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I need to make a dynamic array subtotal that changes its column size by another dynamic array. The example sheet, challenge, conditions, and attempts I've made are below.

[Example Sheet]


  • Make (partial) dynamic subtotal arrays in column D fully dynamic that change their column sizes by another dynamic array
  • Modify the range part $C$10:$L$28 in the dynamic subtotal arrays using D5# (helping array)
  • It should be a generic formula that copy-paste is available within column D; there will be thousands of criteria 1 and 2 in column A and B
  • Avoid using VBA, volatile functions (OFFSET, INDIRECT, INFO, CELL, etc.) or other expensive methods


  • Project start/end dates determine the size of the dynamic array D6# (Month-Year)
  • D6# is used for the dynamic array D7# (Workhours/month)
  • D5# is an helping array to determine the size of the dynamic array subtotals
  • Criteria 1 and 2 in column A and B are used for the dynamic array subtotals -The formula should be not broken when rows are added or deleted; users will add or delete rows and edit the criteria
  • The dynamic array subtotals sum up the monthly workhours per each criteria 1 and 2


  • SUBTOTAL can be only dynamic to show AVERAGE, COUNT, MAX, MIN, SUM, etc. I couldn't think of any way to utilize this function.
  • Formula: =SUBTOTAL(SEQUENCE(11),reference range)
  • SUMIFS can be dynamic if the criteria ranges are dynamic, which is not the way I wanted; it needs to use a dynamic array to determine the column size. What I have is non-dynamic formula that requires manual copy to the rest columns. (
  • Formula: =SUMIFS(D:D,$A:$A,$A10,$B:$B,TEXTBEFORE($B10," Subtotal"))
  • MMULT, TRANSPOSE and FILTER combo is the closest solution I came up with, which is partially dynamic that doesn't change its column size automatically. As mentioned above, the range $D$8:$L$26 is the tricky part to modify that somehow it refers to the helping array D5# without using OFFSET, INDIRECT or other volatile functions. At this stage, I need to manually set the formula the range to be summed up. (Excel365 Sumifs with Spilled Dynamic Arrays)
  • Formula: =LET(Criteria,($A$8:$A$26=A10)*($B$8:$B$26=TEXTBEFORE($B10," Subtotal")), MMULT(TRANSPOSE(FILTER(Criteria,Criteria=1)),--FILTER($D$8:$L$26,Criteria=1)))
  • I'm trying to make the template VBA-free as users can be creative to break the macros in old templates I made. It was also time-consuming to build and maintain the code.

Much appreciated if you can suggest a solution to the struggle I'm facing.

I need to make a dynamic array subtotal that changes its column size by another dynamic array. The example sheet, challenge, conditions, and attempts I've made are below.

[Example Sheet]


  • Make (partial) dynamic subtotal arrays in column D fully dynamic that change their column sizes by another dynamic array
  • Modify the range part $C$10:$L$28 in the dynamic subtotal arrays using D5# (helping array)
  • Avoid using VBA, volatile functions (OFFSET, INDIRECT, INFO, CELL, etc.) or other expensive methods


  • Project start/end dates determine the size of the dynamic array D6# (Month-Year)
  • D6# is used for the dynamic array D7# (Workhours/month)
  • D5# is an helping array to determine the size of the dynamic array subtotals
  • Criteria 1 and 2 in column A and B are used for the dynamic array subtotals
  • The dynamic array subtotals sum up the monthly workhours per each criteria 1 and 2


  • SUBTOTAL can be only dynamic to show AVERAGE, COUNT, MAX, MIN, SUM, etc. I couldn't think of any way to utilize this function.
  • Formula: =SUBTOTAL(SEQUENCE(11),reference range)
  • SUMIFS can be dynamic if the criteria ranges are dynamic, which is not the way I wanted; it needs to use a dynamic array to determine the column size. What I have is non-dynamic formula that requires manual copy to the rest columns. (
  • Formula: =SUMIFS(D:D,$A:$A,$A10,$B:$B,TEXTBEFORE($B10," Subtotal"))
  • MMULT, TRANSPOSE and FILTER combo is the closest solution I came up with, which is partially dynamic that doesn't change its column size automatically. As mentioned above, the range $D$8:$L$26 is the tricky part to modify that somehow it refers to the helping array D5# without using OFFSET, INDIRECT or other volatile functions. At this stage, I need to manually set the formula the range to be summed up. (Excel365 Sumifs with Spilled Dynamic Arrays)
  • Formula: =LET(Criteria,($A$8:$A$26=A10)*($B$8:$B$26=TEXTBEFORE($B10," Subtotal")), MMULT(TRANSPOSE(FILTER(Criteria,Criteria=1)),--FILTER($D$8:$L$26,Criteria=1)))
  • I'm trying to make the template VBA-free as users can be creative to break the macros in old templates I made. It was also time-consuming to build and maintain the code.

