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How to permanently fix misaligned screen affectiingaffecting multiple monitors?

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Chris Aung
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I have 4 LCD monitors connected to a single PC with 2 graphic cards. And they all are setup in extended display mode, so it is basically a 1 big screen.

But recently I am having a problem with the size and position of display images. Some of the screens does not display the image at the correct position (ie, I can see the blackstrip, the edge of monitor either on the left or right side of the monitor). When i play around with the refresh rate of the affected screens, it seems to auto correct the position of image to where it is supposed to be.

According to my understanding, the refresh rate of a LCD monitor should not affect the position of image and how the image is being displayed. Only when the refresh rate is too low then I will have ghosting effect.

Any idea why changing the refresh rate is affecting the position of the image that is being display?

Both graphic cards I am using is Nvidia Quadro FX 380 PCIe 16x.

This is the way the monitors and graphic cards are connected. The numbers represent monitor number. (pardon me for bad MS Paint drawing)

Picture presenting monitors 1 and 3 connected to 1st graphics card and monitors 2 and 4 connected to the 2nd one.

This is how the monitors are placed. All of them have different sizes, LCD 1 is 18 inches, LC2LC3 is 8 inches, LCD 32 is 24inches and LCD4 is 18 inches .

Drawing showing four monitors side-by-side

I am not the one who did this setup so I don't really know why he arranged the monitors in that way.

Sometimes, when I boot up the PC, all 4 screens display the images properly without any black strip at either side.

But occasionally, something like this happen.

Drawing of two monitors, left one with image shifted to the right and a black strip on the left, right one with a right strip on the right.

The black strip appear either on the left or right side of the monitor 1. By playing around with the refresh rate, the black strip seems to move from left to right (I have no idea why). And sometimes, when i change the frequency for monitor 1, it seems to affect the monitor 4 (causing it to display black strip at the side) even though they are using different graphic card.

I am unable to provide the LCD monitor information as all 4 of them are embedded in a frame (as provided by the vendor).

Any idea on what is causing the problem? Could it be a software problem?

I have 4 LCD monitors connected to a single PC with 2 graphic cards. And they all are setup in extended display mode, so it is basically a 1 big screen.

But recently I am having a problem with the size and position of display images. Some of the screens does not display the image at the correct position (ie, I can see the blackstrip, the edge of monitor either on the left or right side of the monitor). When i play around with the refresh rate of the affected screens, it seems to auto correct the position of image to where it is supposed to be.

According to my understanding, the refresh rate of a LCD monitor should not affect the position of image and how the image is being displayed. Only when the refresh rate is too low then I will have ghosting effect.

Any idea why changing the refresh rate is affecting the position of the image that is being display?

Both graphic cards I am using is Nvidia Quadro FX 380 PCIe 16x.

This is the way the monitors and graphic cards are connected. The numbers represent monitor number. (pardon me for bad MS Paint drawing)

Picture presenting monitors 1 and 3 connected to 1st graphics card and monitors 2 and 4 connected to the 2nd one.

This is how the monitors are placed. All of them have different sizes, LCD 1 is 18 inches, LC2 is 8 inches, LCD 3 is 24inches and LCD4 is 18 inches .

Drawing showing four monitors side-by-side

I am not the one who did this setup so I don't really know why he arranged the monitors in that way.

Sometimes, when I boot up the PC, all 4 screens display the images properly without any black strip at either side.

But occasionally, something like this happen.

Drawing of two monitors, left one with image shifted to the right and a black strip on the left, right one with a right strip on the right.

The black strip appear either on the left or right side of the monitor 1. By playing around with the refresh rate, the black strip seems to move from left to right (I have no idea why). And sometimes, when i change the frequency for monitor 1, it seems to affect the monitor 4 (causing it to display black strip at the side) even though they are using different graphic card.

I am unable to provide the LCD monitor information as all 4 of them are embedded in a frame (as provided by the vendor).

Any idea on what is causing the problem? Could it be a software problem?

