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I have abandoned that idea andof using RAID. That is I just have three HDDs in athis server usedwhich I use as a desktop two set. Therefore I simply zip up similarlydirectories to one or of the 2nd or third disk and another as a back up plus I continue to use USB sticks for backing up. That

The problem therefore is I amcan not using RAIDdiscover files that have become corrupted lost and are 0 bytes. I loose any good version of those broken files when I delete the oldest back up.

I have abandoned that idea and just have three HDDs in a server used as a desktop two set up similarly and another as a back up plus I continue to use USB sticks for backing up. That is I am not using RAID.

I have abandoned that idea of using RAID. That is I just have three HDDs in this server which I use as a desktop. Therefore I simply zip up directories to one or of the 2nd or third disk and a USB sticks for backing up.

The problem therefore is I can not discover files that have become corrupted lost and are 0 bytes. I loose any good version of those broken files when I delete the oldest back up.

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I have abandoned that idea and just have three HDDs in a server used as a desktop two set up similarly and another as a back up plus I continue to use USB sticks for backing up. That is I am not using RAID.

I have abandoned that idea and just have three HDDs in a server used as a desktop two set up similarly and another as a back up plus I continue to use USB sticks for backing up.

I have abandoned that idea and just have three HDDs in a server used as a desktop two set up similarly and another as a back up plus I continue to use USB sticks for backing up. That is I am not using RAID.

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I have abandoned that idea and just have three HDDs in a server used as a desktop two set up similarly and another as a back up plus I continue to use USB sticks for backing up.