Much appreciated if you can suggest a solution to the struggle I'm facing.

I need to make a dynamic array subtotal that changes its column size by another dynamic array. The example sheet, challenge, conditions, and attempts I've made are below.

[Example Sheet]


  • Make (partial) dynamic subtotal arrays in column D fully dynamic that change their column sizes by another dynamic array
  • Modify the range part $C$10:$L$28 in the dynamic subtotal arrays using D5# (helping array)
  • It should be a generic formula that copy-paste is available within column D; there will be thousands of criteria 1 and 2 in column A and B
  • Avoid using VBA, volatile functions (OFFSET, INDIRECT, INFO, CELL, etc.) or other expensive methods


  • Project start/end dates determine the size of the dynamic array D6# (Month-Year)
  • D6# is used for the dynamic array D7# (Workhours/month)
  • D5# is an helping array to determine the size of the dynamic array subtotals
  • Criteria 1 and 2 in column A and B are used for the dynamic array subtotals -The formula should be not broken when rows are added or deleted; users will add or delete rows and edit the criteria
  • The dynamic array subtotals sum up the monthly workhours per each criteria 1 and 2


  • SUBTOTAL can be only dynamic to show AVERAGE, COUNT, MAX, MIN, SUM, etc. I couldn't think of any way to utilize this function.
  • Formula: =SUBTOTAL(SEQUENCE(11),reference range)
  • SUMIFS can be dynamic if the criteria ranges are dynamic, which is not the way I wanted; it needs to use a dynamic array to determine the column size. What I have is non-dynamic formula that requires manual copy to the rest columns. (
  • Formula: =SUMIFS(D:D,$A:$A,$A10,$B:$B,TEXTBEFORE($B10," Subtotal"))
  • MMULT, TRANSPOSE and FILTER combo is the closest solution I came up with, which is partially dynamic that doesn't change its column size automatically. As mentioned above, the range $D$8:$L$26 is the tricky part to modify that somehow it refers to the helping array D5# without using OFFSET, INDIRECT or other volatile functions. At this stage, I need to manually set the formula the range to be summed up. (Excel365 Sumifs with Spilled Dynamic Arrays)
  • Formula: =LET(Criteria,($A$8:$A$26=A10)*($B$8:$B$26=TEXTBEFORE($B10," Subtotal")), MMULT(TRANSPOSE(FILTER(Criteria,Criteria=1)),--FILTER($D$8:$L$26,Criteria=1)))
  • I'm trying to make the template VBA-free as users can be creative to break the macros in old templates I made. It was also time-consuming to build and maintain the code.

Much appreciated if you can suggest a solution to the struggle I'm facing.

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I need to make a dynamic array subtotal that changes its column size by another dynamic array. The example sheet, challenge, conditions, and attempts I've made are below.

[Example Sheet]


  • Make (partial) dynamic subtotal arrays in column D fully dynamic that change their column sizes by another dynamic array
  • Modify the range part $C$10:$L$28 in the dynamic subtotal arrays using D5# (helping array)
  • Avoid using VBA, volatile functions (OFFSET, INDIRECT, INFO, CELL, etc.) or other expensive methods


  • Project start/end dates determine the size of the dynamic array D6# (Month-Year)
  • D6# is used for the dynamic array D7# (Workhours/month)
  • D5# is an helping array to determine the size of the dynamic array subtotals
  • Criteria 1 and 2 in column A and B are used for the dynamic array subtotals
  • The dynamic array subtotals sum up the monthly workhours per each criteria 1 and 2