I have 4 LCD monitors connected to a single PC with 2 graphic cards. And they all are setup in extended display mode, so it is basically a 1 big screen.

But recently I am having a problem with the size and position of display images. Some of the screens does not display the image at the correct position (ie, I can see the blackstrip, the edge of monitor either on the left or right side of the monitor). When i play around with the refresh rate of the affected screens, it seems to auto correct the position of image to where it is supposed to be.

According to my understanding, the refresh rate of a LCD monitor should not affect the position of image and how the image is being displayed. Only when the refresh rate is too low then I will have ghosting effect.

Any idea why changing the refresh rate is affecting the position of the image that is being display?

Both graphic cards I am using is Nvidia Quadro FX 380 PCIe 16x.

This is the way the monitors and graphic cards are connected. The numbers represent monitor number. (pardon me for bad MS Paint drawing)

Picture presenting monitors 1 and 3 connected to 1st graphics card and monitors 2 and 4 connected to the 2nd one.

This is how the monitors are placed. All of them have different sizes, LCD 1 is 18 inches, LC3 is 8 inches, LCD 2 is 24inches and LCD4 is 18 inches .

Drawing showing four monitors side-by-side

I am not the one who did this setup so I don't really know why he arranged the monitors in that way.

Sometimes, when I boot up the PC, all 4 screens display the images properly without any black strip at either side.

But occasionally, something like this happen.

Drawing of two monitors, left one with image shifted to the right and a black strip on the left, right one with a right strip on the right.

The black strip appear either on the left or right side of the monitor 1. By playing around with the refresh rate, the black strip seems to move from left to right (I have no idea why). And sometimes, when i change the frequency for monitor 1, it seems to affect the monitor 4 (causing it to display black strip at the side) even though they are using different graphic card.

I am unable to provide the LCD monitor information as all 4 of them are embedded in a frame (as provided by the vendor).

Any idea on what is causing the problem? Could it be a software problem?

Changed title to describe the problem, capitalized 'I's, added alternative text for pictures.
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Refresh rate of LCD Monitor How to permanently fix misaligned screen affectiing multiple monitors?

I have 4 LCD monitors connected to a single PC with 2 graphic cards. And they all are setup in extended display mode, so it is basically a 1 big screen.

But recently iI am having a problem with the size and position of display images. Some of the screens does not display the image at the correct position (ie, iI can see the blackstrip, the edge of monitor either on the left or right side of the monitor). When i play around with the refresh rate of the affected screens, it seems to auto correct the position of image to where it is supposed to be.

According to my understanding, the refresh rate of a LCD monitor should not affect the position of image and how the image is being displayed. Only when the refresh rate is too low then iI will have ghosting effect.

Any idea why changing the refresh rate is affecting the position of the image that is being display?


Both graphic cards iI am using is Nvidia Quadro FX 380 PCIe 16x This.

This is the way the monitors and graphic cards are connected  . The numbers represent monitor number.  (pardon me for bad ms paintMS Paint drawing)

enter image description herePicture presenting monitors 1 and 3 connected to 1st graphics card and monitors 2 and 4 connected to the 2nd one.

This is how the monitors are placed. All of them have different sizes, LCD 1 is 18 inches, LC2 is 8 inches, LCD 3 is 24inches and LCD4 is 18 inches .

enter image description hereDrawing showing four monitors side-by-side

I am not the one who did this setup so iI don't really know why he arranged the monitors in that way.

Sometimes, when iI boot up the PC, all 4 screens display the images properly without any black strip at either side.

But occasionally, something like this happen.

enter image description hereDrawing of two monitors, left one with image shifted to the right and a black strip on the left, right one with a right strip on the right.

The black strip appear either on the left or right side of the monitor 1. By playing around with the refresh rate, the black strip seems to move from left to right (iI have no idea why). And sometimes, when i change the frequency for monitor 1, it seems to affect the monitor 4 (causing it to display black strip at the side) eventhougheven though they are using different graphic card.

I am unable to provide the LCD monitor information as all 4 of them are embedded in a frame ( asas provided by the vendor).

