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In C:\Program FilesC:\Program Files folder there are multiple folders containing drivers and .exe files for computer programs. I would like to know whether it is possible to hide a folder (letslet's say Discord) and all of its content without forcing the .exe.exe program to be turned off (Discord.exeDiscord.exe can still be opened).

I've tied multiple folder locking systems, such as Wise Folder Hider to name a few, that perfectly hides and hinders folder location entirely but it also kills the program itself.

I look forward to any insights ininto this issue and I hope it is a solvable one.

In C:\Program Files folder there are multiple folders containing drivers and .exe files for computer programs. I would like to know whether it is possible to hide a folder (lets say Discord) and all of its content without forcing .exe program to be turned off (Discord.exe can still be opened).

I've tied multiple folder locking systems, such as Wise Folder Hider to name a few, that perfectly hides and hinders folder location entirely but it also kills the program itself.

I look forward to any insights in this issue and I hope it is a solvable one.

In C:\Program Files folder there are multiple folders containing drivers and .exe files for computer programs. I would like to know whether it is possible to hide a folder (let's say Discord) and all of its content without forcing the .exe program to be turned off (Discord.exe can still be opened).

I've tied multiple folder locking systems, such as Wise Folder Hider to name a few, that perfectly hides and hinders folder location entirely but it also kills the program itself.

I look forward to any insights into this issue and I hope it is a solvable one.

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How to hide a folder in C:\Program Files without turning off .exe program in it?

In C:\Program Files folder there are multiple folders containing drivers and .exe files for computer programs. I would like to know whether it is possible to hide a folder (lets say Discord) and all of its content without forcing .exe program to be turned off (Discord.exe can still be opened).

I've tied multiple folder locking systems, such as Wise Folder Hider to name a few, that perfectly hides and hinders folder location entirely but it also kills the program itself.

I look forward to any insights in this issue and I hope it is a solvable one.