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dev/sad1 (8GB swap)
dev/sda2 (~50MB EFI Partition, containing UEFI files for both Ubuntu and Windows
dev/sda3 (~450GB mounted as root partition, ext4 filesystem)
dev/sda4 (~20MB Windows system reserved partition)
dev/sda5 (~130GB Windows 10 Partition, C drive, NTFS filesystem)
dev/sda6 (~400GB mounted as home (/home), ext4 filesystem)

dev/sad1 (8GB swap)
dev/sda2 (~50MB EFI Partition, containing UEFI files for both Ubuntu and Windows)
dev/sda3 (~450GB mounted as root partition, ext4 filesystem)
dev/sda4 (~20MB Windows system reserved partition)
dev/sda5 (~130GB Windows 10 Partition, C drive, NTFS filesystem)
dev/sda6 (~400GB mounted as home (/home), ext4 filesystem)

dev/sad1 (8GB swap)
dev/sda2 (~500MB EFI Partition, containing UEFI files for Pop OS.)
dev/sda3 (~350GB mounted as root partition, ext4 filesystem)
Unallocated space (~100GB)
dev/sda4 (~20MB Windows system reserved partition)
dev/sda5 (~130GB Windows 10 Partition, C drive, NTFS filesystem)
dev/sda6 (~400GB mounted as home (/home), ext4 filesystem)

dev/sad1 (8GB swap)
dev/sda2 (~500MB EFI Partition, containing UEFI files for Pop OS.)
dev/sda3 (~350GB mounted as root partition, ext4 filesystem)
Unallocated space (~100GB)
dev/sda4 (~20MB Windows system reserved partition)
dev/sda5 (~130GB Windows 10 Partition, C drive, NTFS filesystem)
dev/sda6 (~400GB mounted as home (/home), ext4 filesystem)

dev/sad1 (8GB swap)
dev/sda2 (~50MB EFI Partition, containing UEFI files for both Ubuntu and Windows
dev/sda3 (~450GB mounted as root partition, ext4 filesystem)
dev/sda4 (~20MB Windows system reserved partition)
dev/sda5 (~130GB Windows 10 Partition, C drive, NTFS filesystem)
dev/sda6 (~400GB mounted as home (/home), ext4 filesystem)

dev/sad1 (8GB swap)
dev/sda2 (~500MB EFI Partition, containing UEFI files for Pop OS.)
dev/sda3 (~350GB mounted as root partition, ext4 filesystem)
Unallocated space (~100GB)
dev/sda4 (~20MB Windows system reserved partition)
dev/sda5 (~130GB Windows 10 Partition, C drive, NTFS filesystem)
dev/sda6 (~400GB mounted as home (/home), ext4 filesystem)

dev/sad1 (8GB swap)
dev/sda2 (~50MB EFI Partition, containing UEFI files for both Ubuntu and Windows)
dev/sda3 (~450GB mounted as root partition, ext4 filesystem)
dev/sda4 (~20MB Windows system reserved partition)
dev/sda5 (~130GB Windows 10 Partition, C drive, NTFS filesystem)
dev/sda6 (~400GB mounted as home (/home), ext4 filesystem)
dev/sad1 (8GB swap)
dev/sda2 (~500MB EFI Partition, containing UEFI files for Pop OS.)
dev/sda3 (~350GB mounted as root partition, ext4 filesystem)
Unallocated space (~100GB)
dev/sda4 (~20MB Windows system reserved partition)
dev/sda5 (~130GB Windows 10 Partition, C drive, NTFS filesystem)
dev/sda6 (~400GB mounted as home (/home), ext4 filesystem)

I had dual boot with Ubuntu 19.10 and Windows 10. theThe drive was partitioned as:

While installing Pop OS in place of Ubuntu, Pop recommended an EFI partition of ~500MB so I Deleted dev/sda3 (partition mounted as root) and tried to extend the EFI partition. GParted extended the partition but failed"failed to extend the filesystem (I don't know what that means, but this is what the error message was, also I don't have exact error message to paste here)filesystem". So dev/sda2 was now 500MB with ~50MB of FAT32 filesystem in it. I I then went on to install Pop OS in a newly created ext4 filesystem on dev/sda3, leaving 100GB of unallocated space after dev/sda3 and before windowsWindows reserved system partition on dev/sda4 (~20MB). I wantedwant to expand the primary partition of Windows from ~130GB to ~230GB.