Any idea on what is causing the problem? Could it be a software problem?

Refresh rate of LCD Monitor

I have 4 LCD monitors connected to a single PC with 2 graphic cards. And they all are setup in extended display mode, so it is basically a 1 big screen.

But recently i am having a problem with the size and position of display images. Some of the screens does not display the image at the correct position (ie, i can see the blackstrip, the edge of monitor either on the left or right side of the monitor). When i play around with the refresh rate of the affected screens, it seems to auto correct the position of image to where it is supposed to be.

According to my understanding, the refresh rate of a LCD monitor should not affect the position of image and how the image is being displayed. Only when the refresh rate is too low then i will have ghosting effect.

Any idea why changing the refresh rate is affecting the position of the image that is being display?


Both graphic cards i am using is Nvidia Quadro FX 380 PCIe 16x This is the way the monitors and graphic cards are connected  . The numbers represent monitor number.(pardon me for bad ms paint drawing)

enter image description here

This is how the monitors are placed. All of them have different sizes, LCD 1 is 18 inches, LC2 is 8 inches, LCD 3 is 24inches and LCD4 is 18 inches

enter image description here

I am not the one who did this setup so i don't really know why he arranged the monitors in that way.

Sometimes, when i boot up the PC, all 4 screens display the images properly without any black strip at either side.

But occasionally, something like this happen.

enter image description here

The black strip appear either on the left or right side of the monitor 1. By playing around with the refresh rate, the black strip seems to move from left to right (i have no idea why). And sometimes, when i change the frequency for monitor 1, it seems to affect the monitor 4 (causing it to display black strip at the side) eventhough they are using different graphic card.

I am unable to provide the LCD monitor information as all 4 of them are embedded in a frame ( as provided by the vendor).

Any idea on what is causing the problem? Could it be a software problem?

How to permanently fix misaligned screen affectiing multiple monitors?

I have 4 LCD monitors connected to a single PC with 2 graphic cards. And they all are setup in extended display mode, so it is basically a 1 big screen.

But recently I am having a problem with the size and position of display images. Some of the screens does not display the image at the correct position (ie, I can see the blackstrip, the edge of monitor either on the left or right side of the monitor). When i play around with the refresh rate of the affected screens, it seems to auto correct the position of image to where it is supposed to be.

According to my understanding, the refresh rate of a LCD monitor should not affect the position of image and how the image is being displayed. Only when the refresh rate is too low then I will have ghosting effect.

Any idea why changing the refresh rate is affecting the position of the image that is being display?

Both graphic cards I am using is Nvidia Quadro FX 380 PCIe 16x.

This is the way the monitors and graphic cards are connected. The numbers represent monitor number.  (pardon me for bad MS Paint drawing)

Picture presenting monitors 1 and 3 connected to 1st graphics card and monitors 2 and 4 connected to the 2nd one.

This is how the monitors are placed. All of them have different sizes, LCD 1 is 18 inches, LC2 is 8 inches, LCD 3 is 24inches and LCD4 is 18 inches .

Drawing showing four monitors side-by-side

I am not the one who did this setup so I don't really know why he arranged the monitors in that way.

Sometimes, when I boot up the PC, all 4 screens display the images properly without any black strip at either side.

But occasionally, something like this happen.

Drawing of two monitors, left one with image shifted to the right and a black strip on the left, right one with a right strip on the right.

The black strip appear either on the left or right side of the monitor 1. By playing around with the refresh rate, the black strip seems to move from left to right (I have no idea why). And sometimes, when i change the frequency for monitor 1, it seems to affect the monitor 4 (causing it to display black strip at the side) even though they are using different graphic card.

I am unable to provide the LCD monitor information as all 4 of them are embedded in a frame (as provided by the vendor).

Any idea on what is causing the problem? Could it be a software problem?

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Chris Aung
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Notice added Draw attention by Chris Aung
Bounty Started worth 50 reputation by Chris Aung
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Chris Aung
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