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added 12 characters in body
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Two alternative options, you could try:

enter image description hereenter image description here

• Formula used in cell B2



• Formula used in cell C2


And in D2


Format cells as [h]:mm:ss;@

Two alternative options, you could try:

enter image description here

• Formula used in cell B2



• Formula used in cell C2


And in D2


Format cells as [h]:mm:ss;@

Two alternative options, you could try:

enter image description here

• Formula used in cell B2



• Formula used in cell C2


And in D2


Format cells as [h]:mm:ss;@

deleted 3 characters in body
Source Link

Two alternative options, you could try:

enter image description hereenter image description here

• Formula used in cell B2



• Formula used in cell C2


And in D2


Format cells as h[h]:mmm:ssss;@

Two alternative options, you could try:

enter image description here

• Formula used in cell B2



• Formula used in cell C2


And in D2


Format cells as h:m:ss

Two alternative options, you could try:

enter image description here

• Formula used in cell B2



• Formula used in cell C2


And in D2


Format cells as [h]:mm:ss;@

Source Link

Two alternative options, you could try:

enter image description here

• Formula used in cell B2



• Formula used in cell C2


And in D2


Format cells as h:m:ss