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I already know that I have UEFI and Secure Boot enabled but I can not access bios setup to change this. When I turn off my computer, and start with "Novo button" I get this:

When I physically remove HDD from my notebook and chose BIOS Setup it simply go dark for 20 seconds(apparently looking for primary system) and then offers me an Boot menu which looks like this:

I already know that I have UEFI and Secure Boot enabled but I can not access bios setup to change this. When I turn off my computer, and start with "Novo button" I get this:

When I physically remove HDD from my notebook and chose BIOS Setup it simply go dark for 20 seconds(apparently looking for primary system) and then offers me an Boot menu which looks like this:

I already know that I have UEFI and Secure Boot enabled but I can not access bios setup to change this. When I turn off my computer, and start with "Novo button" I get this:

When I physically remove HDD from my notebook and chose BIOS Setup it simply go dark for 20 seconds(apparently looking for primary system) and then offers me an Boot menu which looks like this:

Good day

I know this could be question for Lenovo support but I strongly believe that my issue originated from stupid "Security by obscurity" policy. So I am asking rather experienced FREE people than unexperiencedinexperienced support in Mamooth company.

I have already make some free space on the main HDD which is curentlycurrently non-partitioned. My goal is to implement dualbootdual boot with Windows 8 -and Debian Wheezy.

I allreadyalready know that I have UEFI and Secure Boot enabled but I can not access bios setup to change this. When I turn off my computer, and start with "Novo button" I get this:

When I physicalyphysically remove HDD from my notebook and chose BIOS Setup it simply go dark for 20 seconds(apparently looking for primary system) and then offers me an Boot menu which looks like this:

And finalyfinally my Phoenix SecureCore "BIOS" version:

I allreadyalready know basics about UEFI and Secure Boot. All I want to do istis to disable secure boot. I have not tried removing CMOS battery because i googled around and find out that this might not help. Lenovo is offering NO bios updates for my model. Otherwise I would flash BIOS ASAP.

Is there please any workaround about this? I searched here and found that here are many experienced BIOS coders which allready know the answer.

My apologise if THIS is not a programing question (I personaly code PHP, Javascript, little C but BIOS is far away from me).

Thank you!

Good day

I know this could be question for Lenovo support but I strongly believe that my issue originated from stupid "Security by obscurity" policy. So I am asking rather experienced FREE people than unexperienced support in Mamooth company.

I have already make some free space on the main HDD which is curently non-partitioned. My goal is to implement dualboot Windows 8 - Debian Wheezy

I allready know that I have UEFI and Secure Boot enabled but I can not access bios setup to change this. When I turn off my computer, and start with "Novo button" I get this:

When I physicaly remove HDD from my notebook and chose BIOS Setup it simply go dark for 20 seconds(apparently looking for primary system) and then offers me an Boot menu which looks like this:

And finaly my Phoenix SecureCore "BIOS" version:

I allready know basics about UEFI and Secure Boot. All I want to do ist to disable secure boot. I have not tried removing CMOS battery because i googled around and find out that this might not help. Lenovo is offering NO bios updates for my model. Otherwise I would flash BIOS ASAP.

Is there please any workaround about this? I searched here and found that here are many experienced BIOS coders which allready know the answer.

My apologise if THIS is not a programing question (I personaly code PHP, Javascript, little C but BIOS is far away from me).

Thank you!

I know this could be question for Lenovo support but I strongly believe that my issue originated from stupid "Security by obscurity" policy. So I am asking rather experienced FREE people than inexperienced support in Mamooth company.

I have already make some free space on the main HDD which is currently non-partitioned. My goal is to implement dual boot with Windows 8 and Debian Wheezy.

I already know that I have UEFI and Secure Boot enabled but I can not access bios setup to change this. When I turn off my computer, and start with "Novo button" I get this:

When I physically remove HDD from my notebook and chose BIOS Setup it simply go dark for 20 seconds(apparently looking for primary system) and then offers me an Boot menu which looks like this:

And finally my Phoenix SecureCore "BIOS" version:

I already know basics about UEFI and Secure Boot. All I want to do is to disable secure boot. I have not tried removing CMOS battery because i googled around and find out that this might not help. Lenovo is offering NO bios updates for my model. Otherwise I would flash BIOS ASAP.

Is there please any workaround about this? I searched here and found that here are many experienced BIOS coders which allready know the answer.

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Hybernation in Windows 8 is disabled.


Hybernation in Windows 8 is disabled.

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