  • SUBTOTAL can be only dynamic to show AVERAGE, COUNT, MAX, MIN, SUM, etc. I couldn't think of any way to utilize this function.
  • Formula: =SUBTOTAL(SEQUENCE(11),reference range)
  • SUMIFS can be dynamic if the criteria ranges are dynamic, which is not the way I wanted; it needs to use a dynamic array to determine the column size. What I have is non-dynamic formula that requires manual copy to the rest columns. (
  • Formula: =SUMIFS(D:D,$A:$A,$A10,$B:$B,TEXTBEFORE($B10," Subtotal"))
  • MMULT, TRANSPOSE and FILTER combo is the closest solution I came up with, which is partially dynamic that doesn't change its column size automatically. As mentioned above, the range $D$8:$L$26 is the tricky part to modify that somehow it refers to the helping array D5# without using OFFSET, INDIRECT or other volatile functions. At this stage, I need to manually set the formula the range to be summed up. (Excel365 Sumifs with Spilled Dynamic Arrays)
  • Formula: =LET(Criteria,($A$8:$A$26=A10)*($B$8:$B$26=TEXTBEFORE($B10," Subtotal")), MMULT(TRANSPOSE(FILTER(Criteria,Criteria=1)),--FILTER($D$8:$L$26,Criteria=1)))
  • I decidedI'm trying to stop usingmake the template VBA-free as users of the template can be creative to break the macros and they need constant maintenancein old templates I made. It'sIt was also time-consuming to build and maintain the code.

Much appreciated if you can suggest a solution to the struggle I'm facing.

I need to make a dynamic array subtotal that changes its column size by another dynamic array. The example sheet, challenge, conditions, and attempts I've made are below.

[Example Sheet]


  • Make (partial) dynamic subtotal arrays in column D fully dynamic that change their column sizes by another dynamic array
  • Modify the range part $C$10:$L$28 in the dynamic subtotal arrays using D5# (helping array)
  • Avoid using VBA, volatile functions (OFFSET, INDIRECT, INFO, CELL, etc.) or other expensive methods


  • Project start/end dates determine the size of the dynamic array D6# (Month-Year)
  • D6# is used for the dynamic array D7# (Workhours/month)
  • D5# is an helping array to determine the size of the dynamic array subtotals
  • Criteria 1 and 2 in column A and B are used for the dynamic array subtotals
  • The dynamic array subtotals sum up the monthly workhours per each criteria 1 and 2


  • SUBTOTAL can be only dynamic to show AVERAGE, COUNT, MAX, MIN, SUM, etc. I couldn't think of any way to utilize this function.
  • Formula: =SUBTOTAL(SEQUENCE(11),reference range)
  • SUMIFS can be dynamic if the criteria ranges are dynamic, which is not the way I wanted; it needs to use a dynamic array to determine the column size. What I have is non-dynamic formula that requires manual copy to the rest columns. (
  • Formula: =SUMIFS(D:D,$A:$A,$A10,$B:$B,TEXTBEFORE($B10," Subtotal"))
  • MMULT, TRANSPOSE and FILTER combo is the closest solution I came up with, which is partially dynamic that doesn't change its column size automatically. As mentioned above, the range $D$8:$L$26 is the tricky part to modify that somehow it refers to the helping array D5# without using OFFSET, INDIRECT or other volatile functions. At this stage, I need to manually set the formula the range to be summed up. (Excel365 Sumifs with Spilled Dynamic Arrays)
  • Formula: =LET(Criteria,($A$8:$A$26=A10)*($B$8:$B$26=TEXTBEFORE($B10," Subtotal")), MMULT(TRANSPOSE(FILTER(Criteria,Criteria=1)),--FILTER($D$8:$L$26,Criteria=1)))
  • I decided to stop using VBA as users of the template can be creative to break the macros and they need constant maintenance. It's also time-consuming to build and maintain the code.

Much appreciated if you can suggest a solution to the struggle I'm facing.

I need to make a dynamic array subtotal that changes its column size by another dynamic array. The example sheet, challenge, conditions, and attempts I've made are below.