After the installation of Pop OS Partitionsthe partitions look like this (current):

I was under the impression that Pop OS installer would detect the UEFI Files for Windows installation and would place the UEFI files in the EFI/Microsoft folder Inin the correct place, But it did not! And now I am stuck with non-bootable windowsWindows installation. The EFI partition only contains Pop OS UEFI files.

I came across a tutorial which shows that copying the 'Microsoft'Microsoft folder from windowsWindows EFI partition to Pop OS EFI Partition would allow the Pop OS bootloader Systemd-boot to show Windows as a boot option (that is exactly what I want to achieve). Butbut there is no EFI partition for windows, earlierWindows. Earlier there was an EFI partition for grub where said files were located, but now Pop OS installer overwrote them and I do not have a backup of the old EFI Partition.

I know from this questionthis question that the contents of /boot/EFI/Microsoft/boot/EFI/Microsoft look like this:
(Notice contents inside Microsoft folder)

akshatfs@apollo:/media/akshatfs/C82CBFC42CBFAC36/Windows/Boot/EFI$ tree -L 3
├── bg-BG
│      ├── bootmgfw.efi.mui
│      └── bootmgr.efi.mui
├── bootmgfw.efi
├── bootmgr.efi
├── boot.stl
├── cs-CZ
│      ├── bootmgfw.efi.mui
│      ├── bootmgr.efi.mui
│      └── memtest.efi.mui
├── da-DK
│      ├── bootmgfw.efi.mui
│      ├── bootmgr.efi.mui
│      └── memtest.efi.mui
├── de-DE
│      ├── bootmgfw.efi.mui
│      ├── bootmgr.efi.mui
│      └── memtest.efi.mui
├── el-GR
│      ├── bootmgfw.efi.mui
│      ├── bootmgr.efi.mui
│      └── memtest.efi.mui
├── en-GB
│      ├── bootmgfw.efi.mui
│      └── bootmgr.efi.mui
├── en-US
│      ├── bootmgfw.efi.mui
│      ├── bootmgr.efi.mui
│      └── memtest.efi.mui
├── es-ES
│      ├── bootmgfw.efi.mui
│      ├── bootmgr.efi.mui
│      └── memtest.efi.mui
├── es-MX
│      ├── bootmgfw.efi.mui
│      └── bootmgr.efi.mui
├── et-EE
│      ├── bootmgfw.efi.mui
│      └── bootmgr.efi.mui
├── fi-FI
│      ├── bootmgfw.efi.mui
│      ├── bootmgr.efi.mui
│      └── memtest.efi.mui
├── fr-CA
│      ├── bootmgfw.efi.mui
│      └── bootmgr.efi.mui
├── fr-FR
│      ├── bootmgfw.efi.mui
│      ├── bootmgr.efi.mui
│      └── memtest.efi.mui
├── hr-HR
│      ├── bootmgfw.efi.mui
│      └── bootmgr.efi.mui
├── hu-HU
│      ├── bootmgfw.efi.mui
│      ├── bootmgr.efi.mui
│      └── memtest.efi.mui
├── it-IT
│      ├── bootmgfw.efi.mui
│      ├── bootmgr.efi.mui
│      └── memtest.efi.mui
├── ja-JP
│      ├── bootmgfw.efi.mui
│      ├── bootmgr.efi.mui
│      └── memtest.efi.mui
├── ko-KR
│      ├── bootmgfw.efi.mui
│      ├── bootmgr.efi.mui
│      └── memtest.efi.mui
├── lt-LT
│      ├── bootmgfw.efi.mui
│      └── bootmgr.efi.mui
├── lv-LV
│      ├── bootmgfw.efi.mui
│      └── bootmgr.efi.mui
├── memtest.efi
├── nb-NO
│      ├── bootmgfw.efi.mui
│      ├── bootmgr.efi.mui
│      └── memtest.efi.mui
├── nl-NL
│      ├── bootmgfw.efi.mui
│      ├── bootmgr.efi.mui
│      └── memtest.efi.mui
├── pl-PL
│      ├── bootmgfw.efi.mui
│      ├── bootmgr.efi.mui
│      └── memtest.efi.mui
├── pt-BR
│      ├── bootmgfw.efi.mui
│      ├── bootmgr.efi.mui
│      └── memtest.efi.mui
├── pt-PT
│      ├── bootmgfw.efi.mui
│      ├── bootmgr.efi.mui
│      └── memtest.efi.mui
├── qps-ploc
│      └── memtest.efi.mui
├── ro-RO
│      ├── bootmgfw.efi.mui
│      └── bootmgr.efi.mui
├── ru-RU
│      ├── bootmgfw.efi.mui
│      ├── bootmgr.efi.mui
│      └── memtest.efi.mui
├── sk-SK
│      ├── bootmgfw.efi.mui
│      └── bootmgr.efi.mui
├── sl-SI
│      ├── bootmgfw.efi.mui
│      └── bootmgr.efi.mui
├── sr-Latn-RS
│      ├── bootmgfw.efi.mui
│      └── bootmgr.efi.mui
├── sv-SE
│      ├── bootmgfw.efi.mui
│      ├── bootmgr.efi.mui
│      └── memtest.efi.mui
├── tr-TR
│      ├── bootmgfw.efi.mui
│      ├── bootmgr.efi.mui
│      └── memtest.efi.mui
├── uk-UA
│      ├── bootmgfw.efi.mui
│      └── bootmgr.efi.mui
├── winsipolicy.p7b
├── zh-CN
│      ├── bootmgfw.efi.mui
│      ├── bootmgr.efi.mui
│      └── memtest.efi.mui
└── zh-TW
    ├── bootmgfw.efi.mui
    ├── bootmgr.efi.mui
    └── memtest.efi.mui

