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A weirdWeird lines appeared in my .docx documents, when I open them in Word 2013:

enter image description here

I know what those are and how to get rid of them.

Here I am asking, how did I get them in the first place? Because I am million percent sure that I haven't visited configuration windows or section neither in my Word 2010 nor Word 2013 for ageages.

So, how it is possible that I see them now and haven't seen them yesterday or the day before yesterday? Is there some magic keyboard shortcut that I accidentally pressed that enabled them?

A weird lines appeared in my .docx documents, when I open them in Word 2013:

enter image description here

I know what those are and how to get rid of them.

Here I am asking, how did I get them in the first place? Because I am million percent sure that I haven't visited configuration windows or section neither in my Word 2010 nor Word 2013 for age.

So, how it is possible that I see them now and haven't seen them yesterday or the day before yesterday? Is there some magic keyboard shortcut that I accidentally pressed that enabled them?

Weird lines appeared in my .docx documents, when I open them in Word 2013:

enter image description here

I know what those are and how to get rid of them.

Here I am asking, how did I get them in the first place? Because I am million percent sure that I haven't visited configuration windows or section neither in my Word 2010 nor Word 2013 for ages.

So, how it is possible that I see them now and haven't seen them yesterday or the day before yesterday? Is there some magic keyboard shortcut that I accidentally pressed that enabled them?

deleted 468 characters in body; edited tags; edited title
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How to get rid of header and footer Keyboard shortcut for enabling margins' gridlines in Word 2013?

I am editingA weird lines appeared in my Word .docx documents in Word 2010 and 2013. For past few days document view (print view) in boths editors was the same. Today, when I opened up my documentopen them in Word 2013 I saw some kind of gridlines or half-squares in footer and header:

enter image description here

What is this, how did I managed to turn this on and how to get rid of these. I know what those are and how to get rid of them.

Those line-like page corners' or margins' markers are not printed out. They only visible in editor itself. But they're a bit annoying for me. And I'd like to learnHere I am asking, how candid I turn then on and offget them in the first place? Because I am prettymillion percent sure that they weren't there yesterday. So, it must be me, but I don't know howhaven't visited configuration windows or section neither in my Word 2010 nor Word 2013 for age.

I tried to find something in "View" paneSo, but there's nothinghow it is possible that could be responsible (gridlines are turned off):

enter image description here

I triedsee them now and haven't seen them yesterday or the Print > Page Setup > Document Grid > Drawing Grid..., but alignment guides are turned off as well:

enter image description here

Where else shouldday before yesterday? Is there some magic keyboard shortcut that I look for to turn off displaying of these half-squaresaccidentally pressed that enabled them?

How to get rid of header and footer gridlines in Word 2013

I am editing my Word .docx documents in Word 2010 and 2013. For past few days document view (print view) in boths editors was the same. Today, when I opened up my document in Word 2013 I saw some kind of gridlines or half-squares in footer and header:

enter image description here

What is this, how did I managed to turn this on and how to get rid of these.

Those line-like page corners' or margins' markers are not printed out. They only visible in editor itself. But they're a bit annoying for me. And I'd like to learn how can I turn then on and off? I am pretty sure that they weren't there yesterday. So, it must be me, but I don't know how.

I tried to find something in "View" pane, but there's nothing that could be responsible (gridlines are turned off):

enter image description here

I tried the Print > Page Setup > Document Grid > Drawing Grid..., but alignment guides are turned off as well:

enter image description here

Where else should I look for to turn off displaying of these half-squares?

Keyboard shortcut for enabling margins' gridlines in Word 2013?

A weird lines appeared in my .docx documents, when I open them in Word 2013:

enter image description here

I know what those are and how to get rid of them.

Here I am asking, how did I get them in the first place? Because I am million percent sure that I haven't visited configuration windows or section neither in my Word 2010 nor Word 2013 for age.

So, how it is possible that I see them now and haven't seen them yesterday or the day before yesterday? Is there some magic keyboard shortcut that I accidentally pressed that enabled them?

Post Closed as "Duplicate" by DavidPostill
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How to get rid of header and footer gridlines in Word 2013

I am editing my Word .docx documents in Word 2010 and 2013. For past few days document view (print view) in boths editors was the same. Today, when I opened up my document in Word 2013 I saw some kind of gridlines or half-squares in footer and header:

enter image description here

What is this, how did I managed to turn this on and how to get rid of these.

Those line-like page corners' or margins' markers are not printed out. They only visible in editor itself. But they're a bit annoying for me. And I'd like to learn how can I turn then on and off? I am pretty sure that they weren't there yesterday. So, it must be me, but I don't know how.

I tried to find something in "View" pane, but there's nothing that could be responsible (gridlines are turned off):

enter image description here

I tried the Print > Page Setup > Document Grid > Drawing Grid..., but alignment guides are turned off as well:

enter image description here

Where else should I look for to turn off displaying of these half-squares?