[Example Sheet]


  • Make (partial) dynamic subtotal arrays in column D fully dynamic that change their column sizes by another dynamic array
  • Modify the range part $C$10:$L$28 in the dynamic subtotal arrays using D5# (helping array)
  • Avoid using VBA, volatile functions (OFFSET, INDIRECT, INFO, CELL, etc.) or other expensive methods


  • Project start/end dates determine the size of the dynamic array D6# (Month-Year)
  • D6# is used for the dynamic array D7# (Workhours/month)
  • D5# is an helping array to determine the size of the dynamic array subtotals
  • Criteria 1 and 2 in column A and B are used for the dynamic array subtotals
  • The dynamic array subtotals sum up the monthly workhours per each criteria 1 and 2


  • SUBTOTAL can be only dynamic to show AVERAGE, COUNT, MAX, MIN, SUM, etc. I couldn't think of any way to utilize this function.
  • Formula: =SUBTOTAL(SEQUENCE(11),reference range)
  • SUMIFS can be dynamic if the criteria ranges are dynamic, which is not the way I wanted; it needs to use a dynamic array to determine the column size. What I have is non-dynamic formula that requires manual copy to the rest columns. (
  • Formula: =SUMIFS(D:D,$A:$A,$A10,$B:$B,TEXTBEFORE($B10," Subtotal"))
  • MMULT, TRANSPOSE and FILTER combo is the closest solution I came up with, which is partially dynamic that doesn't change its column size automatically. As mentioned above, the range $D$8:$L$26 is the tricky part to modify that somehow it refers to the helping array D5# without using OFFSET, INDIRECT or other volatile functions. At this stage, I need to manually set the formula the range to be summed up. (Excel365 Sumifs with Spilled Dynamic Arrays)
  • Formula: =LET(Criteria,($A$8:$A$26=A10)*($B$8:$B$26=TEXTBEFORE($B10," Subtotal")), MMULT(TRANSPOSE(FILTER(Criteria,Criteria=1)),--FILTER($D$8:$L$26,Criteria=1)))
  • I'm trying to make the template VBA-free as users can be creative to break the macros in old templates I made. It was also time-consuming to build and maintain the code.

Much appreciated if you can suggest a solution to the struggle I'm facing.

added 185 characters in body
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I need to make a dynamic array subtotal that changes its column size by another dynamic array. The example sheet, challenge, conditions, and attempts I've made are below.

[Example Sheet]


  • Make (partial) dynamic subtotal arrays in column D fully dynamic that change their column sizes by another dynamic array
  • Modify the range part $C$10:$L$28 in the dynamic subtotal arrays using D5# (helping array)
  • Avoid using VBA, volatile functions (OFFSET, INDIRECT, INFO, CELL, etc.) or other expensive methods


  • Project start/end dates determine the size of the dynamic array D6# (Month-Year)
  • D6# is used for the dynamic array D7# (Workhours/month)
  • D5# is an helping array to determine the size of the dynamic array subtotals
  • Criteria 1 and 2 in column A and B are used for the dynamic array subtotals
  • The dynamic array subtotals sum up the monthly workhours per each criteria 1 and 2


  • SUBTOTAL can be only dynamic to show AVERAGE, COUNT, MAX, MIN, SUM, etc. I couldn't think of any way to utilize this function.
  • Formula: =SUBTOTAL(SEQUENCE(11),reference range)
  • SUMIFS can be dynamic if the criteria ranges are dynamic, which is not the way I wanted; it needs to use a dynamic array to determine the column size. What I have is non-dynamic formula that requires manual copy to the rest columns. (
  • Formula: =SUMIFS(D:D,$A:$A,$A10,$B:$B,TEXTBEFORE($B10," Subtotal"))
  • MMULT, TRANSPOSE and FILTER combo is the closest solution I came up with, which is partially dynamic that doesn't change its column size automatically. As mentioned above, the range $D$8:$L$26 is the tricky part to modify that somehow it refers to the helping array D5# without using OFFSET, INDIRECT or other volatile functions. At this stage, I need to manually set the formula the range to be summed up. (Excel365 Sumifs with Spilled Dynamic Arrays)
  • Formula: =LET(Criteria,($A$8:$A$26=A10)*($B$8:$B$26=TEXTBEFORE($B10," Subtotal")), MMULT(TRANSPOSE(FILTER(Criteria,Criteria=1)),--FILTER($D$8:$L$26,Criteria=1)))
  • I decided to stop using VBA as users of the template can be creative to break the macros and they need constant maintenance. It's also time-consuming to build and maintain the code.

Much appreciated if you can suggest a solution to the struggle I'm facing.

I need to make a dynamic array subtotal that changes its column size by another dynamic array. The example sheet, challenge, conditions, and attempts I've made are below.