And hence my questionquestions:

  1. Where is EFI partition data for Windows 10 located in C drive, if any?
  2. If YES, which ones should I copy and where to?
  3. If NO, are there any other ways to fix this issue which does not require downloading a windowsWindows iso file.
    (I, I have very limited bandwidth and downloading a ~5GB file is not feasible in current situation).
  4. I want to expand the primary partition of Windows from ~130GB to ~230GB.

Update: From gronostaj's and user1686's answer it is clear to me that just copying the files into <ESP>/EFI/Microsoft won't do the trick and I have to update boot config store. In the article that gronostaj provided bcdedit command is used and in the answer you mentioned bootrec. I have found several similar articles online using diferent commands like, bcdedit, bootrec & bcdboot. Which one is relevant for my current system, i.e. EFI system in GPT disks?

I had dual boot with Ubuntu 19.10 and Windows 10. the drive was partitioned as:

While installing Pop OS in place of Ubuntu, Pop recommended EFI partition of ~500MB so I Deleted dev/sda3 (partition mounted as root) and tried to extend EFI partition. GParted extended the partition but failed to extend the filesystem (I don't know what that means, but this is what the error message was, also I don't have exact error message to paste here). So dev/sda2 was now 500MB with ~50MB of FAT32 filesystem in it. I then went on to install Pop OS in newly created ext4 filesystem on dev/sda3, leaving 100GB unallocated space after dev/sda3 and before windows reserved system partition on dev/sda4 (~20MB). I wanted to expand primary partition of Windows from ~130GB to ~230GB.

After the installation of Pop OS Partitions look like this (current):

I was under the impression that Pop OS installer would detect the UEFI Files for Windows installation and would place the UEFI files in EFI/Microsoft folder In correct place, But it did not! And now I am stuck with non-bootable windows installation. The EFI partition only contains Pop OS UEFI files.

I came across a tutorial which shows that copying the 'Microsoft' folder from windows EFI partition to Pop OS EFI Partition would allow the Pop OS bootloader Systemd-boot to show Windows as a boot option (that is exactly what I want to achieve). But there is no EFI partition for windows, earlier there was EFI partition for grub where said files were located, but now Pop OS installer overwrote them and I do not have a backup of old EFI Partition.

