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You can use these two methods which work for Windows and Linux.

There are two ways how to split video files by ffmpeg. The first one is good in itself, more than that - it is faster, but sometimes creates output files with certain flaws. So for those cases there is the second way of splitting video files: it is considerably slower, the output files are bigger, but it seems they are always of the same quality level as input files used.


Way 1:

ffmpeg -ss <start> -i in1.avi -t <duration> -c copy out1.avi

Way 2:

ffmpeg -ss <start> -i in1.avi -t <duration> out1.avi
  • <start> – the beginning of the part of a video ffmpeg is to cut out. Format: 00:00:00.0000, meaning hours:minutes:seconds:milliseconds.

    <start> – the beginning of the part of a video ffmpeg is to cut out. Format: 00:00:00.0000, meaning hours:minutes:seconds:milliseconds.

  • <duration> – the duration of the part of a video ffmpeg is to cut out. Same format as above.

    <duration> – the duration of the part of a video ffmpeg is to cut out. Same format as above.



ffmpeg -ss 01:19:00 -i in1.avi -t 00:05:00 -c copy out1.avi
ffmpeg -ss 01:19:00 -i in1.avi -t 00:05:00 out1.avi

ffmpeg cuts out a part of the video file starting from 1 hour 19 minutes 0 seconds. The duration of the video sequence cut out is 5 minutes 0 seconds.

You can use these two methods which work for Windows and Linux.

There are two ways how to split video files by ffmpeg. The first one is good in itself, more than that - it is faster, but sometimes creates output files with certain flaws. So for those cases there is the second way of splitting video files: it is considerably slower, the output files are bigger, but it seems they are always of the same quality level as input files used.


Way 1:

ffmpeg -ss <start> -i in1.avi -t <duration> -c copy out1.avi

Way 2:

ffmpeg -ss <start> -i in1.avi -t <duration> out1.avi
  • <start> – the beginning of the part of a video ffmpeg is to cut out. Format: 00:00:00.0000, meaning hours:minutes:seconds:milliseconds.
  • <duration> – the duration of the part of a video ffmpeg is to cut out. Same format as above.


ffmpeg -ss 01:19:00 -i in1.avi -t 00:05:00 -c copy out1.avi
ffmpeg -ss 01:19:00 -i in1.avi -t 00:05:00 out1.avi

ffmpeg cuts out a part of the video file starting from 1 hour 19 minutes 0 seconds. The duration of the video sequence cut out is 5 minutes 0 seconds.

You can use these two methods which work for Windows and Linux.

There are two ways how to split video files by ffmpeg. The first one is good in itself, more than that - it is faster, but sometimes creates output files with certain flaws. So for those cases there is the second way of splitting video files: it is considerably slower, the output files are bigger, but it seems they are always of the same quality level as input files used.

Way 1:

ffmpeg -ss <start> -i in1.avi -t <duration> -c copy out1.avi

Way 2:

ffmpeg -ss <start> -i in1.avi -t <duration> out1.avi
  • <start> – the beginning of the part of a video ffmpeg is to cut out. Format: 00:00:00.0000, meaning hours:minutes:seconds:milliseconds.

  • <duration> – the duration of the part of a video ffmpeg is to cut out. Same format as above.


ffmpeg -ss 01:19:00 -i in1.avi -t 00:05:00 -c copy out1.avi
ffmpeg -ss 01:19:00 -i in1.avi -t 00:05:00 out1.avi

ffmpeg cuts out a part of the video file starting from 1 hour 19 minutes 0 seconds. The duration of the video sequence cut out is 5 minutes 0 seconds.

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You can use these two methods which work for windows and linux:

Split video file by ffmpeg:There are two ways how to split video files by ffmpeg. The first one is good in itself, more than that - it is faster, but sometimes creates output files with certain flaws. So for those cases there is the second way of splitting video files: it is considerably slower, the output files are bigger, but it seems they are always of the same quality level as input files used.two methods which work for Windows and Linux.

Way 1:

There are two ways how to split video files by ffmpeg. The first one is good in itself, more than that - it is faster, but sometimes creates output files with certain flaws. So for those cases there is the second way of splitting video files: it is considerably slower, the output files are bigger, but it seems they are always of the same quality level as input files used.

ffmpeg -ss <start> -t <duration> -i in1.avi -vcodec copy -acodec copy out1.avi

Way 1:

Way 2:

ffmpeg -ss <start> -i in1.avi -t <duration> -c copy out1.avi
ffmpeg -ss <start> -t <duration> -i in1.avi -sameq out1.avi

Way 2:

  • < start > - the beginning of the part of a video ffmpeg is to cut out. Format: 00:00:00 - hours:minutes:seconds - hh:mm:ss

