I'm trying to increase my .VDI file hard disk.

I'm following instructions from http://www.howtogeek.com/124622/how-to-enlarge-a-virtual-machines-disk-in-virtualbox-or-vmware/ and have come up with an issue.

I've increased the hard drive via VBoxManage commands, as per this screen shot

enter image description here

I'm now told to boot into a GParted Live CD. I've downloaded the .iso but when I boot, I am supposed to see a hard drive with both allocated and unallocated space, as per this screen shot on the link above

enter image description here

What I see is enter image description here

I seem to have a tree view. I don't understand why this is. I also can right click on both /dev/sda2 and but have no option to resize! If I right click on /dev/sda5 then I can resize but it's already the maximum width.

The hard drive I want to expand is sda5, how can I do this?


2 Answers 2


I disabled sda5 and then was able to resize sda2 and everything just... worked.


I think the answer's in the used file sizes. You have a lvm volume that's nearly full right after sda2. You need continuous free space to resize and you really couldn't shrink sda5 (since its full) to extend sda2.

As you found out, you need to deactivate a pv to resize it though I wonder if pvresize would work. The comments thread here seems to suggest its a quirk of using gparted and a livecd together.


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