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Post Made Community Wiki by Ivo Flipse
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Should I pitch Ubuntu to virus victims?

I've noticed that on a regular basis I see facebook statuses complaining about viruses (e.g. "sorry I haven't been on in a few days... my comp got socked by a virus and I had to reinstall everything")

Lately I've taken to commenting on these with a link to Ubuntu with a short testimonial about how I've been using Ubuntu exclusively for years and have not had any virus problems since (nor have I installed any anti-virus software).

On the flipside, I know that Ubuntu is not the savior to all computer problems, and that it has its own issues, but I just want to let people know that there is a choice out there, and they can choose if they would rather deal with Windows' issues or Ubuntu's issues. For many users, Ubuntu would make a lot of sense.

But I rarely get any response to these comments, and I wonder if I should stop bothering. Do you think this does any good? Maybe it just aggravates people? Maybe they have no idea what I'm talking about and the link I post makes no sense to them? Any thoughts?