[Example Sheet]


  • Make (partial) dynamic subtotal arrays in column D fully dynamic that change their column sizes by another dynamic array
  • Modify the range part $C$10:$L$28 in the dynamic subtotal arrays using D5# (helping array)
  • Avoid using VBA, volatile functions (OFFSET, INDIRECT, INFO, CELL, etc.) or other expensive methods


  • Project start/end dates determine the size of the dynamic array D6# (Month-Year)
  • D6# is used for the dynamic array D7# (Workhours/month)
  • D5# is an helping array to determine the size of the dynamic array subtotals
  • Criteria 1 and 2 in column A and B are used for the dynamic array subtotals
  • The dynamic array subtotals sum up the monthly workhours per each criteria 1 and 2


  • SUBTOTAL can be only dynamic to show AVERAGE, COUNT, MAX, MIN, SUM, etc. I couldn't think of any way to utilize this function.
  • Formula: =SUBTOTAL(SEQUENCE(11),reference range)
  • SUMIFS can be dynamic if the criteria ranges are dynamic, which is not the way I wanted; it needs to use a dynamic array to determine the column size. What I have is non-dynamic formula that requires manual copy to the rest columns. (
  • Formula: =SUMIFS(D:D,$A:$A,$A10,$B:$B,TEXTBEFORE($B10," Subtotal"))
  • MMULT, TRANSPOSE and FILTER combo is the closest solution I came up with, which is partially dynamic that doesn't change its column size automatically. As mentioned above, the range $D$8:$L$26 is the tricky part to modify that somehow it refers to the helping array D5# without using OFFSET, INDIRECT or other volatile functions. At this stage, I need to manually set the formula the range to be summed up. (Excel365 Sumifs with Spilled Dynamic Arrays)
  • Formula: =LET(Criteria,($A$8:$A$26=A10)*($B$8:$B$26=TEXTBEFORE($B10," Subtotal")), MMULT(TRANSPOSE(FILTER(Criteria,Criteria=1)),--FILTER($D$8:$L$26,Criteria=1)))

Much appreciated if you can suggest a solution to the struggle I'm facing.

I need to make a dynamic array subtotal that changes its column size by another dynamic array. The example sheet, challenge, conditions, and attempts I've made are below.

[Example Sheet]


  • Make (partial) dynamic subtotal arrays in column D fully dynamic that change their column sizes by another dynamic array
  • Modify the range part $C$10:$L$28 in the dynamic subtotal arrays using D5# (helping array)
  • Avoid using VBA, volatile functions (OFFSET, INDIRECT, INFO, CELL, etc.) or other expensive methods


  • Project start/end dates determine the size of the dynamic array D6# (Month-Year)
  • D6# is used for the dynamic array D7# (Workhours/month)
  • D5# is an helping array to determine the size of the dynamic array subtotals
  • Criteria 1 and 2 in column A and B are used for the dynamic array subtotals
  • The dynamic array subtotals sum up the monthly workhours per each criteria 1 and 2


  • SUBTOTAL can be only dynamic to show AVERAGE, COUNT, MAX, MIN, SUM, etc. I couldn't think of any way to utilize this function.
  • Formula: =SUBTOTAL(SEQUENCE(11),reference range)
  • SUMIFS can be dynamic if the criteria ranges are dynamic, which is not the way I wanted; it needs to use a dynamic array to determine the column size. What I have is non-dynamic formula that requires manual copy to the rest columns. (
  • Formula: =SUMIFS(D:D,$A:$A,$A10,$B:$B,TEXTBEFORE($B10," Subtotal"))
  • MMULT, TRANSPOSE and FILTER combo is the closest solution I came up with, which is partially dynamic that doesn't change its column size automatically. As mentioned above, the range $D$8:$L$26 is the tricky part to modify that somehow it refers to the helping array D5# without using OFFSET, INDIRECT or other volatile functions. At this stage, I need to manually set the formula the range to be summed up. (Excel365 Sumifs with Spilled Dynamic Arrays)
  • Formula: =LET(Criteria,($A$8:$A$26=A10)*($B$8:$B$26=TEXTBEFORE($B10," Subtotal")), MMULT(TRANSPOSE(FILTER(Criteria,Criteria=1)),--FILTER($D$8:$L$26,Criteria=1)))
  • I decided to stop using VBA as users of the template can be creative to break the macros and they need constant maintenance. It's also time-consuming to build and maintain the code.

Much appreciated if you can suggest a solution to the struggle I'm facing.

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