative to PowerShell ISE.
    – SimonS
    Commented Jan 11, 2019 at 14:39
  • 1
    Same here. I have some qualms with VSC, though I think they're due to my lack of understanding of its rich feature set and configurabilty.
    – root
    Commented Jan 11, 2019 at 15:06
  • 3
    These sort of work, but not 100%. #1 doesn't persist if you close and re-open VSCode. #2 completely disables ScriptAnalysis, which disables ALL rules - some of them are useful. And #3 works, but means you can no longer use method #1 to easily adjust rules. Has anyone found a method that is like #1 but PERSISTS when you close/re-open VSCode?
    – PSaul
    Commented Apr 28, 2019 at 3:53
  • 1
    @PSaul: Re the selections not getting persisted with option #1 (as of v2019.11.0): See this GitHub issue
    – mklement0
    Commented Nov 5, 2019 at 19:29
  • 1
    Option #1 appears to be broken now. Commented Oct 3, 2023 at 18:19

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