I know from this question that contents of /boot/EFI/Microsoft look like this:
(Notice contents inside Microsoft folder)

akshatfs@apollo:/media/akshatfs/C82CBFC42CBFAC36/Windows/Boot/EFI$ tree -L 3
├── bg-BG
│    ├── bootmgfw.efi.mui
│    └── bootmgr.efi.mui
├── bootmgfw.efi
├── bootmgr.efi
├── boot.stl
├── cs-CZ
│    ├── bootmgfw.efi.mui
│    ├── bootmgr.efi.mui
│    └── memtest.efi.mui
├── da-DK
│    ├── bootmgfw.efi.mui
│    ├── bootmgr.efi.mui
│    └── memtest.efi.mui
├── de-DE
│    ├── bootmgfw.efi.mui
│    ├── bootmgr.efi.mui
│    └── memtest.efi.mui
├── el-GR
│    ├── bootmgfw.efi.mui
│    ├── bootmgr.efi.mui
│    └── memtest.efi.mui
├── en-GB
│    ├── bootmgfw.efi.mui
│    └── bootmgr.efi.mui
├── en-US
│    ├── bootmgfw.efi.mui
│    ├── bootmgr.efi.mui
│    └── memtest.efi.mui
├── es-ES
│    ├── bootmgfw.efi.mui
│    ├── bootmgr.efi.mui
│    └── memtest.efi.mui
├── es-MX
│    ├── bootmgfw.efi.mui
│    └── bootmgr.efi.mui
├── et-EE
│    ├── bootmgfw.efi.mui
│    └── bootmgr.efi.mui
├── fi-FI
│    ├── bootmgfw.efi.mui
│    ├── bootmgr.efi.mui
│    └── memtest.efi.mui
├── fr-CA
│    ├── bootmgfw.efi.mui
│    └── bootmgr.efi.mui
├── fr-FR
│    ├── bootmgfw.efi.mui
│    ├── bootmgr.efi.mui
│    └── memtest.efi.mui
├── hr-HR
│    ├── bootmgfw.efi.mui
│    └── bootmgr.efi.mui
├── hu-HU
│    ├── bootmgfw.efi.mui
│    ├── bootmgr.efi.mui
│    └── memtest.efi.mui
├── it-IT
│    ├── bootmgfw.efi.mui
│    ├── bootmgr.efi.mui
│    └── memtest.efi.mui
├── ja-JP
│    ├── bootmgfw.efi.mui
│    ├── bootmgr.efi.mui
│    └── memtest.efi.mui
├── ko-KR
│    ├── bootmgfw.efi.mui
│    ├── bootmgr.efi.mui
│    └── memtest.efi.mui
├── lt-LT
│    ├── bootmgfw.efi.mui
│    └── bootmgr.efi.mui
├── lv-LV
│    ├── bootmgfw.efi.mui
│    └── bootmgr.efi.mui
├── memtest.efi
├── nb-NO
│    ├── bootmgfw.efi.mui
│    ├── bootmgr.efi.mui
│    └── memtest.efi.mui
├── nl-NL
│    ├── bootmgfw.efi.mui
│    ├── bootmgr.efi.mui
│    └── memtest.efi.mui
├── pl-PL
│    ├── bootmgfw.efi.mui
│    ├── bootmgr.efi.mui
│    └── memtest.efi.mui
├── pt-BR
│    ├── bootmgfw.efi.mui
│    ├── bootmgr.efi.mui
│    └── memtest.efi.mui
├── pt-PT
│    ├── bootmgfw.efi.mui
│    ├── bootmgr.efi.mui
│    └── memtest.efi.mui
├── qps-ploc
│    └── memtest.efi.mui
├── ro-RO
│    ├── bootmgfw.efi.mui
│    └── bootmgr.efi.mui
├── ru-RU
│    ├── bootmgfw.efi.mui
│    ├── bootmgr.efi.mui
│    └── memtest.efi.mui
├── sk-SK
│    ├── bootmgfw.efi.mui
│    └── bootmgr.efi.mui
├── sl-SI
│    ├── bootmgfw.efi.mui
│    └── bootmgr.efi.mui
├── sr-Latn-RS
│    ├── bootmgfw.efi.mui
│    └── bootmgr.efi.mui
├── sv-SE
│    ├── bootmgfw.efi.mui
│    ├── bootmgr.efi.mui
│    └── memtest.efi.mui
├── tr-TR
│    ├── bootmgfw.efi.mui
│    ├── bootmgr.efi.mui
│    └── memtest.efi.mui
├── uk-UA
│    ├── bootmgfw.efi.mui
│    └── bootmgr.efi.mui
├── winsipolicy.p7b
├── zh-CN
│    ├── bootmgfw.efi.mui
│    ├── bootmgr.efi.mui
│    └── memtest.efi.mui
└── zh-TW
    ├── bootmgfw.efi.mui
    ├── bootmgr.efi.mui
    └── memtest.efi.mui

