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Pretty much the title.

I installed Windows 7 Ultimate the other day, after getting bored with Windows 10. I installed Win 7 on a 465 GB HDD, while Win 10 was on a 232 GB HDD, label D:\ .

After Windows 7 rebooted, it ran a CHKDSK and before I could skip it (I wan't paying attention, :/) it ran a CHKDSK on drive D:\ and found 'invalid security ID's.' It took maybe 1/2 hr to complete, and all seemed fine from the Windows 7 POV...

But then I rebooted into 10.

And I couldn't access anything. As soon as I logged in, I got pop-ups saying 'This couldn't be accessed' like Desktop, for example. Every single shortcut wasn't functioning properly, and settings (eg. personalisation) would say 'This doesn't exsist' or something like that.

I saw when it was running CHKDSK it was 'replacing' invalid security ID's with 'deafult' ID's. Would this be a problem?

I then also found out I could copy & paste stuff from drive to drive, but a problem was when I tried to run Steam on 7, as I had Steam linked up to my games on my 2nd drive, it would say 'Disk read error' when trying to start a game from my 10 drive. I was able to copy the 'steam' folder from the Win 10 drive, so I was still able to play CS from Windows 7. I just thought that might be helpful.

BTW, if you were somewhat confused, when I say 7 I mean my Windows 7 drive, and 10 my Windows 10 drive.

Sorry for the long explenation, I just had a lot of things to get out.

Thanks in advance!


Edit: It has just been pointed out to me that I'm not asking what I want to happen next. I want to fix these 'permissions' errors and get Windows 10 working. Also, just to see if I missed anything, I notced the error also says 'Access is denied' when I just booted into Windows 10. The 'Start Menu' will never pop up as well. I am a full admin.

Pretty much the title.

I installed Windows 7 Ultimate the other day, after getting bored with Windows 10. I installed Win 7 on a 465 GB HDD, while Win 10 was on a 232 GB HDD, label D:\ .

After Windows 7 rebooted, it ran a CHKDSK and before I could skip it (I wan't paying attention, :/) it ran a CHKDSK on drive D:\ and found 'invalid security ID's.' It took maybe 1/2 hr to complete, and all seemed fine from the Windows 7 POV...

But then I rebooted into 10.

And I couldn't access anything. As soon as I logged in, I got pop-ups saying 'This couldn't be accessed' like Desktop, for example. Every single shortcut wasn't functioning properly, and settings (eg. personalisation) would say 'This doesn't exsist' or something like that.

I saw when it was running CHKDSK it was 'replacing' invalid security ID's with 'deafult' ID's. Would this be a problem?

I then also found out I could copy & paste stuff from drive to drive, but a problem was when I tried to run Steam on 7, as I had Steam linked up to my games on my 2nd drive, it would say 'Disk read error' when trying to start a game from my 10 drive. I was able to copy the 'steam' folder from the Win 10 drive, so I was still able to play CS from Windows 7. I just thought that might be helpful.

BTW, if you were somewhat confused, when I say 7 I mean my Windows 7 drive, and 10 my Windows 10 drive.

Sorry for the long explenation, I just had a lot of things to get out.

Thanks in advance!


Pretty much the title.

I installed Windows 7 Ultimate the other day, after getting bored with Windows 10. I installed Win 7 on a 465 GB HDD, while Win 10 was on a 232 GB HDD, label D:\ .

After Windows 7 rebooted, it ran a CHKDSK and before I could skip it (I wan't paying attention, :/) it ran a CHKDSK on drive D:\ and found 'invalid security ID's.' It took maybe 1/2 hr to complete, and all seemed fine from the Windows 7 POV...

But then I rebooted into 10.

And I couldn't access anything. As soon as I logged in, I got pop-ups saying 'This couldn't be accessed' like Desktop, for example. Every single shortcut wasn't functioning properly, and settings (eg. personalisation) would say 'This doesn't exsist' or something like that.

I saw when it was running CHKDSK it was 'replacing' invalid security ID's with 'deafult' ID's. Would this be a problem?

I then also found out I could copy & paste stuff from drive to drive, but a problem was when I tried to run Steam on 7, as I had Steam linked up to my games on my 2nd drive, it would say 'Disk read error' when trying to start a game from my 10 drive. I was able to copy the 'steam' folder from the Win 10 drive, so I was still able to play CS from Windows 7. I just thought that might be helpful.

BTW, if you were somewhat confused, when I say 7 I mean my Windows 7 drive, and 10 my Windows 10 drive.

Sorry for the long explenation, I just had a lot of things to get out.

Thanks in advance!


Edit: It has just been pointed out to me that I'm not asking what I want to happen next. I want to fix these 'permissions' errors and get Windows 10 working. Also, just to see if I missed anything, I notced the error also says 'Access is denied' when I just booted into Windows 10. The 'Start Menu' will never pop up as well. I am a full admin.

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After installing Windows 7, CHKDSK has ruined my Windows 10 HDD

Pretty much the title.

I installed Windows 7 Ultimate the other day, after getting bored with Windows 10. I installed Win 7 on a 465 GB HDD, while Win 10 was on a 232 GB HDD, label D:\ .

After Windows 7 rebooted, it ran a CHKDSK and before I could skip it (I wan't paying attention, :/) it ran a CHKDSK on drive D:\ and found 'invalid security ID's.' It took maybe 1/2 hr to complete, and all seemed fine from the Windows 7 POV...

But then I rebooted into 10.

And I couldn't access anything. As soon as I logged in, I got pop-ups saying 'This couldn't be accessed' like Desktop, for example. Every single shortcut wasn't functioning properly, and settings (eg. personalisation) would say 'This doesn't exsist' or something like that.

I saw when it was running CHKDSK it was 'replacing' invalid security ID's with 'deafult' ID's. Would this be a problem?

I then also found out I could copy & paste stuff from drive to drive, but a problem was when I tried to run Steam on 7, as I had Steam linked up to my games on my 2nd drive, it would say 'Disk read error' when trying to start a game from my 10 drive. I was able to copy the 'steam' folder from the Win 10 drive, so I was still able to play CS from Windows 7. I just thought that might be helpful.

BTW, if you were somewhat confused, when I say 7 I mean my Windows 7 drive, and 10 my Windows 10 drive.

Sorry for the long explenation, I just had a lot of things to get out.

Thanks in advance!
