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So, for some time, I have been noticing the constant "redirections" to seemigly malicious/Adware sites.
For example, while Googling something, I pick a result from the Search page and when opening in newtab, it will rediect to(sometimes) a site totally different, unheard, and Ad-filled.

The other problem is the sponsored links with common keywords on sites that would never have them. Here is a screenshot(ADs on!!)

  enter image description here Background: I have the following installed:

  • MalwareBytes Anti-Malware Home Premium (with PUP and Rootkits Checked)[Updated]
  • AdBlock Plus for Firefox(updated) with Popup Plugin.
  • Block Site Add-on
  • Microsoft Security Essentials
    And the following:
    Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium x64
    P.S: Just after posting the question, this is what I got:
    enter image description here

enter image description here

So, for some time, I have been noticing the constant "redirections" to seemigly malicious/Adware sites.
For example, while Googling something, I pick a result from the Search page and when opening in newtab, it will rediect to(sometimes) a site totally different, unheard, and Ad-filled.

The other problem is the sponsored links with common keywords on sites that would never have them. Here is a screenshot(ADs on!!)

 Background: I have the following installed:

  • MalwareBytes Anti-Malware Home Premium (with PUP and Rootkits Checked)[Updated]
  • AdBlock Plus for Firefox(updated) with Popup Plugin.
  • Block Site Add-on
  • Microsoft Security Essentials
    And the following:
    Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium x64

enter image description here

So, for some time, I have been noticing the constant "redirections" to seemigly malicious/Adware sites.
For example, while Googling something, I pick a result from the Search page and when opening in newtab, it will rediect to(sometimes) a site totally different, unheard, and Ad-filled.

The other problem is the sponsored links with common keywords on sites that would never have them. Here is a screenshot(ADs on!!)
enter image description here Background: I have the following installed:

  • MalwareBytes Anti-Malware Home Premium (with PUP and Rootkits Checked)[Updated]
  • AdBlock Plus for Firefox(updated) with Popup Plugin.
  • Block Site Add-on
  • Microsoft Security Essentials
    And the following:
    Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium x64
    P.S: Just after posting the question, this is what I got:
    enter image description here
Source Link

Serious Malware issue about "Browser Link Redirection" and "Malicious Links on Site"

So, for some time, I have been noticing the constant "redirections" to seemigly malicious/Adware sites.
For example, while Googling something, I pick a result from the Search page and when opening in newtab, it will rediect to(sometimes) a site totally different, unheard, and Ad-filled.

The other problem is the sponsored links with common keywords on sites that would never have them. Here is a screenshot(ADs on!!)

Background: I have the following installed:

  • MalwareBytes Anti-Malware Home Premium (with PUP and Rootkits Checked)[Updated]
  • AdBlock Plus for Firefox(updated) with Popup Plugin.
  • Block Site Add-on
  • Microsoft Security Essentials
    And the following:
    Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium x64

enter image description here