And hence my question:

  1. Where is EFI partition data for Windows 10 located in C drive, if any?
  2. If YES, which ones should I copy and where to?
  3. If NO, are there any other ways to fix this issue which does not require downloading a windows iso file.
    (I have very limited bandwidth and downloading a ~5GB file is not feasible in current situation)

Update: From gronostaj's and user1686's answer it is clear to me that just copying the files into <ESP>/EFI/Microsoft won't do the trick and I have to update boot config store. In the article that gronostaj provided bcdedit command is used and in the answer you mentioned bootrec. I have found several similar articles online using diferent commands like, bcdedit, bootrec & bcdboot. Which one is relevant for my current system, i.e. EFI system in GPT disks?

I dual boot with Ubuntu 19.10 and Windows 10. The drive was partitioned as:

While installing Pop OS in place of Ubuntu, Pop recommended an EFI partition of ~500MB so I Deleted dev/sda3 (partition mounted as root) and tried to extend the EFI partition. GParted extended the partition but "failed to extend the filesystem". So dev/sda2 was now 500MB with ~50MB of FAT32 filesystem in it. I then went on to install Pop OS in a newly created ext4 filesystem on dev/sda3 leaving 100GB of unallocated space after dev/sda3 and before Windows reserved system partition on dev/sda4. I want to expand the primary partition of Windows from ~130GB to ~230GB.

After the installation of Pop OS the partitions look like this:

I was under the impression that Pop OS installer would detect the UEFI Files for Windows installation and would place the UEFI files in the EFI/Microsoft folder in the correct place But it did not! And now I am stuck with non-bootable Windows installation. The EFI partition only contains Pop OS UEFI files.

I came across a tutorial which shows that copying the Microsoft folder from Windows EFI partition to Pop OS EFI Partition would allow the Pop OS bootloader Systemd-boot to show Windows as a boot option but there is no EFI partition for Windows. Earlier there was an EFI partition for grub where said files were located but Pop OS installer overwrote them and I do not have a backup of the old EFI Partition.

I know from this question that the contents of /boot/EFI/Microsoft look like this:
(Notice contents inside Microsoft folder)

