For example the data looks like this:

Name: A
Number: 1
Type: X
Name: B
Number: 2
Type: Y
Name: C
Number: 3
Type: Z

And I want to convert it into this format:

Name     Number     Type
A         1          X
B         2          Y
C         3          Z

1 Answer 1


In Excel:

  1. Select the data you want to transpose
  2. CTRL-C to copy
  3. Right click on the cell you want to put the data in
  4. Click paste special
  5. Check the box that says "Transpose"
  6. Click ok.

Reference: http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/12366/convert-a-row-to-a-column-in-excel-the-easy-way/

  • Actually, I don't have just this data, this is what I simplified for you to answer. Actually I have a data exported from active directory, but it's in row format and I need to convert it into excel format. Commented Aug 12, 2015 at 6:22

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