Is there any way to whitelist webpages for ignoring the XFrame-options header of their iframes sources?

My particular usecase would be comic-rocket.com, which serves as a manager for webcomics. It works by scanning webcomics for the sequence of pages, and then providing a navigation interface, that remembers the last page read, where the webcomic page is displayed inside an iframe.

Sadly, that same method can be abused for click-jacking, and thus in recent browsers for a lot of webpages I get a blank iframe only and the message

Refused to display (URL-of-comic) in a frame 
because it set 'X-Frame-Options' to 'sameorigin'.

I'd like to disable this security feature selectively only for iframes on webpages I trust. A [solution for Firefox] seems to exist, but is there anything similar for Chrome?

1 Answer 1


There is command line switches, but looks like there is regression where it no longer works.

Please comment on the chrome bug list so the DEV hear our collective cries!


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