akshatfs@apollo:/media/akshatfs/C82CBFC42CBFAC36/Windows/Boot/EFI$ tree -L 3
├── bg-BG
│   ├── bootmgfw.efi.mui
│   └── bootmgr.efi.mui
├── bootmgfw.efi
├── bootmgr.efi
├── boot.stl
├── cs-CZ
│   ├── bootmgfw.efi.mui
│   ├── bootmgr.efi.mui
│   └── memtest.efi.mui
├── da-DK
│   ├── bootmgfw.efi.mui
│   ├── bootmgr.efi.mui
│   └── memtest.efi.mui
├── de-DE
│   ├── bootmgfw.efi.mui
│   ├── bootmgr.efi.mui
│   └── memtest.efi.mui
├── el-GR
│   ├── bootmgfw.efi.mui
│   ├── bootmgr.efi.mui
│   └── memtest.efi.mui
├── en-GB
│   ├── bootmgfw.efi.mui
│   └── bootmgr.efi.mui
├── en-US
│   ├── bootmgfw.efi.mui
│   ├── bootmgr.efi.mui
│   └── memtest.efi.mui
├── es-ES
│   ├── bootmgfw.efi.mui
│   ├── bootmgr.efi.mui
│   └── memtest.efi.mui
├── es-MX
│   ├── bootmgfw.efi.mui
│   └── bootmgr.efi.mui
├── et-EE
│   ├── bootmgfw.efi.mui
│   └── bootmgr.efi.mui
├── fi-FI
│   ├── bootmgfw.efi.mui
│   ├── bootmgr.efi.mui
│   └── memtest.efi.mui
├── fr-CA
│   ├── bootmgfw.efi.mui
│   └── bootmgr.efi.mui
├── fr-FR
│   ├── bootmgfw.efi.mui
│   ├── bootmgr.efi.mui
│   └── memtest.efi.mui
├── hr-HR
│   ├── bootmgfw.efi.mui
│   └── bootmgr.efi.mui
├── hu-HU
│   ├── bootmgfw.efi.mui
│   ├── bootmgr.efi.mui
│   └── memtest.efi.mui
├── it-IT
│   ├── bootmgfw.efi.mui
│   ├── bootmgr.efi.mui
│   └── memtest.efi.mui
├── ja-JP
│   ├── bootmgfw.efi.mui
│   ├── bootmgr.efi.mui
│   └── memtest.efi.mui
├── ko-KR
│   ├── bootmgfw.efi.mui
│   ├── bootmgr.efi.mui
│   └── memtest.efi.mui
├── lt-LT
│   ├── bootmgfw.efi.mui
│   └── bootmgr.efi.mui
├── lv-LV
│   ├── bootmgfw.efi.mui
│   └── bootmgr.efi.mui
├── memtest.efi
├── nb-NO
│   ├── bootmgfw.efi.mui
│   ├── bootmgr.efi.mui
│   └── memtest.efi.mui
├── nl-NL
│   ├── bootmgfw.efi.mui
│   ├── bootmgr.efi.mui
│   └── memtest.efi.mui
├── pl-PL
│   ├── bootmgfw.efi.mui
│   ├── bootmgr.efi.mui
│   └── memtest.efi.mui
├── pt-BR
│   ├── bootmgfw.efi.mui
│   ├── bootmgr.efi.mui
│   └── memtest.efi.mui
├── pt-PT
│   ├── bootmgfw.efi.mui
│   ├── bootmgr.efi.mui
│   └── memtest.efi.mui
├── qps-ploc
│   └── memtest.efi.mui
├── ro-RO
│   ├── bootmgfw.efi.mui
│   └── bootmgr.efi.mui
├── ru-RU
│   ├── bootmgfw.efi.mui
│   ├── bootmgr.efi.mui
│   └── memtest.efi.mui
├── sk-SK
│   ├── bootmgfw.efi.mui
│   └── bootmgr.efi.mui
├── sl-SI
│   ├── bootmgfw.efi.mui
│   └── bootmgr.efi.mui
├── sr-Latn-RS
│   ├── bootmgfw.efi.mui
│   └── bootmgr.efi.mui
├── sv-SE
│   ├── bootmgfw.efi.mui
│   ├── bootmgr.efi.mui
│   └── memtest.efi.mui
├── tr-TR
│   ├── bootmgfw.efi.mui
│   ├── bootmgr.efi.mui
│   └── memtest.efi.mui
├── uk-UA
│   ├── bootmgfw.efi.mui
│   └── bootmgr.efi.mui
├── winsipolicy.p7b
├── zh-CN
│   ├── bootmgfw.efi.mui
│   ├── bootmgr.efi.mui
│   └── memtest.efi.mui
└── zh-TW
    ├── bootmgfw.efi.mui
    ├── bootmgr.efi.mui
    └── memtest.efi.mui

And hence my questions:

  1. Where is EFI partition data for Windows 10 located in C drive, if any?
  2. If YES, which ones should I copy and where to?
  3. If NO, are there any other ways to fix this issue which does not require downloading a Windows iso file, I have limited bandwidth and downloading a ~5GB file is not feasible.
  4. I want to expand the primary partition of Windows from ~130GB to ~230GB.
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Update: From gronostaj's and user1686's answer it is clear to me that just copying the files into <ESP>/EFI/Microsoft won't do the trick and I have to update boot config store. In the article that gronostaj provided bcdedit command is used and in the answer you mentioned bootrec. I have found several similar articles online using diferent commands like, bcdedit, bootrec & bcdboot. Which one is relevant for my current system, i.e. EFI system in GPT disks?

Update: From gronostaj's and user1686's answer it is clear to me that just copying the files into <ESP>/EFI/Microsoft won't do the trick and I have to update boot config store. In the article that gronostaj provided bcdedit command is used and in the answer you mentioned bootrec. I have found several similar articles online using diferent commands like, bcdedit, bootrec & bcdboot. Which one is relevant for my current system, i.e. EFI system in GPT disks?

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