In Mozilla Thunderbird, B and F can be used to move up and down, respectively, in the thread pane. What are their counterparts for moving up and down in the folder pane?

  • FYI: What you called the "message panel" is actually called the "thread pane". See the "Thread pane" section on mozillaZine's page about Window layout - Thunderbird
    – 3D1T0R
    Commented Sep 17, 2018 at 18:59

2 Answers 2


There aren't any built in keyboard shortcuts to do this directly.
The keyboard shortcuts available by default in Thunderbird are listed in this documentation.

Indirectly, you can press the keyboard shortcut for "Move to Next Mail Pane": F6 (which switches your keyboard focus between the visible mail panes) until the Folder pane is focused, then use the Up  and Down  arrow keys to move between folders.

If you really want a direct keyboard shortcut that always does exactly this function, you could install Dorando Keyconfig, add a new key, and write custom code to do what you want, but this seems like overkill to me when there is a simple, albeit indirect, method already available.

  • 1
    Late comment/reply to @3D1T0R, who said "this seems like overkill to me when there is a simple, albeit indirect, method already available". I use speech recognition, Dragon commands that emit keyboard commands. These commands are essentially blind: they don't know what pane has the focus. Such macros benefit from keyboard commands that are absolute, that put the UI in a known state - e.g. move focus to folder pane, topmost item - rather than relative commands like "move to next mail pane".
    – Krazy Glew
    Commented Jun 2, 2020 at 19:07

I found these long functions seem to work with keyconfig:

Go to Next Folder: Ctrl+]

  let folder = GetFirstSelectedMsgFolder();
  if (folder != null) {
    let index = gFolderTreeView.getIndexOfFolder(folder);
    if (index != null)
      folder = gFolderTreeView.getFolderForIndex(index + 1);
  if (folder != null)

Go to Previous Folder: Ctrl+[

  let folder = GetFirstSelectedMsgFolder();
  if (folder != null) {
    let index = gFolderTreeView.getIndexOfFolder(folder);
    if (index != null)
      folder = gFolderTreeView.getFolderForIndex(index - 1);
  if (folder != null)

You can also assign one to go to home folder:

Go to Home: Alt+Home


Find folder URI from javascript console with:


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