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I know you don't want a registry hack, but I had to reverse a virus that did something similar, just about bashed my head till I figured it out.

Go to the HKCR\exefile\shell\open\commandHKCR\exefile\shell\open\command key and change the (default) and IsolatedCommandIsolatedCommand keys to notepad.exenotepad.exe

Then everytimeevery time they go to execute a program they will get a copy of notepad instead.

To fix, you can still run the programsasprograms as long as you do it as another user (unless you change those keys as well. :) )

I know you don't want a registry hack, but I had to reverse a virus that did something similar, just about bashed my head till I figured it out.

Go to the HKCR\exefile\shell\open\command key and change the (default) and IsolatedCommand keys to notepad.exe

Then everytime they go to execute a program they will get a copy of notepad instead.

To fix, you can still run the programsas long as you do it as another user (unless you change those keys as well. :) )

I know you don't want a registry hack, but I had to reverse a virus that did something similar, just about bashed my head till I figured it out.

Go to the HKCR\exefile\shell\open\command key and change the (default) and IsolatedCommand keys to notepad.exe

Then every time they go to execute a program they will get a copy of notepad instead.

To fix, you can still run the programs as long as you do it as another user (unless you change those keys as well.)

Rollback to Revision 1
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I know you don't want a registry hack, but I had to reverse a virus that did something similar, just about bashed my head till I figured it out.

Go to the HKCR\exefile\shell\open\commandHKCR\exefile\shell\open\command key and change the (default) and IsolatedCommandIsolatedCommand keys to notepad.exenotepad.exe

Then every timeeverytime they go to execute a program they will get a copy of notepad instead.

To fix, you can still run the programs asprogramsas long as you do it as another user (unless you change those keys as well. :) )

I know you don't want a registry hack, but I had to reverse a virus that did something similar, just about bashed my head till I figured it out.

Go to the HKCR\exefile\shell\open\command key and change the (default) and IsolatedCommand keys to notepad.exe

Then every time they go to execute a program they will get a copy of notepad instead.

To fix, you can still run the programs as long as you do it as another user (unless you change those keys as well.)

I know you don't want a registry hack, but I had to reverse a virus that did something similar, just about bashed my head till I figured it out.

Go to the HKCR\exefile\shell\open\command key and change the (default) and IsolatedCommand keys to notepad.exe

Then everytime they go to execute a program they will get a copy of notepad instead.

To fix, you can still run the programsas long as you do it as another user (unless you change those keys as well. :) )

Fix answer broken by other edit
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I know you don't want a registry hack, but I had to reverse a virus that did something similar, just about bashed my head till I figured it out.

Go to the HKCR\exefile\shell\open\command key and change the (default) and Isolated CommandIsolatedCommand keys to notepad.exe

Then every time they go to execute a program they will get a copy of notepad instead.

To fix, you can still run the programs as long as you do it as another user (unless you change those keys as well.)

I know you don't want a registry hack, but I had to reverse a virus that did something similar, just about bashed my head till I figured it out.

Go to the HKCR\exefile\shell\open\command key and change the (default) and Isolated Command keys to notepad.exe

Then every time they go to execute a program they will get a copy of notepad instead.

To fix, you can still run the programs as long as you do it as another user (unless you change those keys as well.)

I know you don't want a registry hack, but I had to reverse a virus that did something similar, just about bashed my head till I figured it out.

Go to the HKCR\exefile\shell\open\command key and change the (default) and IsolatedCommand keys to notepad.exe

Then every time they go to execute a program they will get a copy of notepad instead.

To fix, you can still run the programs as long as you do it as another user (unless you change those keys as well.)

corrected spellings and improved formating
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