  • < duration > - the duration of the part of a video ffmpeg is to cut out. Format: 00:00:00 - hours:minutes:seconds - hh:mm:ss

ffmpeg -ss <start> -i in1.avi -t <duration> out1.avi


  • <start> – the beginning of the part of a video ffmpeg is to cut out. Format: 00:00:00.0000, meaning hours:minutes:seconds:milliseconds.
ffmpeg -ss 01:19:00 -t 00:05:00 -i in1.avi -vcodec copy -acodec copy out1.avi

ffmpeg -ss 01:19:00 -t 00:05:00 -i in1.avi -sameq out1.avi
  • <duration> – the duration of the part of a video ffmpeg is to cut out. Same format as above.
  • ffmpeg cuts out a part of the video file starting from 1 hour 19 minutes 0 seconds. The duration of the video sequence cut out is 5 minutes 0 seconds.



ffmpeg -ss 01:19:00 -i in1.avi -t 00:05:00 -c copy out1.avi
ffmpeg -ss 01:19:00 -i in1.avi -t 00:05:00 out1.avi

ffmpeg cuts out a part of the video file starting from 1 hour 19 minutes 0 seconds. The duration of the video sequence cut out is 5 minutes 0 seconds.

You can use these two methods which work for windows and linux:

Split video file by ffmpeg:There are two ways how to split video files by ffmpeg. The first one is good in itself, more than that - it is faster, but sometimes creates output files with certain flaws. So for those cases there is the second way of splitting video files: it is considerably slower, the output files are bigger, but it seems they are always of the same quality level as input files used.

Way 1:

ffmpeg -ss <start> -t <duration> -i in1.avi -vcodec copy -acodec copy out1.avi

Way 2:

ffmpeg -ss <start> -t <duration> -i in1.avi -sameq out1.avi
  • < start > - the beginning of the part of a video ffmpeg is to cut out. Format: 00:00:00 - hours:minutes:seconds - hh:mm:ss

  • < duration > - the duration of the part of a video ffmpeg is to cut out. Format: 00:00:00 - hours:minutes:seconds - hh:mm:ss


ffmpeg -ss 01:19:00 -t 00:05:00 -i in1.avi -vcodec copy -acodec copy out1.avi

ffmpeg -ss 01:19:00 -t 00:05:00 -i in1.avi -sameq out1.avi
  • ffmpeg cuts out a part of the video file starting from 1 hour 19 minutes 0 seconds. The duration of the video sequence cut out is 5 minutes 0 seconds.


You can use these two methods which work for Windows and Linux.

There are two ways how to split video files by ffmpeg. The first one is good in itself, more than that - it is faster, but sometimes creates output files with certain flaws. So for those cases there is the second way of splitting video files: it is considerably slower, the output files are bigger, but it seems they are always of the same quality level as input files used.

Way 1:

ffmpeg -ss <start> -i in1.avi -t <duration> -c copy out1.avi

Way 2:

ffmpeg -ss <start> -i in1.avi -t <duration> out1.avi
  • <start> – the beginning of the part of a video ffmpeg is to cut out. Format: 00:00:00.0000, meaning hours:minutes:seconds:milliseconds.
  • <duration> – the duration of the part of a video ffmpeg is to cut out. Same format as above.


ffmpeg -ss 01:19:00 -i in1.avi -t 00:05:00 -c copy out1.avi
ffmpeg -ss 01:19:00 -i in1.avi -t 00:05:00 out1.avi

ffmpeg cuts out a part of the video file starting from 1 hour 19 minutes 0 seconds. The duration of the video sequence cut out is 5 minutes 0 seconds.

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You can use these two methods which work for windows and linux:

Split video file by ffmpeg:There are two ways how to split video files by ffmpeg. The first one is good in itself, more than that - it is faster, but sometimes creates output files with certain flaws. So for those cases there is the second way of splitting video files: it is considerably slower, the output files are bigger, but it seems they are always of the same quality level as input files used.

Way 1:

ffmpeg -ss <start> -t <duration> -i in1.avi -vcodec copy -acodec copy out1.avi

Way 2:

ffmpeg -ss <start> -t <duration> -i in1.avi -sameq out1.avi
  • < start > - the beginning of the part of a video ffmpeg is to cut out. Format: 00:00:00 - hours:minutes:seconds - hh:mm:ss

  • < duration > - the duration of the part of a video ffmpeg is to cut out. Format: 00:00:00 - hours:minutes:seconds - hh:mm:ss


ffmpeg -ss 01:19:00 -t 00:05:00 -i in1.avi -vcodec copy -acodec copy out1.avi

ffmpeg -ss 01:19:00 -t 00:05:00 -i in1.avi -sameq out1.avi
  • ffmpeg cuts out a part of the video file starting from 1 hour 19 minutes 0 seconds. The duration of the video sequence cut out is 5 minutes 0 seconds.
